
Language and Literature

Faculty and Staff

Stephanie Peebles Tavera

Assistant Professor of English and Director of Women’s and Gender Studies Program

Department of Language and Literature
Sam Fore Hall 101C
+1 (361) 593-4707


  • PhD in English, Minor: Women’s and Gender Studies Graduate Certificate, The University of Texas at Arlington, 2017
  • MA in Humanities–Studies in Literature, The University of Texas at Dallas, 2011
  • BA in Literature, Minor: Hispanic/Spanish Area Studies, The University of Texas at Dallas, 2009


(P)rescription Narratives: Feminist Medical Fiction and the Failure of American Censorship. . Edinburgh University Press, 2022.
Reviewed in:

  • American Literary History 35.3 (2023): 1455-57. By Sara L. Crosby.
  • Transatlantica 2 (2023). By Margaret Jay Jessee.
  • Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 42.2 (2023): 391-393. By Cynthia J. Davis.
  • Utopian Studies 34.3 (2023): 612-16. By Etta M. Madden.

Introduction and editor of appendix. Helen Brent, M.D. (1892) by Annie Nathan Meyer. Hastings College Press, 2020.
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“Speculative Genealogies: Global Infertility and the Biopolitics of the Fertility Dystopia.” Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 40.1/2 (2023): 108-133.

“Her Body, Herland: Reproductive Health and Dis/topian Satire in Charlotte Perkins Gilman.” Utopian Studies 29.1 (2018): 1-20.

“Utopia, Inc.: A Manifesto for the Cyborg Corporation.” Science Fiction Studies : 21-42

Public Scholarship

Guest Speaker. Episode 177: Zelda Fitzgerald – Save Me the Waltz with Stephanie Peebles Tavera,, hosted and produced by Amy Helmes and Kim Askew. January 30, 2024. Listen here on . .

Guest Speaker and Guest Producer. “Doing Recovery in the 21st Century: A Journey Through the Archives and Beyond,” The, , Mar. 2, 2023. With Mary Chapman, Brigitte Fielder, Lori Harrison-Kahan, and Dana Herman. .

“Anti-Censorship Alcott, Or How the Author of Little Women Taught Girls to Talk Sex,” . Feb. 16, 2022. .

Editorial Work

  • Assistant Editor (with Jennifer Wagner-Lawlor, General Editor), , Jan. 2023–Present
  • Translator. “A Roosevelt” [“To Roosevelt”] (1907) by Ruben Darío. . Jul 30, 2023. .


  • ENGL 5360/CULS 5360: Archival Studies (emphasis: Nineteenth-Century Literature)
  • ENGL 4365: Colonial & Nineteenth-Century American Literature
  • ENGL 3333: Survey of American Literature
  • ENGL 2342: Introduction to Literature (Topics: “Haunted Waterways,” “Black Women Writers”)
  • ENGL 1302: Rhetoric & Composition II
  • ENGL 1301: Rhetoric & Composition I


  • C19: The Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists (C19)
  • College English Association (CEA)
  • Modern Language Association (MLA)
  • Modernist Studies Association (MSA)
  • Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association (PCA/ACA)
  • Society for the Study of American Women Writers (SSAWW)
  • Society for Utopian Studies (SUS)
  • Texas Regional Society for the Study of American Women Writers (Texas SSAWW)
Stephanie Peebles Tavera