
Human Resources

Benefits Administration

Workers Compensation Information


All employees whose names appear on the payroll of the University are covered under the program at no personal expense. This coverage includes student and wage employees.

General Employee Responsibilities

Employees who suffer an injury or illness as a result of and in the course and scope of employment should immediately notify his/her supervisor. Failure to report the injury within 30 days of the occurrence (or manifestation of the occupational disease) may result in the denial of the claim. Other responsibilities an employee may have pertaining to the accident may include, but are not limited to:

  • Responding to any correspondence delivered by the Texas Department of Insurance, Risk Management, or other agencies or individuals needing information regarding the incident.
  •  Advising the treating practitioner that s/he believes the illness or injury may be work-related.
  • Keeping Risk Management and/or the Texas Department of Insurance advised of any changes of address or phone numbers.

General Employer Responsibilities

Department liaisons, supervisors, or designees are required to report any work-related injury or illness to Human Resources as soon as possible after the incident is reported or has been identified. Other department responsibilities pertaining to an employee’s accident in the workplace may include, but are not limited to:

  • Providing additional information such as witness statements, wage information, or medical information for purposes of determining eligible WCI benefits.
  • Investigating the accident to determine cause.
  • Implementing necessary procedures for the prevention of future accidents.