
Center for Academic Technology

Digital Learning

Digital Learning

Banner graphic for digital learning

Digital Learning at the Center for Academic Technology is an hallmark for the department. Through the years we have focused our efforts to provide a high level of quality to the campus. The learning management system, Blackboard Learn is at the heart of it. However, surrounding it are many different platforms and services available to enhance the experiences of your students both in and outside of the classroom. Please explore some of these services we have available. Not only can you find physical offerings like a recording media studio and the glass lightboard studio. We have software integrations such as Panopto, Respondus, Turnitin, and more than can help you create engaging experiences. All which can delivered in various methods than can ensure your content is delivered in a safe, fair, and consistent manner. 

Distance Learning Procedures:

DL Procedure Academic Online Course Delivery, July 2024