
Language and Literature

Student Organizations and Publications

English Club


The English Club is dedicated to the study and promotion of the English language and culture. The club provides a fun, relaxing environment to appreciate the English literary cultural production. The English Club sponsors the "Blabbermouth Event," a monthly open mic event which aims to showcase original writing and music by TAMUK students, faculty, staff, affiliates and broader Kingsville community.


English Club meetings take place from 5:30p.m. - 7:30p.m. in the Blue Room located in Sam Fore Hall, every last Tuesday of the month during the academic calendar.

*Meeting times change every semester so be sure to check the website for updated meeting times.

Please contact Luis.Cortes@tamuk.edu if you wish to join or participate.


In addition to the open mic event “Blabbermouth,” the English Club also organizes a student-led writing group, in which undergraduate and graduate students can discuss current writing projects and goals. During our meetings, we can, and often do, discuss literary or theoretical texts together.