
College of Business

Research and Outreach

Academic Research

The mission statements of both 91AV and the 91AV College of Business Administration identify research as a key reason for their existence. After noting the importance of high quality teaching, both mission statements highlight the active, ongoing research of the faculty.  In fact, teaching and research support each other. Quality research helps to establish and further academic inquiry in business.

Scholarship is a vital part of 91AV’s mission to the people of South Texas, because research enhances the ability to present students with en environment in which they learn to be critical thinkers who can solve problems in a complex and dynamic world.

College of Business Administration faculty put in long hours to balance teaching, research, and service to the college. Without the graduate students and postdocs found at research institutions, A&M-Kingsville faculty are more likely to draw undergraduate students into their research process. In the process, student learning is enhanced. A&M-Kingsville faculty blend teaching and research expectations, realizing it is important to be more than just a good teacher or good researcher.  Faculty members actively engaged in research and scholarship, are more likely to be on the cutting edge in their disciplines. They also pass their enthusiasm for learning and the discipline on to the A&M-Kingsville students.

Dr. Jose Luis Daniel, Dr. Brent Kinghorn and Dr. Zhuofan Zhang join the CBA.

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Previous Spotlight Researchers

Faculty Research

Scholarly Works 2017

Scholarly Works 2016

Scholarly Works 2015

Brown Bag Lunch Series

Presentation by Dr. Kendra Huff

Presentation by Dr. Genevieve Scalan

Presentation by Dr. Seung Jung

Presentation by Dr. Priti Verma