
Why register for summer?

  • Enroll in smaller class sizes that offer more personalized instruction and support.
  • Complete prerequisites or core classes to keep your degree plan on schedule.
  • Alleviate the workload of the spring and fall semesters.
  • Register before July 8 and you’ll automatically be entered into a drawing to win:
    • 3 Fall Parking Permits
    • A pair of AirPods, 3rd generation
    • Bonus Swag Bags

How do I register?

Can't find what you're looking for?

Share your summer course suggestions with us.

Course Suggestion Form


Undergraduates: Connect with the Center for Student Success 361-593-3290.
Graduate students: Contact your graduate program coordinator.

For a list of program coordinators, visit /enrollment-management/admission/graduate/program-coordinators.html.