
Academic Affairs

Division Staff

About Dr. Maria E. Velez- Hernandez

Dean of Undergraduate Studies

Dr. Maria E. Velez-Hernandez, the Dean of Undergraduate Studies, brings 12 years of academic and administrative experience in research, program restructuring, grant writing, curriculum development, and student success initiatives. She has managed over $6.5 million in federal research, education, and institutional grants. As Interim Associate Vice President for Student Success, she oversaw academic advising, the Pathways Academic Assistance Center, the Writing Center, the first-year seminar, the summer bridge program, and the Academic Collegiate Enhancement Program. Her team implemented a new advising structure, improved readmission processes, and enhanced tutoring facilities.

 As Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Velez managed undergraduate degree audits, scholarships, student grievances, research initiatives, and submission procedures for sponsored programs. She is a tenured associate professor in the Department of Biological and Health Sciences, has led seven study abroad programs, mentored students, and served in the Faculty Senate. Dr. Velez is a graduate of the Texas Academic Leadership Academy and an honorary member of the Golden Key.

 In her current role as Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Dr. Velez is the chief administrative officer for planning and assessing quality undergraduate programs. She collaborates with Academic Affairs on the core curriculum, and oversees General Studies and Applied Arts and Sciences degrees, study abroad programs, student exchanges, the Honors Program, and components of the undergraduate catalog. She works with the Associate Vice President for Academic Success, transfer teams, academic deans, and faculty to support undergraduate initiatives and is leading the development of the University’s Quality Enhancement Plan.


About Dr. Maria E. Velez- Hernandez