
Citrus Center

Citrus in the News

Journals and Book Chapters

[2024] [2023] [2022] [2021]  [2020]  [2019]  [2018]  [2017]  [2016]  [2015]  [2014]  [2013]  [2012]  [2011]  [2010]  [2009] 

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2024   ^Back to Top^

Refereed publications:

Alabi. O. J., K. Stevens, J. O. Oladokun, C. Villegas, M. S. Hwang, M. Al-Rwahnih, T. Tian, I. Hernandez, A. Ouro-Djobo, M. Sétamou & J. L. Jifon. 2024. Discovery and characterization of two highly divergent variants of a novel potyvirus species infecting Madagascar periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus L.).  Plant Disease 108:2494-2502. 

De Leon, V. S., J. Chen, G. McCollum, J.-W. Park, E. S. Louzada, M. Sétamou & M. Kunta. 2024. Diversity of “ Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” strains in Texas revealed by prophage sequence analyses. Plant Disease 108: 1455-1460.

Lombardo, Y. Zhang, J. Xu, P. Trivedi, P. Zhang, N. Riera, L. Li, Y. Wang, X. Liu, G. Fan, J. Tang, H. D. Coletta-Filho, J. Cubero, X. Deng, V. Ancona, Z. Lu, B. Zhong, M. C. Roper, N. Capote, V. Catara, G. Pietersen, A, M. al-Sadi, X. Xu, J, Wang, H. Yang, T. Jin, G. Cirvilleri, & N. Wang. 2024. Global citrus microbiota unravels assembly cues and core members. Frontiers in Microbiology DOI:

McCartney, M. M., M. O. Eze, E. Borras, M. Edenfield, O. Batuman, D. C. Manker, J. V. da Graça, S. E. Ebeler & C. E. Davis. 2024. A metabolomics assay to diagnose citrus greening disease (HLB) and to aid assessment of treatments to prevent or cure infection. Phytopathology 114: 84-92. 

Ninsin, K. D., P. G. C. Souza, G. C. Amaro, O. F. Aidoo, E. J. D. B. Barry, R. S. da Silva, J. Osei-Owusu, A. K. Dufuor, F. K. Ablormeti, W. K. Heve, G. Edusei, L. K. Agboyi, P. Beseh, H. A. Boafo, C. Borgemeister & M. Sétamou. 2024. Risk of spread of the Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae) in Ghana. Bulletin of Entomological Research :

Park, J.-W., W.E. Braswell and M. Kunta. 2024. Co-Occurrence Analysis of Citrus Root Bacterial Microbiota under Citrus Greening Disease. Plants 13, 80.

Roy, A., A. Ouro-Djobo, S. Grinstead, J. Hammond, M. Sétamou & O. J. Alabi. 2024. First report of nectarine virus M in grapefruit (Citrus x paradisi Macfad.) in Texas, USA. Plant Disease 108.  

 Singh K; M Huff; J Liu; J.-W. Park; T. Rickman; M. Keremane; R.R. Krueger; M. Kunta; M. L Roose; C. Dardick; M. Staton; C. Ramadugu. 2024. Chromosome-scale, de novo, phased genome assemblies of three Australian limes, Citrus australasica, C. inodora, and C. glauca, towards finding insights into disease resistance to citrus huanglongbing. Plants 13:1460. .

Souza, P. G. C., O. F. Aidoo, F. H. V. Araújo, R. S. da Silva, P. A. Santana Junior, P. K. B. Farnezi, M. C. Picanço, M. Sétamou, S. Ekesi & C. Borgemeister. 2024. Modelling the potential distribution of the Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae) using CLIMEX. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 44. doi:

Wang, H., S. Irigoyen, J. Liu, M. Ramasamy, C. Padilla, R. Bedre, C. Yang, S. P. Thapa, N. Mulgaonkar, V. Ancona, P. He, G. Coaker, S. Fernando, & K. K. Mandadi. 2024. Inhibition of a conserved bacterial dual-specificity phosphatase confers plant tolerance to Candidatus Liberibacter spp., IScience, doi: .


2023   ^Back to Top^

Refereed publications:

Aidoo,O., F. K. Ablormeti, K. D. Ninsin, A. K. Antwi‑Agyakwa, J. Osei‑Owusu, W. K. Heve, A. K. Dofuor, Y. L. Soto, G. Edusei, A. F. Osabutey, F. L. Sossah, C. O. Aryee, O. J. Alabi, M. Sétamou. 2023. First report on the presence of huanglongbing vectors ( Diaphorina citri and Trioza erytreae) in Ghana. Scientific Reports 13: Article No. 11366.

Aidoo, O. F., P. G. C. Souza, R. S. Silva, P. A. S.  Júnior, M. C. Picanço, W. K. Heve, R. Q. Duker, F. K. Ablormeti, M. Sétamou & C. Borgemeister. 2023. Modeling climate change impacts on potential global distribution of Tamarixia radiata Waterston (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Science of the Total Environment 864: Article no. 160962.  

Ali-Arous, S., K. Djelouah, A. Houari, O. J. Alabi, M. Sétamou & S. M. Sanzani. 2023. First report of Neodidymelliopsis ranunculi causing foliar black spot on citrus leaves in orchards of Algeria. Crop Protection 174. doi:  

Calderon, M., C. Yang & V Ancona. 2023. Assessing fungal plant pathogen presence in irrigation water from the Rio Grande River in South Texas, USA.  Agriculture 13(7): 1401.

Choi, J., S. Basu, A. Thompson, K. Otto, E.V. Sineva, M. Kunta, G. Gupta, P. Trivedi. 2023. A host-derived chimeric peptide protects citrus against Huanglongbing without threatening the native microbial community of the phyllosphere. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment 2023;1–11.

Chuang, A., L. L. Stelinski, L. Pérez Cordero, C. A. Antolinez, M. J. Rivera, M. Sétamou & L.M. Diepenbrock. 2023. Glycerin-based dispensers of fir oil reduce response of Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri, to citrus odors.  Journal of Applied Entomology 147: 953-965.   

Danda, T., J.-W. Park, K. L. Timmons, M. Sétamou, E. S. Louzada, and M. Kunta. 2023. A field deployable real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification targeting five Copy nrdB gene for the detection of ‘ Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ in citrus. Plant Pathology. J. 39(4) : 309-318.

Makam, S., M. Sétamou, O. J. Alabi, W. Day, D. Cromey & C. Nwugo. 2023. Mitigation of huanglongbing: Implications of a biologically enhanced nutritional program on yield, pathogen localization and host gene expression profiles.  Plant Disease 107: 3996-4009.   

Patt, J. M., J. George, L. Markle, A. T. Moreno, M. Sétamou, M. Rivera & L. Stelinski. 2023. Field evaluation of attract-and-kill devices for control of Asian citrus psyllid) Hemiptera: Liviidae) in urban landscapes. Florida Entomologist 106: 248-256. 

Reyes-Cabrera, J., C. B. Adams, J. Nielsen, J. E. Erickson. 2023. Yield, nitrogen, and water-use efficiency of grain sorghum with diverse crown root angle. Field Crops Research 294 (2023) 108878

Sétamou, M., Y. L. Soto , M. Tachin & O. J. Alabi. 2023. Report of the first detection of Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae) in the Republic of Benin, West Africa. Scientific Reports 13: article no. 801.  

Simpson, C. R., M. Setamou & S. D. Nelson. 2023. Evaluation of citrus grove floor management strategies for water use efficiency and conservation. Scientia Horticulturae 309: Article no. 111680


Book Chapters

Kunta, N., and M. Kunta. 2023. Fungi Impacting Human Health. Pages 597-610. In: Singh, I., Rajpal, V.R., Navi, S.S. (eds) Fungal Resources for Sustainable Economy. Springer, Singapore.


2022   ^Back to Top^

Refereed publications:

Aidoo, O. F., C. Tanga, A.G.A. Azray, S. A. Mohamed, B. A. Rasowo,  M. Sétamou, S, Ekesi & C. Borgemeister. 2022. Temperature-based phenology model of African citrus triozid ( Trioza erytreae Del Guercio): Vector of citrus greening disease.  Journal of Applied Entomology 146: 88-97.

Aidoo, O. F., P. G. C. Souza, R. S. da Silva, P. A. Santana Jr., M. Coutinho Picanço, R. Kyerematen,  M. Sétamou, S, Ekesi & C. Borgemeister. 2022. Climate-induced range shifts of invasive species ( Diaphorina citri Kuwayama). Pest Management Science 78:  

Ajene, I. J., F.M. Khamis, B. van Asch, G. Pietersen, N. Seid, A.W. Wairimu, F.L. Ombura, K.S. Akutse, M. Sétamou, S. Subramanian, S. Mohammed, S. Ekesi. 2022. Genetic diversity of Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera:Liviidae) unravels phylogeographic structure and invasion history of eastern African populations. Ecology and Evolution, 12, e9090.

Basu, S., E.  Sineva, L. Nguyen, N. Sikdar, J. W. Park, M. Sinev, M. Kunta & G. Gupta.  2022. Host-derived chimeric peptides clear the causative bacteria and augment host innate immunity during infection: A case study of HLB in citrus and fire blight in apple. Front. Plant Sci. 13:929478.

Chow A ., and M. Sétamou. 2022. Compatibility of a beta-cyfluthrin-based ‘attract-and-kill’ device with Tamarixia radiata (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) for suppression of Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae), on residential citrus.   Journal of Economic Entomology 115: 201-211. 

Chow, A. & M. Sétamou. 2022. Parasitism of Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae) by Tamarixia radiata (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) on residential citrus in Texas: Importance of colony size and instar composition. Biological Control 165, February 2022, 104796. .

da Graça, J. V., G. Cook, I. J. Ajene, T. G. Grout, G. Pietersen, R. Roberts, R. Bester, M. C.  Pretorius & H. J. Maree. 2022,  A review of the  'Candidatus Liberibacter africanus citrus pathosystem in Africa.  Phytopathology 112: 44-54.

da Graça, J. V. & M. Kunta. 2022. A review of citrus diseases and pathogens in Texas. Subtropical Agriculture and Environments 73: 17-28. 

de Francesco, A., A. H. Lovelace, D. Shaw, M. Qiu, Y. Wang, F. Gu rung, V. Ancona, C. Wang, A. Levy, T. Jiang & W. Ma. 2022. Transcriptome profiling of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus.’ In citrus and psyllids. Phytopathology 112: 116-130.  

Fadli, A., H. Benyahia, S. Hussain, R. I. Khan, M. J. Rao, T. Ahmed, V. Ancona & M.S. Khaled. 2022. Phytophthora-citrus interactions and management strategies: a review. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 46: 730-742. DOI:  

Ibáñez, F., J. Su, Y. Wang, M. J. Rivera, M. Sétamou & L. L. Stelinski. 2022. Salicylic acid mediated immune response of Citrus sinensis to varying frequencies of herbivory and pathogen inoculation. BMC Plant Biology 22(1) doi:

Louzada, E., O. Vazquez, S. Chavez, M. Sétamou & M. Kunta. 2022. Optimization of vqPCR for reliable detection of viable Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus in citrus. HortScience 57: 692-697. .

Mays, D. T., E. G. Medrano, M. Sétamou & G. Schuster. 2022 . Bacillus thuringiensis derived insecticidal protein Vip3Aa20 as a potential aflatoxin mitigation tool in maize ( Zea mays). Research Journal of Plant Pathology 5(2):05 

Mora, V., M. Ramasamy, M. B. Damaj, S. Irigoyen, V. Ancona, C. A. Avila, M. I. Vales, F. Ibañez & K. K. Mandadi. 2022. Identification and characterization of potato zebra chip resistance among wild Solanum species. Frontiers in Microbiology 13: article no. 857493.   

Obasa, K., O. Alabi & M. Sétamou. 2022. Wheat curl mite; A new source of eriophyoid mite in wheat fields identified. PhytoFrontiers 2:342-346.    

Park, J.-W., J. V. da Gra ç a, M. Gonzalez,  E. S. Louzada, O. J. Alabi &  M. Kunta. 2022. First report of citrus virus A in Texas associated with oak leaf patterns in Citrus sinensis. Plant Disease 106:  2005.  doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-03-21-0628-PDN 

Sétamou, M., A. T. Moreno & J. M. Patt. 2022.  Source or Sink? The role of residential host plants in Asian citrus psyllid infestation of commercial citrus groves. Journal of Economic Entomology, 115: 438-445,   

Yang, C ., C. Powell, Y. Duan, X. Lin, G, Fan, H. Hu & M. Zhang. 2022. Key role of heat shock protein expression induced by ampicillin in citrus defense against Huanglongbing: A transcriptomics study. Agronomy 12(6): 1356. doi:  

Yang, C. & V. Ancona. 2022. An overview of the mechanisms against “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” : Virulence, targets, citrus defenses and microbiome. Frontiers in Microbiology :

Yang, C. & V. Ancona . 2022. Validation of propidium monoazide-qPCR for assessing treatment effectiveness against ‘ Candidatus  Liberibacter asiaticus’ in citrus. Agronomy 12(11): 2783.    

Zapata, S., F. Peguero, M. Sétamou and O. J. Alabi. 2022. Economic implications of citrus greening disease management strategies.  Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 47:300-323. 


Non-Refereed publications:

da Graça, J. & T. Grout. 2022. Remembering Dr. Richard Hensz, father of the Star Ruby grapefruit. SA Fruit Journal 21(4): 46 

Louzada, E. S. & J. Thomson. 2022. Producing transgenic Carrizo plants free of molecular markers. Citrograph 11(3): 54-57.    


2021   ^Back to Top^

Refereed publications:

Aidoo, O. F., C. M. Tanga, S. A. Mohamed, F. M. Khamis, S. Opisa, B. Rasowo, J. W. Kimemia, J. Ambajo,  M. Sétamou, S. Ekesi & C. Borgemeister. 2021. The African citrus triozid  Trioza erytreae Del Guercio (Hemiptera: Triozidae): temporal dynamics and susceptibility to entomopathogenic fungi in East Africa.  International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 41: 563-573.

Laughlin, D. A., J. Solorzano, J. Enciso & V. Ancona. 2021. Identification of flooding risk factors in Texas citrus production with UAV imagery: A case study. Subtropical Agriculture and Environments  72: 29-36.

Louzada, E. S. & C. Ramadugu. 2021. Grapefruit: History, use and breeding. HortTechnology 31: 243-258.

Mora, V., M. Ramasamy, M. B. Damaj, S. Irigoyen, V. Ancona, F. Ibañez, C. A. Avila and K. K, Mandadi. 2021. Potato zebra chip: An overview of the disease, control strategies, and prospects. Frontiers in Microbiology 12: 2064, doi 10.3389/fmicb.2021.700663

Pan, C., H. Lu, C. Yang , L. Wang, J. Chen and C. Yan. 2021. Comparison transcriptome analysis reveals different functions of Kandelia obovata superoxide dismutases in regulation of cadmium translocation. Science of the Total Environment 771: doi:10.1016/j.scototenv.2020.144922. 

Park, J.-W., J. V. da Graça, M. Sétamou & M. Kunta. 2021. Diversity of Citrus tristeza virus strains in the Upper Gulf Coast of Texas. Plant Disease 105: 592-598.

Perez, E., M. Kunta, V. Ancona, J. V. da Graça, C. Ayin, G. Santilla & V. Mavrodieva. 2021. The return of Asiatic citrus canker to Texas: Surveys and eradication efforts.  Plant Health Progress 22: 143-148. 

Rasowo, B. A., R. S. Copeland, F. M. Khamis, O. F. Aidoo, I. J. Ajene, S. A. Mohamed, M. Sétamou, S. Ekesi & C. Borgemeister. 2021. Diversity and phylogenetic analysis of endosymbionts from Trioza erytreae (Del Guercio) and its parasitoids in Kenya . Journal of Applied Entomology 145: 104-116.

Yang, C. & V. Ancona. 2021. Metagenomic analysis reveals reduced beneficial microorganism associations in roots of foot rot affected citrus trees. Phytobiomes Journal 5: 305-315.


Book Chapters

Kunta, M., J.-W. Park, W. E. Braswell, J. V. da Graca & P. Edwards. 2021. Modern tools for detection and diagnosis of plant pathogens. Pages 63-96. In: Plant Pathology: Emerging Trends and Opportunities (K. P. Singh, S. Jahagirdar & B. K. Sarma, eds.). Springer Nature Int. Publishing:


2020  ^Back to Top^

Refereed publications:

Abd El-Mageed, T. A., M. M. Rady, R. S. Taha, S. Abd El Azeam, C. R. Simpson & W. M. Semida. 2020. Effects of integrated use of residual sulfur-enhanced biochar with effective microorganisms on soil properties, plant growth and short-term productivity of Capsicum annuum under salt stress.   Scientia Horticulturae 261: Article  108930

Aidoo, O. F., C. M. Tanga, S. A. Mohamed, F. M. Khamis, S. B. S. Baleba, B. Rasowo, J. Ambajo, M. Sétamou, S. Ekesi & C. Borgemeister. 2020. Detection and monitoring of “ Candidatus” Liberibacter spp. vectors: African citrus triozid Trioza erytreae Del Guercio (Hemiptera: Triozidae) and Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae) in citrus groves in East Africa. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 22: 401-409.  

Ajene, I. J., F. M. Khamis, B. van Asch, G. Pietersen, B. A. Rasowo, F. L. Ombura, A. W. Wairimu, K. S. Akutse, M. Sétamou, S. Mohamed & S. Ekesi. 2020. Microbiome diversity in Diaphorina citri populations from Kenya and Tanzania show links to China. PLos ONE 15 (6): e0235348.

Braswell, W. E., J.-W. Park, P. A. Stansly, B. C. Kostyk, E. S. Louzada, J. V. da Graca & M. Kunta. 2020. Root samples provide early and improved detection of  Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus in  Citrus. Scientific Reports 10, Article number 16982.  

Chaudhary, S., D. A. Laughlin, M. Sétamou, J. V. da Graça, M. Kunta, O. J. Alabi, K. M. Crosby, K. L. Ong & V. Ancona. 2020. Incidence, severity and characterization of Phytophthora foot rot of citrus in Texas and implications for disease management. Plant Disease 104: 2455-2461.

da Graça, J. V., M. E. Van Ness, & M. Kunta. 2020. The Texas certified virus-free citrus budwood program after 20 years. Subtropical Agriculture & Environments 71: 23-28.

Demiral, M. A., J. C. Melgar, B. Contreras, A. Kusakabe, M. Uygen & S. K. Kaya. 2020. Responses of salt-stressed citrus plants to foliar-applied proline. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 9: 66-74.

Franco, J. Y., S. P. Thapa, Z. Pang, F. P. Gurung, T. W. H. Liebrand, D. M. Stevens, V. Ancona, N. Wang & G. Coaker. 2020. Citrus vascular proteomics highlights the role of peroxidases and serine proteases during Huanglongbing disease progression. Submitted to Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 19: 1936-1951.

Garza, B., V. Ancona, J. Enciso, H. L. Perotto-Baldivieso, M. Kunta & C. Simpson. 2020. Quantifying citrus tree health using true color UAV images. Remote Sensing 12 (1), 170 (doi.org/10.3390/rs1201070)

George, J., S. Lapointe, L. T. Markle, J. Patt, S. A. Allen, M. Sétamou, M. J. Rivera, J. A. Qureshi & L. L. Stelinski. 2020. A multi-modal Attract-and-Kill device for the Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae). Insects 11 (12) Article # 870 doi 10.3390/insects11120870 

Gottwald, T., G. Poole, T. McCollum, J. Hartung, J. Bai, W. Luo, D. Posney, Y.-P. Duan, E. Taylor, J. da Graça, M. Polek, F. Louws & W. Schneider. 2020. Canine olfactory detection of a vectored phytobacterial pathogen, Liberibacter asiaticus, and integration with disease control. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117: 3492-3501.

Graham, J., T. Gottwald & M. Sétamou. 2020. Status of Huanglongbing (HLB) in Florida, California and Texas. Tropical Plant Pathology 45: 265-278.

Gurung, F., V. Ancona, M. Campos & V. K. Choppakatla. 2020. Efficacy test of commercial formulations against Phytophthora root rot of citrus. Subtropical Agriculture & Environments 71: 29-35.

Irigoyen, S., M. Ramasamy, S. Pant, P. Niraula, R, Bedre, M. Gurung, D. Rossi, C. Laughlin, Z. Gorman, D. Achor, A. Levy, M. V. Kolomiets, M. Sétamou, I.-E. Badillo-Vargas, C. A. Avila, M. S. Irey, & K. K. Mandadi. 2020. Plant hairy roots enable high throughput identification of antimicrobials against Candidatus Liberibacter spp. Nature Communications 11, Article number 5082. 

Kuhn, J., S. Adkins, D. Alioto, et al., J. V. da Graça et al. 2020. 2020 taxonomic update for Phylum Negarnaviricota (Riboviria: Orthornavirae), including the large orders Bunyavirales and Mononegavirales. Archives of Virology 165: 3023-3072. 

Kunta, M., S. Chavez, Z. Viloria, H. S. del Rio, M. Devanaboina, G. Yanev, J.-W. Park & E. S. Louzada. 2020. Screening potential citrus rootstocks for Phytophthora nicotianae tolerance. HortScience 55: 1038-1044.

Oke, A., A. Oladigbolu, M. Kunta, O. Alabi & M. Sétamou. 2020.  First report of the occurrence of Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Lividae), an invasive species in Nigeria, West Africa. Scientific Reports 10: Article 9418

Park, J.-W., da Graca, J.V., Setamou, M. and Kunta, M. (2020) Diversity of Citrus tristeza virus strains in the upper gulf coast area of Texas. Plant Dis. 105

Piña, K., H. Conway, M. Ciomperlik, J. V. da Graça, M. Sétamou & D. Czokajlo.  2020 Development of the ‘BugEnd’ killing station on Anastrepha ludens (Loew) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Subtropical Agriculture & Environments 71: 67-74. 

Sétamou, M., O. J. Alabi, M. Kunta, J. Dale & J. V. da Graça. 2020. Distribution of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus in citrus and the Asian citrus psyllid in Texas over a decade. Plant Disease 104: 1118-1132.

Simpson, C. R., J. Gonzalez III, J. Enciso, S. D. Nelson & M. Sétamou. 2020. Root distribution and seasonal fluctuations under different grove floor management systems. Scientia Horticulturae 272: Article 109364

Thapa, S., A. De Francesco, J. Trinh, F. Gurung, Z. Pang, G. Vidalakis, N. Wang, V. Ancona, W. Ma & G. Coaker. 2020. Genome-wide analyses of Liberibacter species provides insight into evolution, phylogenetic relationships and virulence factors. Molecular Plant Pathology 21: 716-731.

Yang, C., C. A. Powell, Y. Duan, V. Ancona, J. H. Huang & M. Zhang. 2020. Transcriptomic analysis reveals root metabolic alteration and induction of Huanglongbing resistance by sulfonamide antibiotics in Huanglongbing-affected citrus plants. Plant Pathology 69: 733-743.

Yang, C., H. Hu, Y. Liu, X. Lin, G. Fan, Y. Duan, C. Powell, V. Ancona, & M. Zhang. 2020. Metagenomic analysis evaluations reveals the mechanism for the observed increase in antibacterial activity of penicillin against uncultured bacteria Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus relative to oxytetracycline in plants. Antibiotics 9(12) #874.

Non-Refereed publications:

Mandadi, K., S. Irigoyen, V. Ancona, M. Sétamou, G. Coaker, J. Borneman & M. Irey. 2020. Hairy roots to the rescue. Speeding up discovery of HLB management. Citrograph 11(2): 20-22.

Book Chapters

Sétamou, M. 2020 . Area-wide management of Asian citrus psyllid in Texas. Pages 234-249. In : Asian Citrus Psyllid – Biology, Ecology and Management of the Huanglongbing Vector. (J. A. Qureshi & P. A. Stansly, eds.). Stylus Publishing.

Zhou, C., J. V. da Graça, J. Freitas-Astúa,  G. Vidalakis, N. Duran-Vila & I. Lavagi. 2020.  Citrus viruses and viroids. Pages 391-410. In: The Genus Citrus 2 nd ed. (eds. M. Talon, M. Caruso & F. Gmitter Jr.). Woodhead Publishing


2019  ^Back to Top^

Refereed publications:

Aidoo, O. F., C. M. Tanga, S. A. Mohamed, B. A. Rasowo, F. M. Khamis, I. Rwomushana, J. Kimani, A. K. Agyakwa, S. Daisy, M. Sétamou, S.Ekesi & C. Borgmeister. 2019. Distribution, degree of damage and risk of spread of Trioza erytreae (Hemiptera: Triozidae) in Kenya. Journal of Applied Entomology 143: 822-833

Aidoo, O. F., C. M. Tanga, F. M. Khaimis, B. A. Rasowo, S. A. Mohamed, B. K. Badii, D. Silifu, M. Sétamou, S. Ekesi & C. Borgemeister. 2019. Host suitability and feeding preference of the African citrus triozid, Trioza erytreae Del Guercio (Hemiptera: Triozidae), natural vector of “ Candidatus Liberibacter africanus”. Journal of Applied Entomology 143: 262-270.

Aidoo, O. F., C. M. Tanga, T. M. Paris, S. A. Allan, S. A. Mohamed, F. M. Khaimis, M. Sétamou, C. Borgemeister & S. Ekesi. 2019. Size and shape analysis of Trioza erytreae Del Guercio (Hemiptera: Triozidae), vector of citrus huanglongbing disease. Pest Management Science 75: 760-771

Barickman, T. C., C. R. Simpson & C. E. Sams. 2019. Waterlogging causes early modification in the physiological performance, carotenoids, chlorophylls, proline and soluble sugars of cucumber plants. Plants 8(6): Article #160 doi:10.3390/plants806160 

Chow, A., D. Czokajlo, J. Patt & M. Sétamou. 2019.Development and field validation of a Beta-cyfluthrin based ‘Attract and Kill’ device for suppression of Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae), on residential citrus. Journal of Economic Entomology 112: 2824-2832.

Kunta, M., L. Guzman, A.C. Garcia, H.S. del Rio, J. C. Melgar, &  E. S. Louzada . 2019. Evaluation of physiological parameters in citrus plants transformed with cyclic nucleotide gated ion channel (CNGC) gene. Acta Horticulturae 1230: 107-115.

Lee, J.-H., V. Ancona, T. Chatnaparat & T. Zhao. 2019. The RNA-binding protein CsrA controls virulence in Erwinia amylovera by regulating Rel A, RcsB and F1hD at the post-transcriptional level. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions 10: 1448-1459.

Rasowo, B. A., F. M. Khamis, S. A. Mohamed, I. J. Ajene, O. F. Aidoo, L. Onbura, M. Sétamou, S. Ekesi & C. Borgemeister. 2019. African citrus greening disease in East Africa: incidence, severity, and distribution. Journal of Economic Entomology 112: 2389-2397.

Reyna, S. M., S. Ekesi & M. Sétamou. 2019. Morphometric comparisons of citrus rust mite, Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ashmead) populations in Texas and Kenya. Southwestern Entomology 44: 607-616.

Rodriguez, J., A, Anoruo, J. Jifon & C. Simpson. 2019. Physiological effects of exogenously applied reflectants and anti-transpirants on leaf temperature and fruit sunburn in citrus. Plants 8, 549; doi:10.3390/plants812-59

Semida, W.M., H.R. Hussein, M. Sétamou, C.R. Simpson, T.A. Abd El-Mageed, M.M. Rady, & S.D. Nelson. 2019. Biochar implications for sustainable agriculture and environment: A review. South African Journal of Botany 127:333-347.

Sétamou, M., R. R. Saldaña, J. M. Hearn, J. Dale, T. P. Feria Arroyo & D. Czokajlo. 2019. Screening sticky cards as a simple method for improving efficiency of Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae) monitoring and reducing nontarget organisms. Journal of Economic Entomology 112: 1167-1174

Simpson, C. R., J. C. Melgar, S. D. Nelson & M. Sétamou. 2019. Growth and yield responses under different grove floor management strategies for water conservation in young grapefruit trees. Scientia Horticulturae 256: article # 108567

Villegas, C., R. Ramos Sobrinho, J. L. Jifon, C. von Keith, M. Al Rwahnih, M. Sétamou, J. K. Brown & O. J. Alabi. 2019. First report of Cotton leaf curl Gezira virus and its associated alphasatellite and betasatellite from disease affected okra plants in the United States. Plant Disease 103:3291.

Non-Refereed publications:

Louzada, E. & J. Thomson. 2019. Introducing plant-derived genes into citrus tissue. Citrograph 10(1): 66-68.

Book Chapters

Bandyopadhyay, R., K. Cardwell, A. Ortega-Beltran, F. Schulthess, W. Meikle, M. Sétamou & P. J. Cotty. 2019. Identifying and managing plant health risks for key African crops: Maize. Pages 173-192  In: Critical Issues in Plant Health: 50 years of Research in African Agriculture (eds. P. Neuenschwander & M. Tamò). Burleigh Dodd Science Publishing

Jahagirdar, S., D. N. Kambrekar, S. S. Navi, & M. Kunta. 2019. Plant growth-promoting fungi: Diversity and classification. Pages 25-34 in: Bioactive Molecules in Plant Defense (eds. J. Sudisha & A. Mostafa), Springer Nature, Switzerland

Park, J.-W., J. C. Melgar & M. Kunta. 2019. Plant nutritional deficiency and its impact on crop production. Pages 231-248 in: Bioactive Molecules in Plant Defense (eds. J. Sudisha & A. Mostafa), Springer Nature, Switzerland

Invited Blog Article

Chow A. and M. Sétamou. September 6, 2019.   Fatal attraction: a novel solution to the problem of Asian citrus psyllid on residential citrus.  Entomology Today, website by the Entomological Society of America .


2018  ^Back to Top^

Refereed publications:

Chow, A., C. A. Dunlop, M. A. Jackson, P. B. Avery, J. M. Pratt & M. Sétamou. 2018. Field efficacy of autodissemination and foliar sprays of an entomopathogenic fungus, Isaria fumosorosea (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae), for control of Asian citrus psyllid (Hemiptera: Liviidae), on residential citrus.  Journal of Economic Entomology 111: 2089-2100.

Clark K., J. Y. Franco, S. Schwizer, Z. Pang, E. Hawara, T. W. H.  Liebrand, D. Pagliaccia, L. Zeng, F. B. Gurung, P. Wang, J. Shi, Y. Wang, V. Ancona, A. L. Van der Hoorn, N. Wang, G. Coaker, & W. Ma. 2018. An effector from Huanglongbing-associated pathogen targets citrus proteases. Nat Comm. 9(1):1718.

Da Silva, J.A.G., Costa, PMDA, Marconi, TG, Barreto, EJDS, Solis-Gracia, N., Park, J.-W., Glynn, N.C. (2018) Agronomic and molecular characterization of wild germplasm Saccharum spontaneum for sugarcane and energycane breeding purposes. Scientia Agricola 75:329-338 (DOI: 10.1590/1678-992x-2017-0028)

Fuentes, C., J. Enciso, S. D. Nelson, J. Anciso, M. Sétamou & S. Elsayed-Farag. 2018. Yield production and water productivity under furrow and drip irrigation systems for watermelons in South Texas. Subtropical Agriculture and Environments 69: 1-7.

Kunta, M.,  J.-W. Park, P. Vedasharan,  J. V. da Graça & M. D. Terry. 2018. First report of Colletotrichum queenslandicum on Persian lime causing leaf anthracnose in the USA. Plant Disease 102:677

Lee, J. H., V. Ancona & Y. Zhao. 2018. Lon protease modulates virulence traits in Erwinia amylovora by directly monitoring major regulators and indirectly through the Rcs and Gac-Csr regulatory systems. Molecular Plant Pathology 19: 827-840. doi 10.1111/mpp.12566

Marquez-Pérez, F. J., J. L. Flores-Sánchez, L. Rodríguez Mejia, J. Márquez Gómez, S. J. Michereff, V. Ancona, A. Robles-Bermúdez, & S. Dominguez-Monge. Progress and spatial pattern of huanglongbing in Persian lime in Nayarit, Mexico. Revista Bio Ciencias 5(2): 1-13.

Martini, X., M. Rivera, A. Hoyte, M. Sétamou & L. Stelinski. 2018. Effects of wind, temperature, and barometric pressure on Asian citrus psyllid (Hemiptera: Liviidae) flight behavior. Journal of Economic Entomology 111: 2570-2577.

Miranda, M. P., F. L. dos Santos,  R. B. Bassanezi, L. H. Montesino, J. C. Barbosa, & M. Sétamou. 2018. Monitoring methods for Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae) on citrus groves with different insecticide application programs. Journal of Applied Entomology 142: 89-96.

Park, J.-W., E. S. Louzada, W. E. Braswell, P. A. Stansly, J. V. da Graça, G. McCollum, J. E. Rascoe & M. Kunta. 2018. A new diagnostic real-time PCR method for huanglongbing detection in citrus root tissue. Journal of General Plant Pathology 84: 359-367.

Park, J.-W., M. Kunta, G. McCollum, M. Gonzalez, P. Vedasharan & J. V. da Graca. 2018. Development of a sensitive real-time PCR detection method for Citrus tatter leaf virus. Journal of Plant Pathology 100: 67-73.

Salas, B., H. Conway, M. Kunta, D. Vacek, & C. Vitek. 2018. Pathogenicity of Zygosaccharomyces bailii and other yeast species to Mexican fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) and mass rearing implications. Journal of Economic Entomology 111: 2081-2088.

Sétamou, M., O. J. Alabi, N. Tofangsazi & B. Grafton-Cardwell. 2018.  COPF: citrus orchard perimeter fencing as a strategy for reducing Asian citrus psyllid (Hemiptera: Liviidae) infestation. Journal of Applied Entomology 142: 959-966.

Simpson, C. R., J. G. Franco, S. R. King & A. Volder. 2018. Intercropping halophytes to mitigate salinity stress in watermelon. Sustainability 10(3), 681; doi: 10.3390/su10030681.

Singh, N. K., J. A. Goolsby, D. I. Shapiro-Ilan, R. J. Miller, M. Sétamou & A. A. Perez de Leon. 2018. Effect of immersion tome on efficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes against engorged females of cattle fever tick, Rhipicephalus (= Boophilus) microplus. Southwestern Entomologist 43:  19-28.

Xu, J., Y. Zhang, P. Zhang, P. Trivedi, N. Riera, Y. Wang, X. Liu, G. Fan, J.-L. Tang, H. Coletta-Filho, J. Cubero, X. Deng, V. Ancona, Z. Lu, B. Zhong, M.C. Roper, N. Capote, V. Catara, G. Pietersen, C. Vernière, A. M. Al-Sadi, L. Li, Y. Fan, X. Xu, J. Wang, H. Yang, T. Jin, & N. Wang. The structure and function of the global citrus root-associated microbiome. Nature Communications 9: #4898.

Non-Refereed publications:

McCollum, G., M. Kunta & E. Braswell. 2018. Improving early detection of HLB-affected trees. Citrograph 9(1): 50-54.

Sétamou, M. & O. J. Alabi. 2018. SMART HLB TM – An ecological approach to improve HLB management. Citrograph 9(1): 24-27.


2017   ^Back to Top^

Refereed publications:

Alabi, O.J., Rwahnih, M.A., Jifon, J.L., Setamou, M., Brown, J.K., Gregg, L. and Park, J.-W. (2017) A mixed infection of Lettuce chlorosis virus, Papaya ringspot virus, and Tomato yellow leaf curl virus-IL detected in a Texas papaya orchard affected by a virus-like disease outbreak. Plant Disease 101(7):1094-1102 (DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-01-17-0118-RE)

da Graça, J. V., M. Kunta, J.-W. Park, M. Gonzalez, G. Santillana, V. Mavrodieva, D. W. Bartels, B. Salas, M. N. Duffel & J. Dale. 2017. Occurrence of a citrus canker strain with limited host specificity in south Texas. Plant Health Progress 18: 196-203.

Gao, S.-J., Damaj, M.B., Park, J.-W., Wu, X., Sun, S.-R., Chen, R.-K. and Mirkov, T.E. (2017) A novel Sugarcane bacilliform virus promoter confers gene expression preferentially in the vascular bundle and storage parenchyma of the sugarcane culm. Biotechnol. Biofuels 10:172 (DOI: 10.1186/s13068-017-0850-9)

García, M. L., E. Dal Bó, J. V. da Graça, S. Gago-Zachert, J. Hammond, P. Moreno, T. Natsuaki, V. Pallás, J. A. Navarro, C. A. Reyes, G. Robles Luna, T. Sassaya, I. E. Tzanetakis, A. M. Vaira, M. Verbeek & ICTV Consortium. 2017 ICTV Taxonomy profile: Ophioviridae. Journal of General Virology 98: 1161-1162.

Khamis, F. M., I. Rwomushama, L. O. Ombura, G. Cook, S. A. Mohamed, C. M. Tanga, P. W. Nderitu, C. Borgmeister, M. Sétamou , T. G. Grout & S. Ekesi. 2017. DNA barcode reference library for the African citrus triozid, Trioza erytreae (Hemiptera: Triozidae): vector of African citrus greening. Journal of Economic Entomology 110: 2637-2646.

Kunta, M., Z. Zheng, F. Wu, J. V. da Graça, J.-W. Park, X. Deng & J. Chen. 2017.  A draft whole genome sequence of “ Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” strain TX2351 from Asian citrus psyllids in Texas, USA.   Genome Announcements5: e00170-17 (doi.org/10.1128/genomeA.00170-17)

Lee, J. H., V. Ancona & Y. Zhao. 2017. Lon protease modulates virulence traits in Erwinia amylovora by directly monitoring major regulators and indirectly through the Rcs and Gac-Csr regulatory systems. Molecular Plant Pathology doi 10.1111/mpp.12566

Miranda, M. P., F. L. dos Santos,  R. B. Bassanezi, L. H. Montesino, J. C. Barbosa, & M. Sétamou. 2017. Monitoring methods for Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae) on citrus groves with different insecticide application programs. Journal of Applied Entomology  doi: 10.1111/jen.12412

Nishikawa, F., E. Louzada, J. C. Melgar, M. Kunta & M. Sétamou. 2017. Effects of planting bed and plastic mesh as ground cover on flowering citrus trees. Bulletin of the NARO Institute of Fruit Tree Science 1: 1-8.

Pagliaccia, D., J. Shi, Z. Pang, E. Hawara, K. Clark, S. P. Thapa, A. D. Francesco, J. Liu, T.-T. Tran, S. Bodaghi, S. Y. Folimonova, V. Ancona, A. Mulchandani, G. Coaker, N. Wang, G. Vidalakis & W. Ma. 2017. A pathogen secreting protein as a detection marker for citrus huanglongbing. Frontiers in Microbiology doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2017.02041

Ruppert, D. E., S. D. Nelson & D. Wester. 2017. Residual compost carryover on soil health and biology in a citrus-supporting Ustoll. Subtropical Agriculture and Environments 68: 18-29.

Rwomushana, I., F. M. Khamis, T. G. Grout, S. A. Mohamed, M. Sétamou, C. Borgemeister, H. M. Heya, C. M. Tanga, P. W. Nderitu, Z. S. Seguni, C. L. Materu & S. Ekesi. 2017. Detection of Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae) in Kenya and potential implication for the spread of Huanglongbing disease in East Africa. Biological Invasions 19: 2777-2787.

Sétamou, M., O. J. Alabi, C. R. Simpson & J. Jifon. 2017. Contrasting amino acid profiles among permissive and non-permissive hosts of  Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, putative causal agent of Huanglongbing. PLOS One  doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.o187921

Non-Refereed publications:

Louzada, E. & J. Thomson. 2017. Development of consumer-friendly citrus plants with potential broad spectrum resistance.   Citrograph 8(2): 58-63.


2016   ^Back to Top^

Refereed publications:

Alabi, O. J., M. al Rwahnih, J. K. Brown, A. Idris, L. Gregg, E. Kmieciak, M. Setamou & J. L. Jifon. 2016. First report of papaya ( Carica papaya L.) naturally-infected with the introduced Tomato yellow leaf curl virus-IL. Plant Disease 100:1959.

Ancona, V., J. H. Lee & Y. Zhao, 2016. The RNA-binding protein CsrA plays a central role in positively regulating virulence factors in Erwinia amylovora. Scientific Reports 6: 37195 (doi: 10.1039/srep37195)

Chaudhary, S., A. Kusakabe & J.C Melgar. 2016. Phytophthora infection in flooded citrus trees reduces root hydraulic conductance more than under non-flooded conditions. Scientia Horticulturae 202: 107-110.

Chow, A. , C. A. Dunlop, M. A. Jackson, D. Flores, J. M. Patt & M. Sétamou. 2016. Oviposition behavior and survival of Tamarixia radiata (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), an ectoparasitoid of the Asian Citrus Psyllid, Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae), on hosts exposed to the entomopathogenic fungus, Isaria fumosorosea (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) under laboratory conditions. Journal of Economic Entomology 109: 1973-1978

Contreras-Barragan, B., A. Kusakabe , J. C.Melgar & S. Nelson .  2016. Understanding partial rootzone drying in citrus.  Acta Horticulturae 1135:123-130

da Graça, J. V., G. W. Douhan, S. E. Halbert, M. L. Keremane, R. F. Lee, G. Vidalakis, & H. Zhao. 2016. Huanglongbing: An overview of a complex pathosystem ravaging the world’s citrus. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 58:373-387.

Louzada, E. S., O. Vazquez, W. E. Braswell, G. Yanev, M. Devanaboina, & M. Kunta. 2016. Distribution of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus above and below ground in Texas citrus. Phytopathology 106: 702-709.

Kusakabe, A., B. A. Contreras-Barragan , C. R. Simpson, J. M. Enciso, S. D. Nelson & J. C. Melgar. 2016. Application of partial rootzone drying to improve irrigation water use efficiency in grapefruit trees. Agricultural Water Management 178: 66-75.

Malik, N. S. A., A. Nuñez, L. C. McKeever, M. Kunta, D. Douds, & D. S. Needleman. 2016. Mycorrhizal fungi collected from the rhizospheres around different olive cultivars vary in their ability to improve growth and polyphenol levels in leeks. Journal of Agricultural Science  8: 32-41.

Sétamou, M., C. R. Simpson, O. J. Alabi, S. D. Nelson, S. Telagamsetty, and J. L. Jifon. 2016. Quality matters: Influences of citrus flush physicochemical characteristics on population dynamics of the Asian citrus psyllid (Hemiptera: Liviidae). PLUS One 11(12): e0168997

Sétamou, M., J. V. da Graça & J. L. Sandoval II. 2016. Suitability of native North American Rutaceae to serve as hosts for the Asian citrus psyllid (Hemiptera: Liviidae). Journal of Applied Entomology 140: 645-654.

Setamou, M., O. J. Alabi, M. Kunta, J. L. Jifon & J. V. da Graca. 2016. Enhanced acquisition rates of ‘ Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ by the Asian citrus psyllid (Hemiptera: Liviidae) in the presence of vegetative flush growth in citrus. Journal of Economic Entomology 109: 1995-2005.


2015   ^Back to Top^

Refereed publications:

Ancona, V. , T. Chatnaparat & Y. Zhao. 2015. Conserved aspartate and lysine residues of RcsB are required for amylovoran biosynthesis, virulence, and DNA binding in Erwinia amylovora. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 290: 1265-1276.

Ancona, V., J. H. Lee, T. Chatnaparat, J. Oh & J.-I. Hong. 2015. The bacterial alarm one (p)ppGpp activates the Type III selection system in Erwinia amylovora. Journal of Bacteriology 197: 1433-1432.

da Graça, J. V., M. Kunta, M. Sétamou, J. Rascoe, W. Li, M. K. Nakhla, B. Salas & D. W. Bartels. 2015. Huanglongbing in Texas: Report on the first detections in commercial citrus. Journal of Citrus Pathology 2:iocv_journalcitruspathology_27939

Elsayed-Farag, S. & J. C. Melgar. 2015. Efficiency of tree-based water status indicators at the onset of water deficit in citrus. Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology 56: 305-309

Kunta, M., B. Salas, M. Gonzales & J.V. da Graça. 2015. First report of citrus dry root rot caused by Fusarium solani on sour orange rootstock in Texas. Journal of Citrus Pathology 2(1): iocv_journalcitruspathology_27974.

Malik, N.S.A., J. L. Perez, & M. Kunta. 2015. Inducing flushing in citrus cultivars and changes in polyphenols associated with bud break and flowering. Journal of Horticulture 2 (3): doi 10.4172/2376-0354.10000148

Malik, N.S.A., J. L. Perez, M. Kunta, & M. Olanya. 2015. Changes in polyphenol levels in Satsuma ( Citrus unshiu) leaves in response to Asian citrus psyllid infestation and water stress. The Open Agriculture Journal 9 : 1-5.

Patt, J. M., A. Chow , W. G. Meikle, C. Gracia, M. A. Jackson, D. Flores, M. Sétamou, C. A. Dunlop, P. B. Avery, W. B. Hunter & J. J. Adamczyk. 2015. Efficacy of an autodisseminator of an entomopathogenic fungus, Isaria fumosorosea, to suppress Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri, under greenhouse conditions. Biological Control 88: 37-45.

Satpute, A. , N.S.A.Malik, J.L.Perez, J.V. da Graça & M. Kunta . 2015. Changes in polyphenols in ‘Rio Red’ grapefruit leaves in response to Elsinoë australis infection. Phytoparasitica 43:629-636.

Sétamou, M . & D. W. Bartels. 2015. Living on the edges: spatial niche occupation of Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae), in citrus groves. PLOS One 10(7): e131917

Simpson, C. R. , S. King, S. D. Nelson , J. Jifon, G. Schuster & A. Volder. 2015. Salinity evaluation for watermelon ( Citrullus lanatus) grafted with different rootstocks. Subtropical Agriculture and Environments 66: 1-6.

Simpson, C. R., S. D. Nelson, J. C. Melgar, J. Jifon, G. Schuster & A. Volder. 2015. Effects of salinity on physiological parameters of grafted and ungrafted citrus trees. Scientia Horticulturae 197: 483-489.

Thinakaran, J., E. Pierson , M. Kunta , J. Munyaneza, C. Rush & D. Henne. 2015. Silverleaf nightshade ( Solanum elaeagnifolium) , a reservoir host for Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’, the putative causal agent of Zebra Chip Disease of potato. Plant Disease 99: 910-915

Wang, N., T. Jin, P. Trivedi, C. Setubal, J. Tang, M. A. Machado, E. Triplett, H. D. Colleta-Filho, J. Cubero, X. Deng, X. Wang, C. Zhou, V. Ancona, Z. Lu, M. Dutt, J. Borneman, P. E. Rolshausen, C. Roper, G. Vidalakis, N. Capote, V. Catara, G. Pietersen, A. M. al-Sadi, A. K. Srivastava, J. H. Graham, J. Leveau, S. R. Ghimire, C. Verniere & Y. Zhang. 2015. Announcement of the International Citrus Microbiome (Phytobiome) consortium. Journal of Citrus Pathology 2: iocv_journalcitruspathology_27940.

Yang, X., J. Li, L. Chen, E. S. Louzada, J. He & W. Yu. 2015. Stable mitotic inheritance of rice microchromosomes in cell suspension cultures. Plant Cell Reports 34: 929-941.

Non-Refereed publications:

Chin, E., R. Lobo, J. da Graça, M. Hilf, G. McCollum, C. Levesque, K. Godfrey & C. Slupsky. 2015. Early detection of HLB with metabolomics. Citrograph 6(2): 32-34.

Czokajlo, D., L. Stelinski, K.Godfrey & M. Sétamou . 2015. Novel attractant and trap for more sensitive ACP monitoring and detection. Citrograph 6(2): 64-69.

Louzada, E & J. Thomson. 2015. Development of disease-resistant citrus acceptable to consumers. Citrograph 6(3): 42-26.

Book Chapter:

Ancona, V. & Y. Zhao. 2015. Microbe-associated molecular patterns. Pages 35-52.  In: Virulence Mechanisms of Plant-Pathogenic Bacteria (eds. N. Wang et al.). APS Press, St. Paul MN


2014   ^Back to Top^

Refereed publications:

Alabi, O. J., M. Kunta , J. Dale & M. Sétamou. 2014. Survey and detection of ‘ Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ in a citrus nursery facility in South Texas. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-RS-14-0028

Enciso, J., S. D. Nelson, H. Perea, V. Uddameri, N. Kannan & A. Gregory. 2014. Impact of residue management and subsurface drainage on non-point source pollution in the Arroyo Colorado. Sustainability of Water Quality and Ecology 3-4: 25-32.

Farias, C. A. , M. J. Brewer, D. J. Anderson, G. N. Odvody, W. Xu & M. Sétamou. 2014. Native maize resistance to corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea, and fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, with notes on aflatoxin content. Southwestern Entomologist 39: 411-426.

Foroudi, S., A. S. Potter , A. Stamatios, B. S. Patil & F. Deyhim. 2014. Drinking orange juice increases total antioxidant status and decrease lipid peroxidation in adults. Journal of Medicinal Food 17: 612-617.

Kunta,  M., J.V. da Graça, N. Malik, E. S. Louzada, and M. Sétamou.  2014. Quantitative distribution of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus in the aerial parts of the HLB-infected citrus trees in Texas. HortScience 49: 65-68.

Kunta, M., Z. Viloria, H. S. del Rio , and E. S. Louzada.  2014. Diverse DNA extraction methods and PCR primers for detection of Huanglongbing-associated bacteria from roots of 'Valencia' sweet orange on sour orange rootstock. Scientia Horticulturae 178: 23-30.

Malik, N.S.A., J. L. Perez , M. Kunta , J. M. Patt & R. L. Mangan. 2014. Changes in free amino acids and polyamine levels in Satsuma leaves in response to Asian citrus psyllid infestations and water stress. Insect Science 21: 707-716.

Melgar, J. C. 2014. Issues in citrus fruit production. Stewart Postharvest Review 10: 1-4 (4)

Melgoza, F.J. , A. Kusakabe, S. D. Nelson, and J. C. Melgar.  2014. Exogenous applications of abscisic acid to increase freeze tolerance in citrus trees.   International Journal of Fruit Science 14: 376-387.

Patt, J M., D. Stockton , W. G. Meikle, M. Sétamou, A. Mafra-Neto & J. J. Adamczyk. 2014. Innate and conditioned responses to chemosensory and visual cues in Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera : Liviidae), vector of hunaglongbing pathogens. Insects 5: 921-941.

Romero-Conde, A ., A. Kusakabe , and J. C. Melgar. 2014. Physiological responses of citrus to partial rootzone drying irrigation strategies.   Scientia Horticulturae 169: 234-238.

Ruiz, A., C. C. Parra, J.V. da Graça, B. Salas, N.S.A. Malik & M. Kunta . 2014. Molecular characterization and pathogenicity assays of Colletotrichum acutatum, causal agent for lime anthracnose in Texas. Revista Mexicana de Fitopatologia 32: 52-61.

Sétamou, M., A.Sanchez, R. R. Saldaña, J. M. Patt and K. R. Summy. 2014. Visual responses of adult Asian citrus psyllid (Hemiptera: Liviidae) to colored sticky traps on citrus trees. Journal of Insect Behavior 27: 540-553.

Simpson, C.R., S.D. Nelson, J. C. Melgar J. Jifon, S. R. King, G. Schuster and A. Volder. 2014.   Growth response of grafted and non-grafted citrus trees to saline irrigation.  Scientia Horticulturae 169: 199-205.

Williams, C.F., J.E. Watson, & S.D. Nelson.  2014. Comparison of equilibrium and non-equilibrium distribution coefficients for the human drug carbamazepine in soil. Chemosphere 95: 166-173.

Non-Refereed publications:

Grafton-Cardwell, B.E., J. G. Morse, E. Civerolo, T. Gottwald, M. S. Hoddle, M. Setamou and G. Vidalakis. 2014. Science Advisory Panel meets to discuss HLB/ACP. Citrograph 5(3): 42-48.


2013   ^Back to Top^

Refereed publications:

Ajwa, H.A., D.A. Sullivan, M.T. Holdsworth, R.D. Sullivan, & S.D. Nelson. 2013. Reduction of methyl isothiocyanate atmospheric emissions after application of Metam Sodium by shank injection. Journal of Environmental Quality 42: 1652-1660.

Jaramillo, J., M. Setamou, E. Muchugu, A. Chabi-Olaye, A. Jaramillo, J. Mukabana, J. Maina, S. Gathara and C. Borgemeister. 2013. Climate change or urbanization? Impacts on a traditional coffee production system in East Africa over the last 80 years. PLoS One8(1): e51815. doi: 10. 1371/journal.pone.0051815

Kunta, M., M. Palm, J. Rascoe, P. B. de Sa, L. W. Timmer, J. V. da Graça, R. L. Mangan, N. S. A. Malik, B. Salas, A. Satpute , M. S é tamou, and M. Skaria. 2013. Sweet Orange Scab with a  new scab disease “syndrome” of citrus in the U.S.A. associated with Elsinoë australis. Tropical Plant Pathology 38: 203-212.

Malik, N. S. A., J. L. Perez and M. Kunta . 2013. Changes in free amino acid levels in sour orange leaves in response to clod stress and during recovery from cold stress.  International Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 11: 1086-1089.

Nelson, S.D., H.A. Ajwa, T. Trout, M. Stromberger, S.R. Yates & S. Sharma. 2013. Water and methyl isothiocyanate distribution in soil after drip fumigation.  Journal of Environironmental Quality 42:1555-1564.

Nelson, S. D.,  J. M. Enciso, H. Perea, M. Sétamou, L. Beniken, M. Young & C. F. Williams. 2013. Alternative flood irrigation strategies that improve water conservation in citrus. Subtropical Plant Science 65: 15-23.

Perea, H., J. Enciso, J. Jifon, S. Nelson, and C. Fernandez.  2013. On-farm performance of tensiometer and granular matrix soil moisture sensors in irrigated light, medium, and heavy textured soil.  Subtropical Plant Science 65: 1-7.

Schneider, S. J ., J. V da Graça, M. Skaria, C. R. Little, M. Sétamou & M. Kunta .  2013. A visual rating scale for quantifying severity of greasy spot disease on grapefruit leaves. International Journal of Fruit Science 13: 459-465.

Williams, C. F.,  J. E. Watson, S. D. Nelson, and C. W. Walker.  2013. Sorption/desorption of lincomycin from three arid region soils. Journal of Environmental Quality 42: 1460-1465.

Agricultural Extension Publications:

Nelson, S., M. Young, S. Klose, & J. Enciso.   2013. Narrow-border flood for citrus: Saving water while improving yields and net cash farm income. On-Farm AWEsome FACTS on agricultural water conservation and efficiency, Texas Project for Ag Water Efficiency, TexasAWE.org. Report #OF-02-13.

Young, M., S. Nelson, S. Klose, J. Enciso, & T. McLemore.  2013. Furrow vs. surge irrigation in sugar cane under restricted water availability in the Lower Rio Grande Valley.  Pages 1-4 In : FARM Assistance Focus Series 2013-1. Texas AgriLife Extension Service, Dept of Agricultural Economics, 91AV;M University System.

Non-refereed publication:

Chow, A. , C. Dunlap, D. Flores, M. Jackson, W. Meikle, M. Sétamou and J. M. Patt. 2013. Development of a pathogen dispenser to control Asian citrus psyllid in residential and organic citrus.  Citrograph 4(1): 32-37.

Conference Proceedings:

Nelson, S. D., M. Setamou, D.J.E. Garza, M. Esparza, & J. Raygoza . 2013. Nutritional supplements that fortuitously reduce pest pressure for sustainable citrus production and quality. Pages 29-34 In : Proceedings Souvenir of the 5th  International Symposium on Human Health Effects of Fruits and Vegetables (eds. M. B. Chetty et al.).


2012   ^Back to Top^

Refereed publications:

Malik, N. S. A., J. L. Perez and M. Kunta . 2012. The effect of leaf presence on the rooting of stem cutting of bitter melon and on changes in polyamine levels. Agricultural Sciences 3: 936-940.

Melgar, J. C., Y. Mohamed, N. Serrano Castillo, P.A. García-Galavís, C. Navarro, M.A. Parra, G. Beltrán, M. Benlloch, and R. Fernández-Escobar. 2012.  Response of olive trees to irrigation with saline water. Acta Horticulturae 949: 279-282.

Melgar, J.C., L. G. Albrigo and J. P. Syvertsen. 2012. Winter drought stress can delay flowering and avoid immature fruit loss during late-season mechanical harvesting of ‘Valencia’ orange. Acta Horticulturae 965: 55-60.

Nelson, S., M. Young, R. Hanagriff, and S. Klose. 2012. An evaluation of flood irrigation and compost use in South Texas Rio Red grapefruit: are there economic values? Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge 17 (2): 23-29.

Sétamou, M., A. Sanchez , J. M. Patt, S.D. Nelson, J. Jifon and E. S. Louzada. 2012. Diurnal patterns of flight activity and effects of light on host finding behavior of the Asian citrus psyllid. Journal of Insect Behavior 25: 264-276.

Schuster, G., S. Lukefahr, K. McCuistion & R. Hanagriff. 2012. Measuring the economic potential of utilizing sweet potato production in small animal forage systems: a systems approach. Journal of the American Academy of Business, Cambridge 17: 58-63.

Skaria, M. and J. V. da Graça. 2012. History lessons towards proactive citrus canker efforts in Texas. Subtropical Plant Science 64: 29-33.

Syvertsen, J. P., L. G. Albrigo & J. C. Melgar. 2012. Mechanical harvesting and citrus trees stress in Florida. Acta Horticulturae 928: 281-286.

Non-Refereed publications:

Setamou, M., J. da Graca and R. Prewett. 2012. HLB in Texas: Steps and challenges to curb this threat. Citrograph 3(5): 32-38.

Book Chapter:

Nelson, S., C. Simpson , H. Ajwa and C. F. Williams. 2012. Evaluating surface seals in soil columns to mitigate methyl isothiocyanate volatilization. Pp. 567-580. In: Integrated Management and Pest Control (M.L. Larramendy & S. Soloneski, eds.). Intech Open Publisher, Rijeka, Croatia


2011   ^Back to Top^

Refereed publications:

Alvarez-Fernandez, A., J. C. Melgar, J. Abadia and A. Abadia. 2011. Effects of moderate and severe iron deficiency chlorosis on fruit yield, appearance and composition in pear ( Prunus communis L.) and peach ( Prunus persica (L.) Batsch). Environmental and Experimental Botany 71: 280-286.

de Bona, C. M ., D. C. de Carvalho, D. M. Stelly, J. C. Miller Jr., & E. S. Louzada. 2011. Symmetric and asymmetric somatic hybridization in citrus: a review.   Citrus Research & Technology 32: 139-153.

De León, J. H., M. Sétamou, G. A. Gastaminza, J. Buenahora, S. Cáceres, P. T. Yamamoto, J. P. Bouvet, and G. A. Logarzo. 2011. Two separate introductions of Asian citrus psyllid populations found in the American continents. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 104: 1392-1398.

El-Jendoubi, H., J. C. Melgar, A. Alvarez-Fernandez, M. Sanz, A. Abadia and J. Abadia. 2011. Setting good practices to assess the efficiency of iron fertilizers. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 49: 483-488.

Melgar, J.C., J. Dunlop and J. P. Syvertsen. 2011. Oleocellosis injury of fruitlets from late season mechanical harvesting of 'Valencia" orange trees does not affect internal fruit quality. HortScience 46: 457-459.

Nelson, S.D., L. Rock. , M. Sétamou and J. Lloyd-Reilley. 2011. Flowering native plants able to withstand elevated abiotic salt stress. Acta Horticulturae 898: 103-111.

Nelson, S. D., M. Young, J. M. Enciso, S. L. Klose, and M. Sétamou. 2011. Impact of irrigation method on water savings and Rio red grapefruit pack-out in south Texas. Subtropical Plant Science 63: 14-22.

Patt, J. M., W. G. Meikle, A. Mafra-Neto, M. Setamou, R. Mangan, C. Yang and N. Malik. 2011. Multimodal cues drive host-plant assessment in Asian citrus psyllid ( Diaphorina citri). Environmental Entomology 40: 1484-1502.

Potter, A.S. , S. Foroudi, A. Stamatikos, B. S. Patil and F. Deyhim. 2011. Drinking carrot juice increases total antioxidant status and decreases lipid peroxidation in adults. Nutrition Journal 10: 96 (6 pp).

Simpson, C. R., S. D. Nelson and H. A. Ajwa.2011. Impact of soil texture and organic matter content on MITC volatilization from soil columns. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A 1: 194-198.

Williams, C.F., and S.D. Nelson. 2011. Comparison for rhodamine-WT and bromide as a tracer for elucidating internal wetland flow dynamics. Ecological Engineering 37: 1492-1498.

Non-Refereed publications:

Alvarez-Fernandez, A., J. C. Melgar, A. Larbi, J. Abadia and A. Abadia. 2011. Efectos de la clorosis férrica en la producción, apariencia y composición química de los frutos. Vida Rural 323: 44-48.


2010   ^Back to Top^

Refereed publications:

De León, J. H. and M. Sétamou. 2010. Molecular evidence suggests that populations of the Asian citrus psyllid parasitoid Tamarixia radiata (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) from Texas, Florida and Mexico represent a single species. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 103: 100-120.

Hall, D. G., M. Sétamou and R. F. Mizell III. 2010. A comparison of sticky traps for monitoring Asian citrus psyllid ( Diaphorina citri Kuwayama). Crop Protection 29: 1341-1346.

Kunta, M., H. S. del Rio , M. Skaria, and E. S. Louzada. 2010. Isolation and molecular characterization of a putative ascorbate peroxidase gene from citrus. International Journal of Fruit Science 10: 1-15.

Kunta, M. , H. Miao, T. Shigaki, J. L. Perez and M. Skaria. 2010. Ganoderma infecting citrus in Texas is a unique taxon within the Ganoderma lucidum complex: evidence from the ITS region. Pest Technology 4: 62-64.

Mata, J., M. Sétamou, J. V. French and E. S. Louzada. 2010. Molecular fingerprinting and population dynamics of false spider mites ( Brevipalpus spp.) on Texas citrus. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 103: 898-907.

Melgar, J. C., A. W. Schumann & J. P. Syvertsen. 2010. Fertigation frequency affects growth and water and nitrogen use efficiencies of Swingle citrumelo citrus rootstock seedlings. HortScience 45: 1255-1259.

Lauzière, I. and M. Sétamou. 2010. Life history studies of Homalodisca vitripennis (Hemiptera: Ciccadellidae), a vector of Pierces's disease of grapevine. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 103: 57-65.

Patt, J. and M. Sétamou. 2010. Responses of the Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), to volatiles emitted by the flushing shoots of its rutaceous host plants. Environmental Entomology 39: 618-624.

Patt, J.M. and M. Sétamou. 2010. Recognition of novel volatile cues by the nymphs of the glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca vitripennis (Cicadellidae). Journal of Insect Behavior 23: 290-302.

Reddy, V. P., M. Kunta, S. D. Nelson, J. V. da Graça and M. Skaria . 2010. Gene expression studies in sour orange and C-22 rootstocks challenged with the fungus, Phytophthora nicotianae and the nematode, Tylenchulus semipenetrans. Pest Technology 4: 29-34.

Sétamou, M., D. Rodriguez, R. R. Saldana , G. Schwarzlose, D. Palrang and S. D. Nelson. 2010. Efficacy and uptake of soil-applied imidacloprid in the control of Asian citrus psyllid and citrus leafminer, two foliar feeding citrus pests. Journal of Economic Entomology 103: 1711-1719.

Simpson, C.R. , S. D. Nelson, J. E. Stratmann, and H. A. Ajwa. 2010. Surface water seal application to minimize volatilization loss of methyl Isothiocyanate from soil columns. Pest Management Science 66: 686-692.

Summy, K. R., C. R. Little, J. H. Everitt, R. A. Mazariegos, J. V. French, M. Sétamou and J. Mata . 2010. Detection of incipient pest infestations on glasshouse crops using multispectral imagery and a common vegetation index. Subtropical Plant Science 62: 55-62.

Thomas, T. P., M. Kunta , J. V. da Graça, A. Bhattacharya, M. Sétamou and M. Skaria. 2010. Effect of viroids on resistance to Phytophthora infection of citrus. HortScience 45: 1069-1072.

Uckoo, R. M. , G. K. Jayaprakasha, S. D. Nelson & B. S Patil. 2010. Rapid simultaneous determination of amines and organic acids in citrus using high-performance liquid chromatography. Talanta 83: 948-954.

Non-refereed publications:

Vidalakis, G., J. V. da Graça, W. N. Dixon, D. Ferrin, M. Kesinger, R. R. Krueger, R. F. Lee, M. J. Melzer, J. Olive, M. Polek, P. J. Sieburth, L. L. Williams and G. C. Wright. 2010. Citrus quarantine, sanitary and certification programs in the USA. Part 1 - Citrus quarantine and introduction programs. Citrograph 1(3): 26-35.

Vidalakis, G., J. V. da Graça, W. N. Dixon, D. Ferrin, M. Kesinger, R. R. Krueger, R. F. Lee, M. J. Melzer, J. Olive, M. Polek, P. J. Sieburth, L. L. Williams and G. C. Wright. 2010. Citrus quarantine, sanitary and certification programs in the USA. Part 2 - Certification schemes and national programs. Citrograph 1(4): 27-39.

Book Chapters:

da Graça, J. V. and S. P. van Vuuren. 2010. Managing Citrus tristeza virus losses using cross protection. pp. 247-260. In: Citrus tristeza virus Complex and Tristeza Diseases. (A. V. Karasev and M. E. Hilf, eds.). APS Press, St. Paul MN

Grosser, J.W., M. Ćalović and E.S. Louzada. 2010. Protoplast fusion technology - somatic hybridization and cybridization. pp. 175-198. In: Plant Cell Culture: Essential Methods (eds. M. Davey and P. Anthony). John Wiley & Sons.

Conference Proceedings:

Roistacher, C. N., J. V. da Graça and G. W. Müller. 2010.  Cross protection against Citrus tristeza virus - a review. Proceedings, 17th Conference, International Organization of Citrus Virologists, 1-27.


2009   ^Back to Top^

Refereed publications:

Armstrong J. S., R. Coleman, and M. Sétamou. 2009. Oviposition patterns of Creontiades signatus Hemiptera: Miridae) on okra-leaf and normal-leaf cotton. Annals of Entomological Society of America 102: 196-200.

Chen, N ., T.-X. Liu, M. Sétamou, J.V. French and E.S. Louzada. 2009. Molecular identification and population dynamics of two species of Pemphigus (Homoptera: Pemphidae) on cabbage. Insect Science 16: 115-124.

de Bona, C. M. , D. Stelly, David, J. C. Miller Jr., E. S. Louzada. 2009. Fusion of protoplasts with irradiated microprotoplasts as a tool for radiation hybrid panel in citrus. Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 44: 1616-1623

de Bona, C. M. , J. H. Gould, J. C. Miller Jr, D. Stelly and E. S. Louzada. 2009. Citrus asymmetric somatic hybrids produced via fusion of gamma-irradiated and iodoacetamide-treated protoplasts. Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 44: 454-462.

Enciso, J., B. Wiedenfeld, J. Jifon and S. Nelson. 2009. Onion yield and quality response to two irrigation scheduling strategies. Scientia Horticulturae 120: 301-305.

Flores, D., D. G. Hall, D. A. Jenkins and M. Sétamou. 2009. Abundance of Asian citrus psyllid on yellow sticky traps in Florida, Puerto Rico and Texas. Southwestern Entomologist 34: 1-11.

Greenberg, S. M., G. D. Jones, J. J. Adamczyk, Jr., F. Eischen, J. S. Armstrong, R. J. Coleman, M. Sétamou and T.-X. Liu. 2009. Reproductive potential of field-collected overwintering boll weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) fed on pollen in the laboratory. Insect Science 16: 321-327.

Lauzière, I. and M. Sétamou. 2009. Suitability of different host plants for oviposition and development of Homalodisca vitripennis (Germar) (Hemiptera: Ciccadellidae) reared in captivity. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 102: 642-649.

Perez, J. L., J. V. French, K. R. Summy, A. D. Baines, and C.R. Little. 2009. Fungal phyllosphere communities are altered by indirect interactions among trophic levels. Microbial Ecology 57: 766-774.

Uckoo, R. M. ,G. K. Jayaprakasha, B. S. Patil and S. D. Nelson. 2009. Impact of low water use systems on bioactive flavonoids of grapefruit. Acta Horticulturae 841:607-610.

Uckoo, R. M. , J. M. Enciso, I. W. Wesselman, K. Jones, and S. D. Nelson. 2009. Impact of compost application on citrus production under drip and microjet spray irrigation systems. Tree and Forestry Science and Biotechnology 3 (Special Issue 1): 59-65.

Wiedenfeld, B., J. Sauls and S. Nelson. 2009. Fertilization programs for ‘Rio Red’ grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.) in South Texas. International Journal of Fruit Science 9: 201-210.