

Physical Plant

Guidelines and Procedures

Periodically questions arise concerning service charges from physical plant often the result of requested repairs or alterations made to departmental offices or classrooms. In an attempt to clarify these issues, the following definitions and procedures are provided so that department heads can distinguish between those services, which are provided, free of charge and those items or services for which the department will be charged. The definitions are those used by the Coordinating Board in their determination of formula funding for physical plant.


Definition. Salaries, wages, supplies, travel, equipment and other operating expenses to provide Physical Plant general services, and to carry out the duties of Physical Plant administration and planning. Examples of the activities included are:

a. Acquisition and repair of general classroom and laboratory furniture. Does not include office furniture.
b. Safety, including fire, occupational, radiation, health and sanitation safety
c. Garbage and trash disposal.
d. Hauling, moving, and storing.
e. Truck and automobile expense in general service of the institution.
f. Administration of the organizational units of Physical Plant.
g. Preparation of architectural and engineering plans and specifications for expansion, renovation and rehabilitation of Physical Plant facilities, excluding fees for new construction.


A. Vehicles: Physical Plant has a fleet of sedans, station wagons, and vans, which are available to the University faculty and staff for official use. A vehicle reservation form must be submitted to the Physical Plant office, (campus box 142,) 7 days in advance of the date of intended use. Rental rates and availability of vehicles can be obtained by calling x4373.

B. Hauling and moving: Physical Plant will move or haul heavy items within a University building, or from one building to another, without charge. The item must be University function. The requestor can call Physical Plant x3312, and a maintenance work order will be issued to the appropriate supervisor. Requests should be submitted 3 days in advance. All work in auxiliary enterprises will be charged to the requesting departments.


Definition Costs including salaries, wages, supplies, materials, equipment, services, and other expenses, necessary to keep each building in good appearance and usable condition and prevent the building from deteriorating once it has been placed in first class condition for that type and age of building. Does not include auxiliary buildings (i.e. Dorms, Athletic Complex, SUB). Building Maintenance includes minor repairs and alterations, costs of materials, personnel hiring, and other expenses necessary for the repair and/or painting of the following: roofs, exterior walls, foundations, flooring, ceiling, partitions, doors, windows, plaster, structural ironworks, screens, window shades, Venetian blinds, plumbing, heating and air conditioning equipment within or a part of the building, electric wiring, light fixtures, (including the replacement of lamps), washing of all outside window surfaces, built-in shelving, and other related items.


a. Minor repairs to existing items, which are fixed to the building, will be provided at no charge to the requesting department. The requestor can call the Physical Plant office, x3312, and a maintenance work order will be issued to the appropriate shop within Physical Plant.

b. Routine repairs and/or painting of classroom and laboratory furniture will be provided without charge to the department.

c. Repair or refinishing office furniture is not covered in the formula definition and will be charged to the requesting Department.

d. Maintenance work required for auxiliary enterprise facilities will be charged to the requesting Department.


Definition Costs including salaries, wages, supplies, materials, equipment, services, and other expenses necessary to keep the buildings in a clean and sanitary condition. Does not include auxiliary enterprise buildings (i.e. Dorms, Athletic complex, SUB). These services include care of the floors, stairways, landings, and restrooms; cleaning chalkboards, inside of windows, walls, and room furniture and fixtures; assigned dusting, removal of waste paper and refuse and other related duties.
Common operations include: Mopping, sweeping, waxing, renovating of floors (sanding and refinishing of floors are excluded); dusting, polishing of furniture and fixtures such as Venetian blinds, partitions, pictures, maps, radiators, etc.; cleaning of chalkboards, chalk trays, erasers, and replacement of chalk; washing and dusting of walls, cleaning and disinfecting commodes and urinals, cleaning and washing other fixtures, walls and partitions and replenishing supplies for restrooms; the emptying and cleaning of waste receptacles, and dusting and cleaning of windows, and other glass surfaces; sweeping and cleaning of entrances, and opening and/or closing buildings, doors, and windows.


a. Custodial service and materials to keep educational and general facilities in a clean and sanitary condition will be provided without charge to the department. Special cleaning requests may be scheduled by calling the Physical Plant office, x3312. A maintenance work order will be issued to the appropriate custodial supervisor.

b. All custodial work and material required in the auxiliary enterprise building will be charged to the requesting Department.

c. Custodial service required as a result of special functions (unrelated to our educational mission) such as fundraisers, receptions, wedding, etc., will be charged to the appropriate department. Special custodial services must be requested through the use of an Interdepartmental Work Request form and should be submitted at least 14 days in advance. A cost estimate will be provided to the requestor. Catering and settings for special functions should be arranged through Marriott.


Definition. Costs including salaries, wages, supplies, materials, equipment, services, and other expenses relating to the upkeep of all lands designated as campus proper (improved and unimproved) not occupied by actual buildings, including any court, patio, and/or inner garden or court enclosed by buildings. Grounds Maintenance begins after the site improvements are complete. Phases of Grounds Maintenance are:

A. Land Improvements

(1) Permanent
Lawns, trees, shrubs, etc.
(2) Seasonal
Flowers, bulbs, etc.

B. Circulation Systems

(1) Vehicular
Streets and roads- improved and unimproved; parking areas- improved and unimproved; traffic control- signal lights, signs, and barriers
(2) Pedestrian
Walks and paths- improved and unimproved

C. Other Activities

(1) Irrigation systems
(2) Nonstructural improvements- Walls, fences, fountains, campus furniture, others.
(3) Ancillary enterprises- Nursery, greenhouse (areas for special academic study).


All costs of purchase, manufacture and delivery of utility services, including: electricity, steam heat, water (hot, cold or chilled), storm sewers, sanitary sewers, compressed air, gas, energy management systems, institutionally owned telephone systems (does not include switchboard operators and commercial telephone service), preventative maintenance, and repairs and minor alterations to production and distribution facilities. Does not include costs of utilities for auxiliary enterprises.


This item includes major repairs, rehabilitation, and renovation of existing buildings and facilities (including repairs and alterations to production and distribution facilities for utilities where such facilities do not primarily serve auxiliary enterprises) including salaries, wages, and costs of materials for such items, but it does not include routine, ordinary, annual or periodic maintenance.


Remodeling or renovations that result in changes to existing conditions within a building are not covered in the formula definitions and will be charged to the requesting Department. The requestor should submit a “Request for Proposed Construction Project” (Form UE-1) form, clearly describing the remodeling or renovations to be performed. The UE-1 should be sent to the Director of Campus Planning, campus box 111. The UE-1 will be processed as follows:

Proposed work that will result in changes to existing conditions or parking will be forwarded to Director of Campus Planning for review and approval (See flowchart). If not approved UE-1 goes back to the initiating department why not approved. If approved, the form is sent to the Physical Plant for cost estimates.

Director of Physical Plant will initiate a work order and assign the UE-1 and work order to the appropriate shop.

The shop supervisor will prepare a cost estimate and record the estimate start date on the work order.

The work order and UE-1 will be taken to the requestor for review of cost estimate and to approve/disapprove the work request. If requestor has a question on the cost estimate or start date, he or she should call the Director or the Assistant Director of Physical Plant, x3312.

When a source of funding has been established the requestor or the appropriate account manager must sign the Work Order form and it will be returned to Physical Plant.

The work will be performed as scheduled. When applicable, cost of materials will be incurred before or during the remodeling. Labor cost will be charged after all work is completed.

Physical Plant Guidelines and Procedures