
Department of Psychology and Sociology

Staff and Faculty

Brenda Hannon

Associate Professor of Psychology

Ph.D., The University of Toronto, 2001

Before TAMU-K:

  • Systems Engineer on Computers, Suncor, Canada
  • University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
  • University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
  • University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas


  • Grants:
    • Current – NIH:  SC3GM111124-01, Assessing Reading Predictors in Preschoolers and Beginning Readers - $411,769.00
    • Previous – three NIH grants totaling $750,000.00; one NSERC (Canada’s National Research on Science )
    • Multiple internal grants

Has published articles in:

Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of Experimental Psychology:  General, Memory & Cognition, Journal of Applied Cognition, Learning and Individual Differences, Personality and Individual Differences, Reading Research Quarterly, Discourse Processes, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Contemporary Educational Research

Research Interests:

  • Components of reading comprehension across the lifespan (preschoolers, children, adolescents, adults, older adults)
  • Detection of semantic anomalies using a variety of technologies
  • Components of reading in Bilinguals
  • Predictors of SAT from gender and ethnic perspectives

Courses Taught at TAMU-K:

  • Statistics
  • Introduction to Learning
  • General Psychology
  • Psychology of Language

Contact Information

Department of Psychology & Sociology
Manning 113
MSC 177 91AV
Kingsville, Texas 78363-8202
voice: 361-593-2698
email: brenda.hannon@tamuk.edu

Brenda Hannon