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DEADLINES May 1 Chair should notify departmental members who wish to be considered for promotion, who are being recommended for promotion by their chair or those in their sixth year of probationary tenure-track status to begin preparing their files. August 22-23 Chair and dean conduct elections of college, departmental and university promotion/tenure committees. August 30 Candidates for promotion and/or tenure forward completed files to department chair. September 3 Department chair forwards promotion and tenure files to chair of departmental promotion and/or tenure committee. September 9 Chair of departmental promotion and/or tenure committee forwards files and recommendations to the department chair. September 13 Department chair forwards promotion and/or tenure files and recommendations to dean of college. September 17 Dean of college forwards files to chair of the college promotion and/or tenure committee. October 1 Chair of the college promotion and/or tenure committee forwards files and recommendations to the dean of the college. October 22 Dean of college forwards promotion and/or tenure files and recommendations to the provost. November 25 Provost forwards appealed promotion files and recommendations to university appeals committee, if necessary. Additional promotion and tenure files and recommendations are forwarded to the president. December 2 University appeals committee forwards appealed promotion files and recommendations to the president. Fall 2013 #$(+,-.Dl n P Y [ a b K M U V X Y Z " , - ᢚ{phhh`hh=CJaJhCJaJh h(CJaJh(CJaJh@:YCJaJh hr 5>*CJ\aJh7ACJaJh hr CJaJhU#hU#\hK5CJ(\aJ(h5CJ(\aJ(h(5CJ(\aJ(h=5CJ(\aJ(h hr 5\h hr 5CJ(\aJ( h hr %$.Dg h O P Z [ g,$ /h8 xHX (#%8`]^8``a$gdU#($ /h8 xHX (#%]^a$gdU# ,p@ P !$$ HP !$a$gdK$ HP !$a$ [ L M ! 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