
College of Business

Research and Outreach

Refereed Journal Articles

Natalya Delcoure, DBA


Delcoure, N., & Singh, H. (2017). Oil and Equity: Too Deep into Each Other", has been accepted for publication in Journal of Economics and Finance (forthcoming).

Cicala, J., Delcoure, N., Shorter, J. & Oates, B. (2017), “How Benchmarking May Inhibit Mission Diversity of Accredited Business Schools.” Academy of Educational Leadership Journal.  Citation pending. 

Cicala, J., N. Delcoure, & B. Oates (2017), “Does Benchmarking Hinder Mission Diversity of AACSB-Accredited Schools: Evidence from the U.S. and Europe?”, Business Education & Accreditation. Citation pending.

Dongnyoung Kim, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Kim, D., &  A. Elnaha, CEO political Ideology and Mergers and Acquisition Decision. Journal of Corporate Finance (forthcoming).

Kim, D. & Wang, W., (2017). “Contingent Increase in Cash Dividends Upon the 2003 Dividend Tax Cut”, Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, (forthcoming). 


Harmeet Singh


Delcoure, N., & Singh, H. (2017). Oil and Equity: Too Deep into Each Other", has been accepted for publication in Journal of Economics and Finance (forthcoming).

Priti Verma, Ph.D.


Verma, P. (2017). Exchange Rates and Stock Returns – Evidence from Latin America, Journal of International Finance and Economics, Volume 17, Number 1.

Accounting and Finance

Natalya Delcoure, DBA


Delcoure, N., & Singh, H. (2016). BRIC or CBRI: It just doesn't sound as sexy, does it? The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 61, p. 230-239.

Delcoure, N., M. L. Sale, & Scalan, G. (2016). Institutionalizing and standardizing assessment methodology for multiple accreditation agencies, Journal of Business Education and Accreditation, 8(1), 1-14.

Paul Holt, Ph.D.


Holt, P. (2016). A comparison of the characteristics of price parity constructs with exchange rates and the potential impact of foreign currency translation. Advances in Business Research, 6(1), 65-78.

Holt, P. (2015). The enhancement of quality of earnings through the use of the absolute exchange rate for foreign currency translation. Journal of Business and Economics (forthcoming).

Holt, P. & Rivera, G. (in press, 2016) Price Parity Time Series Construction and Implications For Foreign Currency Translation And Quality Of Earnings. Journal of Business and Economics.

Holt, P. & Rivera, G. (in press, 2016) Variability of Earnings In Japanese Subsidiaries Foreign Currency Translation Methodologies: Empirical Comparison With UK Subsidiaries. Journal of Business and Economics.

Dongnyoung Kim, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Kim, D., & Kooh, T. T., Ex-post stock return behavior of corporate restructurings and corporate control. Review of Accounting and Finance (forthcoming).

Kim, D., & Wang, W., Contingent Increase in Cash Dividends upon the 2003 Dividend Tax Cut. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal., (Forthcoming).

Thomas Krueger, DBA

J.R. Manning Endowed Professor of Innovation in Business Education

Brou,  F. B. (An Undergraduate Finance Major) & Krueger, T. M. (2016).  Continental and National Differences in the Financial Ratios of Investment Banking Companies: An Application of the Altman Z Model. Journal of Accounting and Finance, 16(3): 37-49.

Yang, H., & Krueger, T. M. (2016). Competition in NYSE-listed stocks: Do investors benefit from highly competitive markets?. Economics, Management, and Financial Markets, 11(2), 27-58.

Yang, H., & Krueger, T. M. (2016). VICEX Fund vs. Virtue Fund Performance: Evidence from the first decade. Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives, 43(1), 8, 54-74.

Krueger, T. M., & Wrolstad, M. A. (2016). Impact of the Reputation Quotient® on investment performance. Corporate Reputation Review, 19(2), 140-151.

Krueger, T. M., & Wrolstad, M. A. (2016). Looking beyond the Pale: Evidence that Investors Look beyond Concurrent Annualized Returns in Assigning Corporate Reputations. Southern Journal of Business and Ethics, 8, 68-90.

Rivera, Gonzalo, J.D.

Associate Professor

Holt, P. & Rivera, G. (in press, 2016) Price Parity Time Series Construction and Implications For Foreign Currency Translation And Quality Of Earnings. Journal of Business and Economics.

Holt, P. & Rivera, G. (in press, 2016) Variability of Earnings In Japanese Subsidiaries Foreign Currency Translation Methodologies: Empirical Comparison With UK Subsidiaries. Journal of Business and Economics.

Martha Sale, Ph.D.

Adjunct Professor

Delcoure, N., Sale, M.L., & Scalan, G. (2016). Institutionalizing and standardizing assessment methodology for multiple accreditation agencies. Journal of Business Education and Accreditation, 8(1), 1-14.

Genevieve Scalan, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Delcoure, N., Sale, M.L., & Scalan, G. (2016). Institutionalizing and standardizing assessment methodology for multiple accreditation agencies. Journal of Business Education and Accreditation, 8(1), 1-14.

Harmeet Singh


Delcoure, N. and Singh, H. (2016). BRIC or CBRI: It just doesn't sound as sexy, does it? The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. Vol. 61, p. 230-239.

Schumann, H. and Singh, H. (2016). Employer 401(k) changes, mutual fund distress, and market efficiency. Journal of International Finance and Economics 16(3).

Priti, Verma, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Verma, P. (2016). The impact of exchange rates and interest rates on bank stock returns: Evidence from U.S. banks. Studies in Business and Economics, 11(1), 124-139.

Verma R., and Verma P. (2016). Relative impact of global and country specific uncertainties on stock market returns. Journal of Accounting and Finance. 16(6).

Management, Marketing and Information Systems

Ruth Chatelain Jardón, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor 

Chatelain-Jardón, R., Carmona, J.S., & Kock, N. (2016). An extension to simulated web-based threats and their impact on knowledge communication effectiveness. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction. 12(3), 64-77.


Michael Knight, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Du, R., Lu, L., Straub, D. W., & Knight, M. B. Impact of espoused national cultural values on innovative behavior: an empirical study in Chinese IT-enabled global service industry. Asia Pacific Business Review.(forthcoming).

Du, R., Knight, M. B., Aud Jie, K. Consumer attribution of CSR strategies and its impact on corporate reputation, International Journal of Strategic Management. (forthcoming).

Hans Schumann, Ph.D.

Professor of Practice

Schumann, H., & Singh, H. Employer 401(k) Changes, mutual fund distress, and market efficiency. Journal of International Finance and Economics (forthcoming).

Accounting and Finance

Natalya Delcoure, DBA


Delcoure, Natalya and Kendra Huff. “Determinants of IFRS adoption by companies in emerging and frontier markets” with Kendra Huff, The Review of Business Journal, Vol. 45, No. 1, Summer 2015.

Delcoure, Natalya, Genevieve Scalan and Martha Sale. "Case Study of Accreditation Reaffirmation with Emphasis on Survival-Focused Prioritization for Program Assessment," accepted in Business Education and Accreditation.

Delcoure, Natalya and Hassan Shirvani. “The Random Walk in the Stock Prices of 16 OECD Countries: A Robust Panel Unit Root Test,” Accepted in Journal of Economic Studies.

Kendra Huff, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Delcoure, Natalya and Kendra Huff. “Determinants of IFRS adoption by companies in emerging and frontier markets” with Kendra Huff, The Review of Business Journal, Vol. 45, No. 1, Summer 2015.

Thomas Krueger, DBA

J.R. Manning Endowed Professor of Innovation in Business Education

C. Edward Chang, Thomas M. Krueger, and H. Doug Witte (2015).  “Do ETFs outperform CEFs  in Fixed Income Investing?” American Journal of Business, 30(4): 231-246.

C. Edward Chang and Thomas M. Krueger (2015), “Do Fundamental Index Funds Outperform Traditional Index Funds?," Journal of Financial Planning, 28(12): 40-48.

Cavazos-Garza, A. A., & Krueger, Thomas M. (2015, May). "Hiring a Sustainability Officer Can Save A Sinking Ship: Financial Statement Evidence."  Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, 11(1), 3-23.

Womack, John Quinten (TAMUK Finance Major and 2013 91AV;M University System Student Regent) and Krueger, Thomas M. “The Impact of Initial Accreditation From AACSB on the Enrollment of Three South Texas Universities.” Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences, 27.1 (2015): 158-167.

Gonzales, Jorge (Finance Major) and Thomas M. Krueger, “The Performance of Firms with Excellent Reputations,” The Empirical Economic Letters, 14.7 (July 2015): 645-658.

Martha Sale, DBA

Professor and Chair, Accounting and Finance

Ronald G. Cheek, Martha Lair Sale, Colleen Schwarz. “Development of a Measurement Instrument for Website Design: Utilizing Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Multi-attribute Decision Modeling,”  International Journal of E-Business Research, 11(3), 18-30, July-September 2015.

Martha Lair Sale, Ronald G. Cheek, R. Samuel Sale. “Using AHP to Develop a Measure of Web Presence,” accepted for a forthcoming issue of the  Academy of Strategic Management Journal.  

Martha Lair Sale, R. Samuel Sale. “Financial Rewards of Social Actions,”  accepted for a forthcoming issue of the Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal.  

Chapter in an Edited Book (Invited)
Ronald G. Cheek, Martha Lair Sale, Colleen Schwarz. “Creation of an Instrument to Measure Website Effectiveness Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP).” Encyclopedia of E-Commerce Development, Implementation, and Management(forthcoming).

Martha L. Sale, R. Samuel Sale, “Supplier Selection in the Presence of Component Commonality and Diverse End Item Markets,” Cost Management, (forthcoming).

Delcoure, Natalya, Genevieve Scalan and Martha Sale. "Case Study of Accreditation Reaffirmation with Emphasis on Survival-Focused Prioritization for Program Assessment," accepted in Business Education and Accreditation.

Genevieve Scalan, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Delcoure, Natalya, Genevieve Scalan and Martha Sale. "Case Study of Accreditation Reaffirmation with Emphasis on Survival-Focused Prioritization for Program Assessment," accepted in Business Education and Accreditation.

Harmeet Singh


Harmeet Singh, Hans Schumann and Hailong Jin. “Explaining Why Indian Trade Balance Didn’t Improve With Its Currency Devaluation,”  Accepted for publication by Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research

Hans Schumann

Professor of Practice

Harmeet Singh, Hans Schumann and Hailong Jin. “Explaining Why Indian Trade Balance Didn’t Improve With Its Currency Devaluation,” Accepted for publication by Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research

Hans Schumann. "Loyalty Programs and the Risk of Industry Commoditization." Accepted for publication by Business Studies Journal, Vol 7, No. 2, p. 131-139.

Priti Verma, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Verma, Priti, “Trading Volume, Volatility and ADR Returns” has been accepted for publication at the Journal of Global Business Management, Vol. 11, (2015): 2.

Management, Marketing and Information Systems

Valerie Bartelt, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor J.R. Manning Faculty Fellow in Strategic Initiatives

Moqbel, M. and Bartelt, V.L. (2015). “Consumer Acceptance of Personal Cloud: Integrating Trust and Risk with the Technology Acceptance Model,” AIS Transactions on Replication Research (forthcoming)

Moqbel, M., & Bartelt, V.L. (2015). "Understanding Personal Cloud Acceptance," AIS Transactions on Replication Research (forthcoming)


Alicia Cavazos-Garza, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Cavazos-Garza, A. A., & Krueger, T. (2015, May). "Hiring a Sustainability Officer Can Save A Sinking Ship: Financial Statement Evidence."  Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, 11(1), 3-23.

Ruth Chatelain-Jardon, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Daniel, J. and Chatelain-Jardon, Ruth. (2015), The Relationship between Individual Spirituality, Organizational Commitment and Individual Innovative Behavior, Management Research and Practice Journal,V.7, No. 1, pp. forthcoming.

Charoensukmongkol, P., Daniel, J., and Chatelain-Jardon, R. (2015), The Contribution of Workplace Spirituality on Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Advances in Business Research, V.6, No.1, pp. 32-45.

Kock, N., and Chatelain-Jardon, R. (2015), Surprise and technology-mediated learning: A two-country study, Cognition Technology & Work Journal, DOI: 10.1007/s10111-015-0349-8.

Rusty Karst, Ph.D.


Gaffney, N., Karst, R. and Clampit, J. (2015). "Emerging Market MNE Cross-border Acquisition Equity Participation: The role of Economic and Knowledge Distance." International Business Review, In Press.

Michael Knight, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Al-Qadhi, Y.H., Nor K.M., Ologbo A.C., and Michael B. Knight, “Knowledge sharing in a multi-nationality workforce: Examining the factors that influence knowledge sharing among employees of diverse nationalities,” (2015). Human Systems Management, Vol 34:2.