
College of Business

Research and Outreach

Karst, Kim, Knight and Scalan Add to CBA Research

is Ph.D., ABD and as a new faculty member, is concurrently finalizing his dissertation at The University of North Texas, at which point he will be conferred with a Ph.D. in Business Administration with a concentration in management. Mr. Karst recently transitioned from industry executive leadership to academia, which has afforded him rich experiential knowledge from which to draw for his research and teaching. He has already experienced tremendous research success, having articles published in top international business and management journals such as International Business Review. His success is also apparent in presenting his research and/or having it published in the proceedings of several top academic conferences in his field, such as Academy of Management, Academy of International Business and Southern Management Association. He also serves these peer refereed journals and conferences as a reviewer and conference facilitator. Mr. Karst has combined research and practice to be highly impactful in the classroom and in his research contributions, moving knowledge forward within the management and international business research streams.

 has a Ph.D. in Finance from the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida; an MBA specialized in Finance from Bowling Green State University; and an M.A. and B.S. from Myongji University, Seoul Korea. He is a member of Financial Management Association, Southern Finance Association and Southwestern Finance Association. Currently he serves as an ad-hoc review for the Journal of Business & Economics Perspectives and the Journal of Financial Issues. Before coming to A&M-Kingsville, Kim spent a year at Tiffin University in Tiffin, Ohio as an assistant professor of finance. His research area is, in general, corporate finance. Current research topics he has heavily worked on are related to managers’ political ideologies and firm litigation risk. A couple of papers are under review and he expects to see them published this year.

has a Ph.D. in Business Administration from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale in Organizational Behavior – Strategy & Leadership and Management Information Systems. Knight has certification from Harvard Business School and a Commercial Pilot’s License with Instrument Rating. Some of his many honors include being nominated for Outstanding Teacher of the Year at the University of Wisconsin – Green Bay, Outstanding Faculty of the Year at Appalachian State University and Graduate Teacher of the Year at Southern Illinois University.

He is Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Social & Organizational Dynamics in Information Technology. His teaching areas are Strategic Management, Organizational Behavior, Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Management Information Systems. His research areas are social learning in the workplace, technology acceptance and end-user computing, knowledge sharing and virtual learning.

 is a native of Port Aransas where she currently resides. Scalan received her BBA from 91AV;M University-Corpus Christi and her MBA from the University of Texas at San Antonio. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Arkansas. Scalan worked in San Antonio at various financial institutions as a loan officer and an operations analyst. She is a Certified Internal Auditor who teaches Global Accounting. Her research interests are in internal audit and audit committees. She is very happy to be at 91AV working with the students of South Texas and her colleagues in the College of Business Administration.
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