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II: TOPIC - 3SOCI 6301 EDBL 6391Sociology of the Mexican-American OR Advanced Problems Bilingual Ed I: TOPIC -3EDBL 6310Literature of the Mexican-American3 EDBL 6371Research in Bilingual Education3EDBL 6372Research Design in Bilingual Education3EDBL 6373Techniques of Research, Publication and Grant Development3EDBL 6398Dissertation in Progress3EDBL 6399Dissertation3 EDBL 6391Advanced Problems in Bilingual Education I3EDBL 6393Advanced Problems in Bilingual Education II3 _____________________________ _________ ___________________________ _________ Program Coordinator Date Student Signature  K  C F G | } ~    ɺ㑅xxmxmxmxm_h:htS:5OJPJQJh:h\OJQJh:h\OJPJQJh:h\5OJQJh:h\5OJPJQJhb WCJOJQJaJhb WhLi,hb WCJaJhb Whb WCJOJQJaJh:h(+OJPJQJh:hb WOJPJQJh:hb W5OJPJQJh:h(+5OJPJQJ! 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