Target and Refine Transferable Skills
Target and Refine Transferable Skills with Emphasis on Communication Skills
• Participants will take part in five face-to-face retreats which will be held at 91AV. Retreat # 2 with TAMUCC Professional Development Conference
• This training will be developed by the TAMUK team in collaboration with the TxARM PIs and will be based on the evaluation of the participants’ Individual Development Plan.
• Participants will gain knowledge and skills related to transferrable skills and will be expected to engage in hands-on activities that will help the participants develop confident professional identities through strong oral and written communication skills.
• Participants will also take part in a four part mini-course on designing an online course.
• Through their participation in the mini-course, participants will gain knowledge and skills in the process of developing an online course, creating engaging modules, and building assessments.
• The mini-course content will be aligned with Quality Matters standards and students will be applying those standards to their work. Their final product as a result of this course will be a "sandbox" course which can be added to their portfolio.