
Human Resources

Employment and Recruiting

Recruitment, Internal Transfer, & External Employment


If you need documents for Recruiting & Hiring, please contact Sarai Guillen at sarai.guillen@tamuk.edu.

A Search Committee is required for all recruitments of faculty, lecturers, and staff above Level 9. In order to be eligible to be a Search Committee member, you must attend a Search Committee Orientation. It is required to attend this training once per calendar year in order to remain eligible to be a Search Committee member. 

Please visit this page to sign up for a Search Committee Orientation. If you have questions beforehand or issues signing up, please contact Sarai Guillen at sarai.guillen@tamuk.edu.

Process for Transferring within TAMUK

  1. Must complete employee Transfer Checklist.
  2. Must receive a new gold card if going to a different department.
  3. Must attend New Hire Orientation if going from a student worker to a Faculty or Staff position.

External Employment/Temporary Job