ࡱ> tvuq` |bjbjqPqP ;t::|<# <#>#>#>#>#>#>#$$'###.<#<# ttHH#0#S'^S'S',b#b##  SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1 FACULTY POSITION REQUEST (Rev 10/04) Date: College:Department: Title of Position:Is this a request to fill an existing or anticipated vacant position in the budget?Yes _____ Pin #_______No _____If yes, give name/rank of faculty member who was in the position and date it became vacant: Name: Rank: Date of vacancy:Is this vacancy due to a retirement? If no, what is the reason for the vacancy?Rank needed for replacement: Explain:Tenure Track? Yes ___ No ___ By what date does the position need to be filled?9-month salary needed for the position: Budgeted Amount:Is this a request for a new faculty (FTE) position?Yes _____No _____If yes, is it the result of the approval of a new degree program? Yes _____ No _____ Explain:Is it the result of growth in the number of majors in the program? Yes _____ No _____ Explain:Other reasons for requesting a new faculty FTE: Rank needed for the position: Explain:Tenure Track? ____ Yes ____ NoBy what date does the position need to be filled?What (9-month) salary amount will be needed for the position?For either a replacement faculty member or a new faculty position, what will be the work load of the faculty member? ______ % teaching (normally 12 hours = 1.0 FTE or 100%) ______ % research (indicate funding source: _____________________________________) What will be the initial source(s) of funding for the position? ______ % Department E&G ______ % Grant funding (grant and account # ______________________________________) ______ % Other (source and account #____________________________________________)  Name of degree program(s) the position will support: Number of students majoring in and graduating from each degree program for each of the last 5 academic years: Degree Program(s) No. Majors No. Graduates 1999-002000-012001-022002-032003-04If this faculty position will provide a service function, identify the service course(s) by course prefix, number and title: Total number of SCHs generated by service courses in this major over the last 5 years: Degree Program(s) SCHs Generated by Service Courses1999-002000-012001-022002-032003-04Over the last two years (4 long semesters), how many sections in this major have been low-enrolled or killed because of low-enrollment? # Sections offered low-enrolled: _____ # Sections killed because of low enrollment: _____How much reassigned time (total in FTEs) in the department (other than department chair) is NOT supported from external sources? (i.e. Reassigned time is paid from Department E&G funds, indirect cost funds, or other university sources.) ___________ Total FTEs in unfunded reassigned time (except for department chair)Reasons for awarding unfunded reassigned time (excluding department chairs):  Given the total amount of unfunded reassigned time in the department, how is the department meeting (or planning to meet) student needs/demands for classes? Further justification for this position request: (Use the space below to provide a brief explanation and supporting information. Link the request to the mission of the university, college and department. If accreditation is given as a justification, cite the requirement from the accreditation standards. Document need for the position by using supporting data, such as enrollment figures, class sizes, etc. and outcomes on performance measures.)  Submitted by: ______________________________________________ ________________________ Department Chair Date Submitted by: ______________________________________________ ________________________ Dean Date Action:Request to fill a budgeted vacant position is granted. Specific conditions: Request for a new FTE is granted. Specific conditions: Request to fill this position is not granted at this time. Reason: If the FTE is currently a budgeted position, the FTE will be: Transferred to ___________________________ (department/program/college) Effective date ______________ (NOTE: If transferred to another college, 10% of the budgeted salary for the position will go to the deans operating account.)Deleted from the budget. (NOTE: If deleted from the budget, 10% of the budgeted salary for the position will go to the deans operating account.)Held for review at a later point in time. Provosts Signature: __________________________________________ ________________________ Date 68:;CFHPR]^_`asuv # $ k l    ! "   ] ^ D   |h56CJh5>*CJ h 5CJ hx(5CJ h5CJ hCJhjhUN=>GHQR^`aSkd$$Ife4\&.$b04 eaef4 P/$1$If1$ H1$ |atuvyo /$1$If P$1$Ifokd$$Ife40$04 eaef4 P/$1$IfJ |rh /$1$If P$1$Ifkd$$Ife4F&.$&b0    4 eaef4 # 9\kd $$Ife4$$04 eaef4 P/$1$If\kdz$$Ife4$$04 eaef4# $ A J j k /$1$If P$1$If\kd$$Ife4$$04 eaef4k l &\kd$$Ife4$$04 eaef4 P/$1$Ifokd*$$Ife40&$&j04 eaef4   ! okdn$$Ife40&$&j04 eaef4 P/$1$If! 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