
Welcome to ACT

Art, Communications & Theatre is a dynamic and innovative group of Creatives that make up the 5 programs in the department (Art, Journalism, Speech Communications, Digital Media & Film, and Theatre). We focus on integrating theory and practice with hands-on experiential learning, community experiences and interdisciplinary engagement. We invite you to come create in our unique and collaborative programs.

Programs Offered

Art, B.A.

A Bachelors of Arts degree is offered for students who wish to double major in another discipline or focus on a more broadly based liberal arts education. The same core classes are in place for all art students, though the later years are typically more flexible for student to pursue other academic emphases. 

Fine Arts, B.F.A.

A Bachelors of Fine Arts degree is offered for students who wish to explore specializations and becoming a more complete artist, with multiple emphases to pursue and an alternate curriculum available to receive a teaching certification. The same core classes are in place for all art students, though the later years are typically more rigid for student to be more immersed in the various fields of art. 

Fine Arts, B.F.A. with Teaching Cert.

The Bachelor of Fine Arts with an Education Certification provides students with the visual skills and teaching experience to pursue a public school art teaching career. This degree offers a path for student artists to combine a passion for art and a passion for teaching.

Communication-Journalism, B.A.

Courses in the program involve traditional newspaper reporting, feature writing, media law, journalism history, graphic design and pagination. In addition, the journalism program offers courses in public relations and advertising. Today, the journalism program also combines traditional newspaper work with social media, video and other online components used in today’s fast-evolving media industry. Countless graduates left the South Texan (our own student-run newspaper) and built successful careers at newspapers and magazines of state and national importance.

Communication-Speech, B.A.

This program prepares students for a wide variety of career fields. Communication skills are consistently ranked as the top skill employers are looking for when hiring or promoting within organizations. Students gain training in the foundations of human communication, interaction, professional communication competence, and experience with a managing the challenges of a highly mediated communication environment. Areas of study within our discipline include rhetoric, interpersonal communication, organizational communication, performance studies, and highly evolving media studies.

Communication-Speech B.A. With Teaching Certification

The Speech program can be combined with education classes to create a curriculum that will prepare students to teach Communication courses and earn them a teaching certification. This path creates a combination of two disciplines that allows alumni to utilize their own speech skills to prepare future students in their field.

Other Offerings

The Art, Communication, and Theatre Arts department offers one certification and two minors inherent to their courses. These are the Theatre Arts minor, the Speech minor, and the Digital Art certification. Interested students can make inquiries of the required courses to our office.

Contact Us

Get in contact with our main office at:
91AV;M University - Kingsville
Department of Art, Communications, & Theatre Arts
MSC 178 700 University Blvd.
Kingsville, TX 78363-8202
Location: Speech Building, Room 175
Voice: (361)593-3401
E-mail: p-rios@tamuk.edu