
Office of the Dean of Students

Behavioral Intervention Team

Reporting Concerning Behavior

The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) serves to assess and manage situations that are potential threats to an individual and/or the campus community or considered substantially disruptive to the university’s educational processes.

If a member of the university community observes any behavior that is concerning and that needs to be brought to the attention of the BIT, individuals may report the behavior using the Concerning Behavior Referral Form below or by contacting one of the team members during office hours.

This is not a notification system to be used for emergencies. If you are in an emergency situation that requires immediate medical, psychological or police services, contact the University Police Department at (361) 593-2611 or 911. For off campus incidents call 911.

Although we do accept anonymous reports, we encourage you to provide your name and contact information so that we can follow-up with you if additional information is needed. The information provided will be handled as confidentially as possible, but please be aware that this must be balanced with our goal to help protect the safety of the individual and the campus community.

Once a report is submitted online, the team will review the information for appropriate action