ࡱ> ^\_` (bjbj ;\ p<2r$$UWWWWWW$hp!{!!!{! U!U >+"90"M""X8Hj&888{{ 888!!!! d Texas A&M University-Kingsville Check List for Faculty Searches SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1 Approved New Search _______________ Approved Replacement for _______________ 1. _____ Chair completes and submits Faculty Position Request form to the dean, who submits it to the provost for consideration --  HYPERLINK "http://www.tamuk.edu/academicaffairs/forms/" http://www.tamuk.edu/academicaffairs/forms/ 2. _____ If the position is approved by the provost, the dean, in consultation with the department chair, appoints a search committee and committee chair. Committee chair arranges for representative from Human Resources (HR) to attend the first search committee meeting to explain the hiring process, guidelines of the search, and confidentiality. Searches for System Center faculty must include faculty representation from SC-SA. 3. _____ Committee develops advertisement as per specific criteria. Include statement about required documents letter of application, resume, three original letters of recommendation, transcripts, etc. (Required documents may vary somewhat.) Include required statement regarding transcripts Prior to issuing a letter of appointment, official transcripts must be received directly from each degree-granting institution by the Office of the Provost, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, MSC 102, Kingsville, Texas 78363-8202. However, for review of application, applicants may submit unofficial transcripts from each institution of higher education attended directly to the search committee chair. If transcripts are from an international institution, it is the responsibility of the prospective faculty member to have the transcripts translated and evaluated by an approved credential evaluator (AACRAO) -  HYPERLINK "http://www.aacrao.org/international/foreignEdCred.cfm" http://www.aacrao.org/international/foreignEdCred.cfm 4. _____ Committee chair completes the Affirmative Action Activity Report - Part A (printed on pink paper) --  HYPERLINK "http://www.tamuk.edu/hr/employment/" http://www.tamuk.edu/hr/employment/; attach the advertisement. Route through department chair, dean and provost. If approved, Provosts Office will send copy of approval to the committee chair and dean, and will send the original to HR. E-mail advertisement to  HYPERLINK "mailto:C-Cavazos1@tamuk.edu" C-Cavazos1@tamuk.edu. Upon approval by provost, HR will distribute the ad to the Texas Employment Commission, Historically Black Institutions, and Hispanic Serving Institutions. 5. _____ Committee receives letters of application and documents from candidates. Committee chair obtains EEO data form and Application for Employment form  HYPERLINK "http://www.tamuk.edu/hr/employment/" http://www.tamuk.edu/hr/employment/ from HR and mails them to all candidates. -2- 6. _____ Committee reviews applications, conducts screening, and develops short list of candidates. Finalists must have 18 graduate hours for every field in which they will teach. 7. _____ Committee determines protocol for reference checks, establishes suggested questions, assigns reference checks to committee members, and determines time line. Committee selects top 2-3 finalists. Committee chair submits finalists files to HR office for pool approval. 8. _____ After HR approval and consultation with dean, committee chair issues invitations to candidates to interview and, if necessary, requests approval through dean to provost for use of the faculty recruitment account for finalist interviews. Requests should include estimates of costs lodging, transportation, meals, etc. Committee chair makes travel arrangements for finalists. Use State approved travel agencies; do not allow candidate to purchase tickets; use university credit card or BTA. 9. _____ Committee establishes interview schedule (dates of visit, meetings with committee, dean, faculty, etc.), establishes suggested questions, and prepares evaluation sheets for feedback from those participating in the interview process (strengths, weaknesses, additional comments) - See sample interview evaluation form --  HYPERLINK "http://www.tamuk.edu/academicaffairs/forms/" http://www.tamuk.edu/academicaffairs/forms/ . During the interview process, finalists are asked by the department chair to complete Part I of the Credential Evaluation Summary --  HYPERLINK "http://www.tamuk.edu/academicaffairs/forms/" http://www.tamuk.edu/academicaffairs/forms/ 10. _____ Committee chair distributes evaluation sheets to those participating in the interview process with set date for return to chair of search committee and then collects evaluation sheets by set date. Committee considers all input, deliberates as necessary, and then votes on each finalist. Chair submits results to the dean. For System Center positions, the chair also submit results to the System Center executive director/dean. Strengths and weaknesses should be identified, and finalists will be rated as acceptable or unacceptable. Finalists will not be ranked. 11. _____ Dean reviews committees recommendations, personally makes reference checks, conducts an Internet search, and confirms that finalists meet all SACS requirements before making a recommendation to provost. Dean, and if appropriate System Center executive director/dean, informs search committee chair of his/her/their recommendation. Chair reminds finalist that transcripts are required to be received in the Provosts Office directly from each degree-granting institution prior to the issuing of a letter of appointment. -3- 12. _____ Committee chair completes Affirmative Action Activity Report - Part B (printed on blue paper) --  HYPERLINK "http://www.tamuk.edu/hr/employment/" http://www.tamuk.edu/hr/employment/ and submits it to department chair, dean and provost. If approved, Provosts Office will send copy of approval to the committee chair and dean, and will send the original to HR. Dean and provost will agree on any prior service credit that is requested, salary (if different from what has been previously approved), and any other special conditions prior to issuing a letter of appointment. Dean negotiates specifics of appointment with finalist. Non-resident candidates are responsible for obtaining and maintaining their H1B status. The University will not sponsor any employee but may approve visa status for up to three years upon recommendation by the hiring department. All questions should be addressed to the Human Resources Office. 13. _____ Dean submits to Provosts Office the finalists Application for Employment, resume and three original letters of recommendation. Dean verifies that all official transcripts have been received by the Provosts Office. Dean prepares and submits draft letter of appointment to provost for approval. 14. _____ Dean submits final letter of appointment to provost, along with completed A. Check-List for Faculty Searches  HYPERLINK "http://www.tamuk.edu/academicaffairs/forms/" http://www.tamuk.edu/academicaffairs/forms/ B. Credential Evaluation Summary --  HYPERLINK "http://www.tamuk.edu/academicaffairs/forms/" http://www.tamuk.edu/academicaffairs/forms/ and, if necessary, C. Justification for Faculty Qualifications --  HYPERLINK "http://www.tamuk.edu/academicaffairs/forms/" http://www.tamuk.edu/academicaffairs/forms/ . When approved, Provosts Office sends original letter and one copy to the finalist. Finalist signs and returns letter of appointment to the Provosts Office. Dean or committee chair notifies all applicants about the results of the search. 15. _____ Provosts Office distributes copies of signed letter of appointment to department chair, dean and HR. Search is closed, and committee chair forwards all applicant files to AA/EEO office. ________________________________________ _____________________ Search Committee Chair Date ________________________________________ _____________________ Department Chair Date ________________________________________ _____________________ Dean Date ________________________________________ _____________________ System Center Executive Director/Dean (if appropriate) Date Provost-Revised February 23, 2006  +/?@TUVX   % ( * + 7 b d e ºwodoQ$jh}^h[O B*Uphh[O h[O B*phh[O B*phjh[O B*UphhOB*phhB*phhB*phhsVB*phh%B*phhB*ph h%aJhB*phh3*h#6h ivh hCJ(hhaJjhhUaJ hCJ( hCJ( h.wVCJ( VWX ztttbYb d1$gd%C `1$^``gd%C$1$a$qkd$$Ifx4$$   04 xaxf4p $ 0$1$Ifa$gd (e f    ! * + / 0 2 ͽ͵ͭͥ~~uoiou`h[haJ hMaJ hsVaJh[haJhsVB*phh U?B*phh[h U?B*aJphhMB*aJphhMB*phh%B*phhB*phhB*phh3*B*phhB*phh[O hB*aJphh[O B*phh}^h[O 0Jjh[O B*Uph!2 3 = > J K t y G I J L R t v   > ? 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