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U.S. Department of Education awards $5 Million to 91AV;M-Kingsville for Hispanic and low-income STEM majors

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A grant from the U.S. Department of Education will help support 91AV students who major in STEM subjects.


The project “Hispanic Education Advising Remediation Teaching – H.E.A.R.T.” was awarded $5 Million to provide student services, training for faculty in High Impact Practices aimed at supporting Hispanic and low-income students in 12 STEM majors where retention rates fell below the pre-COVID Fall 2019 average of about 79 percent.


Dr. Shannon Baker, project investigator and Associate Vice President for Student Success, and Dr. Rolando R. Garza, co-project investigator and Director of Distance Learning and Instructional Technology, applied for the grant this summer.


“We were thrilled to receive the news that we had been awarded this grant because of the good that it can accomplish for students and faculty alike,” Baker said. “Students participating in the grant will have access to success and career coaching as well as study skill sessions and peer support group activities. Faculty members will have the opportunities to learn new teaching strategies and incorporate new technology into their teaching and laboratory spaces.”


Baker and Garza credit Dr. Agnes Flores, Title V Project Director, who was instrumental in guiding them through the application process, as it was the first time they applied for a grant of this nature.


“All services will focus on helping students identify their strengths and building their growth mindset,” Baker said. “This grant will help improve retention, persistence, and graduation rates, meeting the new strategic plan's goals and contributing to the growth of the Hispanic middle class in South Texas.”

Category: General Univ

Photo of Monica Alfaro

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