
Department of Mathematics

Department of Mathematics

Mathematics Student Resources


ALEKS Placement is a process by which we help you prepare for success in math classes required on your degree plan. A single test does not determine your success! The work you put in determines your success 😊 We are here to support and guide you the whole way!

91AV offers an ALEKS mathematics placement assessment to determine readiness for various math courses. You may earn the option to enroll in coursework without having the prerequisites. This can save you time and money. The ALEKS placement assessment covers basic math through precalculus and will take 90 minutes to two hours to complete. After the assessment, ALEKS builds a prescriptive Prep and Learning module for you to review and learn before your next attempt. We encourage you to make full use of the ALEKS Prep and Learning module. Even if your score places you in your desired course, time spent preparing in ALEKS will improve success in your math courses.

RELAX. This is an assessment to determine what you know right now. At the end of each ALEKS placement assessment attempt, you will have actionable data about your strengths and weaknesses in math. Then, you have the chance to work on those areas you need to strengthen. There is no penalty for incorrectly answering a question on the assessment. The most important thing is to take the assessment seriously and give it an honest effort, so your score reflects your knowledge and preparation.

Now, click on the remaining tabs below and read everything!

Important NOTE:
  • For the Spring 2024 session, you must complete your proctored ALEKS placement test AND register for the appropriate math class by 5:00pm on the 9th class day, which is January 29th.
  • For the Summer I 2024 session, you must complete your proctored ALEKS placement test  AND register for the appropriate math class by 5:00pm on the 1st class day, which is May 29th.
  • For the Summer II 2024 session, you must complete your proctored ALEKS placement test  AND  register for the appropriate math class by 5:00pm on the 1st class day, which is July 8th.
  • For the Fall 2024 session, you must complete your proctored ALEKS placement test  AND register for the appropriate math class by 5:00pm on the 9th class day, which is TBA.

Please check the university academic calendar for changes affecting the 1st or 9th class dates.

  • The Department of Mathematics offers no-cost proctoring in the JavALab, Rhode Hall 308
    • For an individual ALEKS Placement proctored testing appointment, email Mr. Cortez for a time and date.  He can proctor up to six assessments at 9am and 2pm on most campus business days.
  • We also offer remote proctoring for ALEKS Placement for $32.50 per testing session through ProctorU.

For questions or concerns, contact Dr. Trombley at 361-593-2362 or christopher.trombley@tamuk.edu or contact Mr. Cortez at 361-593-4852 or mark.cortez@tamuk.edu.

Purchase an 

After receiving the email response with your access code and PPL course
code, download the  PPL Registration Instructions and follow the instructions to register.

Once registered with ALEKS PPL, you may access the  Overview Summary of ALEKS PPL to get more information about how the program works.

Take the first ALEKS Placement Assessment attempt and then work in ALEKS to prepare to retest

Schedule and take your proctored ALEKS assessment(s)

    1. Remember a valid photo I.D. (University I.D., driver's license, military I.D., passport)
    2. Remote proctoring available for attempts 2 - 5 through ProctorU for $32.50 per session.
    3. No-cost in person proctoring for all attempts in the JavALab, Rhode 308 with Mr. Cortez.  Email Mr. Cortez, mark.cortez@tamuk.edu to schedule an individual appointment.



Your placement result is your percentage mastery on the latest assessment. Course placement is as follows:

46-60% = MATH 1314 College Algebra

61-68% = MATH 1316 Trigonometry

69-74% = MATH 1348 Analytic Geometry

75-100% = MATH 2413 Calculus I

If you earn the score for the course you want, your record in ALEKS will document this
result. Send an email to your advisor with a copy to Dr. Trombley at  christopher.trombley@tamuk.edu.
Your advisor will confirm your score and adjust your class schedule.

Who should take the ALEKS Placement Assessment?

Any TSI Math College Ready student who wishes to place above their mathematics placement determined by entrance exams or prerequisite coursework. 

Is there a fee for using ALEKS?

You will pay for ALEKS with a credit card before you begin. The cost is $30.

Can I retake the ALEKS Placement Assessment?

Yes. You have up to 5 attempts if needed. However, to make each attempt worthwhile, it is important to spend time working in your ALEKS Prep and Learning Module in between placement assessments to improve your skills.

Can I retake the ALEKS Placement Assessment immediately?

You must wait at least 48 hours between placement attempts. 

Must I work in my ALEKS Prep and Learning Module between placement assessments?

Yes. You must accumulate at least 8 hours of work in your ALEKS Prep and Learning Module between placement attempts.

Are placement assessments timed?

Yes, you have 3 hours to complete a placement assessment once it has begun. You must complete the placement assessment attempt in one sitting.

How long will a placement assessment take to complete?

There will be a maximum of 30 questions. Most students take approximately 90 minutes to complete the placement assessment. Students who place in Calculus I take approximately 2 hours.

May I use a calculator during my ALEKS placement test?

ALEKS will provide an on-screen calculator if you need one to complete a particular problem. You may not use a hand-held calculator. When practicing in your Prep and Learning Module between attempts, only use the tools you will have during the test.

What happens if I do not complete a placement assessment in the allotted time?

You will receive a placement result, but it may underestimate your true ability.

May I use any other resources during a placement assessment?

You may use only a pen or pencil, paper, and the resources provided by ALEKS. 

How long is my placement result valid?

Your placement result is valid for 6 months

Can I practice using ALEKS before I begin placement?

ALEKS will begin with a brief tutorial before your placement begins.

How long do I have access to my Prep and Learning Module?

You will have access to your Prep and Learning Module until September 30th.  After that,
you will need to repurchase.

Is there an additional fee for my Prep and Learning Module?

Your ALEKS Placement (PPL) license includes access to a Prep and Learning Module and up to 5 placement assessments.

What are ALEKS Progress Assessments?

While working in a Prep and Learning Module, you will periodically complete progress assessments to measure what you know and what you are ready to learn.

Does progress in an ALEKS Prep and Learning Module count toward placement?

No, only your proctored placement assessment results count for course placement.

Can I change to a different Prep and Learning Module later?

No, you may only use one Prep and Learning Module at a time. If you are unsure which module to select, use the module recommended by ALEKS or Mr. Cortez.

What if I do not place into the course I wanted?

You can use a Prep and Learning Module to review and learn, and you may take another placement assessment to improve your placement result.

I did not place into the class I wanted. Can I take it anyway?

No, without the required prerequisite coursework you must earn the minimum placement score to take the class you are trying to place in.

What if I placed into the class I wanted?

Congratulations! Let your advisor know your results. Continue to use your Prep and Learning Module to improve your chances for success. The placement result above is the minimum preparation required for your course! Take advantage of the targeted review and learning features in ALEKS to get a better grade in your class.

What is ProctorU?

ProctorU is a platform that is partnered with your institution to help you take an exam online while ensuring academic integrity is upheld.  Using this platform allows you the convenience of testing from home 24/7, 365 days a year.

How do I prepare for my ProctorU exam?

Step 1: Create a and download the
Step 2:  at least 72 hours in advance.
  • Login to your ProctorU account and click the Schedule New Session button.
  • Confirm your institution, term, and exam name, then click Search Sessions.
  • Use the calendar and clock features on the left to select your desired testing date and time.

Note:  If you choose to take your exam on-demand instead of scheduling in advance, you may incur premium fees and wait times.

Step 3:

  • Important Note: You will need administrative access of your computer.  
  • Please test your equipment before exam day in an environment that is identical to or close to your actual testing location.

Step 4:  Prepare for exam day
will walk you through the exam day experience including any best practices.

Does ProctorU negatively interfere with my computer?

ProctorU does not permanently impact your computer in any way.  You will be able to see everything your proctor is doing while you are connected.  Once your exam is over and you have closed out of your chat session and video page with ProctorU, it completely removes the screen sharing client from your computer.  You may also uninstall the Guardian Browser after each exam session if you choose to do so.

Does ProctorU breach my privacy rights?

Absolutely not! ProctorU takes your privacy very seriously.  They stringently adhere to all Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) guidelines.  No student information can be shared without your direct approval.  If you have any privacy concerns, you can visit .  For additional information, review .

Still have questions or concerns?

You can view ProctorU's test-taker support FAQ page .  ProctorU wants you to know that they are always available to help! You can always start a live chat by logging into your ProctorU account and clicking the chat icon in the lower right side of your screen, open a support ticket, or call (855) 772-8678.

JavALab and Hugh Porter Scholarship

The Javelina Algebra Lab – JavALab—is the Department of Mathematics computer classroom for MATH 1314 – College Algebra, and MATH 0302 – Developmental Algebra.   It is located in Rhode Hall room 308.


Hours of Operation

Fall and Spring Semesters

Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 7:00pm
Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm

Summer Semesters

Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm


How JavALab Courses Work

JavALab courses take advantage of an advanced technology adapted to learning mathematics
called ALEKS: Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces.  Students take an initial assessment the first day of class that determines the mathematical objectives they have already mastered, and sets up the objectives they will learn during the  course to fill a “pie.” There are also quizzes and tests throughout the semester to assess mastery learning.

Students meet as a class with an instructor twice a week for 50 minutes during the Fall and Spring Semesters; 90 minutes during the Summer Sessions.  During class, instructors review the objective topics with which students are having the most difficulty or introduce topics they are ready to learn.  Students are required to spend at least three hours per week in the JavALab working in the program where individual tutoring is available. 

A key advantage of the ALEKS program is that all assignments are available from the beginning of the semester and students may work ahead to complete the course requirements before the semester ends.

More specific course information may be found in the course syllabi:

View MATH 0302 syllabus

View MATH 1314 syllabus


For more information contact:

Mark Cortez, JavALab Supervisor

Rhode Hall 308

Ph: 361-593-4852