College of Engineering Bylaws
The name of this academic unit shall be the Frank H. Dotterweich College of Engineering (hereinafter referred to as the College) at the 91AV;M University - Kingsville (hereinafter referred to as the University). The University is a member of the 91AV;M University System (hereinafter referred to as the System).
The Frank H. Dotterweich College of Engineering:
• Graduates engineers who become productive participants in industry, profession, and society;
• Conducts research that significantly contributes to the well-being and sustainable development of communities and industries in South Texas, the State of Texas, and the Nation; and
• Provides meaningful service to the profession and the communities that surround us and beyond.
The College shall cooperate in the overall governance of the University as established by the 91AV Faculty Handbook, 91AV Rules (Click here to view rules), and the policies and regulations of the 91AV;M University System ().
Any person who holds a full-time, permanent appointment with the rank of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, or Lecturer in the College shall be a member of the College Faculty (hereinafter referred to as the Faculty), with the right to participate in the governance and administration of the College as prescribed herein. Adjunct and visiting faculty are not eligible for membership.
Within the context of shared governance and cooperation needed to advance the College, the Faculty shall act to:
• Maintain the integrity and quality of all degree programs, including the design and content of all curricula;
• Determine, in consultation with the Dean, the minimum criteria on which the College Faculty bases its recommendations for the promotion and tenure of its members; and
• Collaborate with the Dean on criteria for merit salary adjustments, and matters regarding College operations, policies, and procedures.
SECTION 1. Principal Officer
The principal officer of the College shall be the Dean. The Dean shall be a tenured member of the Faculty and selected in accordance with College and University rules, polices, and procedures. The Dean is appointed by and reports to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
SECTION 2. Additional College Officers
Additional College officers may be designated by the Dean, from among the Faculty, after consultation with the Faculty. These officers include the Associate Dean for Graduate Affairs and Research, the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs, the Assistant Dean, and other officers necessary for the effective operation of the College.
SECTION 3. Presiding Officer at College Meetings
The Dean shall act as presiding officer for all College meetings.
SECTION 4. Duties and Responsibilities of the Dean
The Dean is the chief executive officer of the College and in that capacity has an extensive portfolio of administrative, outreach, and development duties, as well as the expectation to develop and carry out, in collaboration with the College Faculty, a strong vision for the College. Within the context of shared governance and cooperation needed to advance the College, the Dean shall act to:
• Review actions of the College Faculty regarding the integrity and quality of all degree programs, including the design and content of all curricula;
• Make recommendations to the Provost regarding faculty applications for promotion and tenure, mindful of Faculty criteria and recommendations, the College and University missions, and the overall health and well-being of the College;
• Develop appropriate College policies and procedures for the good of the College, in consultation with the College Faculty;
• Coordinate, supervise, and develop current and long-range planning in areas of teaching, research programs, space, equipment, and budgets;
• Supervise, counsel, and evaluate department chairs/program directors and make recommendations on all personnel actions within the college;
• Serve as an effective advocate for the college at university policy-making levels; and
• Cultivate relationships with internal and external constituents to promote and bring resources for the College.
SECTION 5. Dean’s Absence
In the Dean’s absence, the Associate Dean for Graduate Affairs and Research shall serve as the acting Dean. If the Associate Dean for Graduate Affairs and Research is not available, the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs shall serve as the acting Dean.
SECTION 1. Regular Meetings
Regular meetings of the Faculty shall occur in each Fall and Spring semester. An agenda prepared by the Dean in consultation with the College Council shall be distributed at least five (5) working days prior to each regular meeting. Only those matters contained in the agenda may be acted upon at the meeting.
SECTION 2. Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called by the Dean. A call to meet and an agenda should be distributed at least two (2) working days prior to a special meeting. Only those matters contained in the agenda may be acted upon at the meeting. Requests for special meetings, from any member or members of the Faculty, are directed to the Dean.
SECTION 3. Quorum
The quorum for a meeting of the College shall be fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) of the members of the Faculty. Proxies are not allowed for either the establishment of a quorum or for the transaction of the business of the College. A quorum must be established and maintained during a meeting for any official College business to be transacted.
SECTION 1. Standing Councils and Committees
The College shall have standing committees to facilitate College business. Standing committees may be added, deleted, or altered only through amendment to these bylaws. Standing committees shall elect their own chairs (except where noted) and inform the College membership of their meetings. All Faculty members are expected to participate in the governance of the College by regular participation in standing committees. The standing committees shall be:
a) College Council
b) Undergraduate Affairs
c) Graduate Affairs
d) Research Council
e) Resources Management
f) Promotion and Tenure
SECTION 2. Standing Committee Membership
a) College Council
Voting members of the College Council shall consist of the deans, department chairs, and one member of the Faculty (elected by the Faculty for a two-year term). Other non-voting members (which may include Directors of Institutes and Research Centers and key staff members) are added at the discretion of the Dean. The Dean chairs the Council.
b) Undergraduate Affairs Committee (UAC)
The Undergraduate Affairs Committee shall consist of one faculty member from each department (elected by the department faculty). The Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs is an ex-officio member.
c) Graduate Affairs Committee (GAC)
The Graduate Affairs Committee shall consist of the graduate coordinator of each graduate program (elected by the department faculty in which the program resides). The Associate Dean for Graduate Affairs and Research is an ex-officio member.
d) Research Council
The Research Council shall consist of one tenured and one tenure-track faculty member from each department (elected by the department faculty). The Associate Dean for Graduate Affairs and Research chairs the Council.
e) Resource Management Committee
The Resource Management Committee shall consist of one faculty member from each department (elected by the department faculty). The Associate Deans and the Assistant Dean are ex-officio members.
f) Promotion and Tenure Committee
The Promotion and Tenure Committee shall consist of one tenured faculty member from each department (elected by the department faculty), with at least three members holding the rank of professor. Three departments with faculty holding this rank will be required to select as their representative a faculty member holding this rank. The three departments required to elect a professor to the committee will be determined by rotating alphabetical order beginning with the first academic year for which these bylaws are in force (Chemical and Natural Gas Engineering; Civil and Architectural Engineering; Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; Environmental Engineering; Industrial Management and Technology; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering). The department at the top of the rotation the previous year will be placed at the bottom of the rotation in the subsequent year.
SECTION 3. Standing Committee Duties and Responsibilities
All standing committees shall act on issues and proposals concerning their areas of responsibility. These issues and proposals may come from within the committee, faculty, chairs, and/or deans. Specific standing committee duties and responsibilities shall include the following:
a) College Council
The College Council advises the Dean on matters of concern across the College, this includes new and existing policies and procedures, College-wide development initiatives, College-wide events and activities, and other initiatives and programs having an impact across the College.
b) Undergraduate Affairs Committee
The Undergraduate Affairs Committee reviews and approves all significant modifications to existing undergraduate curricula and courses offered by the College (significant meaning that a change to the Undergraduate Catalog is necessary). “Curricula” include all undergraduate degree programs, minors and certificates. The Committee also reviews and approves all new curricula and courses, and the deletion of same. Curricular and course issues involving students at the undergraduate and graduate levels must be approved by both the Undergraduate Affairs Committee and the Graduate Affairs Committee.
c) Graduate Affairs Committee
The Graduate Affairs Committee reviews and approves all significant modifications to existing graduate curricula and courses offered by the College (significant meaning that a change to the Graduate Catalog is necessary). The curricula include all graduate degree programs, minors and certificates. The Committee also reviews and approves all new curricula and courses, and the deletion of same. Curricular and course issues involving students at the undergraduate and graduate levels must be approved by both the Graduate Affairs Committee and the Undergraduate Affairs Committee.
d) Research Council
The Research Council advises the Associate Dean for Graduate Affairs and Research on matters related to the research programs in the College, especially those that bridge across the disciplines, and all activities and resources designed to facilitate a vibrant research environment in the College.
e) Resource Management Committee
The Resource Management Committee reviews and recommends policies to the Dean to foster the efficient use of the College’s limited resources. This includes advice regarding the Dean’s proposed annual budget for the College, policies regarding space utilization, and the efficient and equitable procurement of equipment and software.
f) Promotion and Tenure (P&T) Committee
The Promotion and Tenure Committee reviews the credentials of candidates for promotion and/or tenure in the College, acting after receiving the recommendation of the Department P&T Committee and Department Chair. Acting as the representative of the entire Faculty, the Committee recommends candidates for promotion and/or tenure to the Dean. The Committee must carefully follow all procedures outlined in the TAMUK Faculty Handbook; including the requirement that only faculty holding the rank of professor can participate in making a recommendation for promotion to the rank of professor. All members of the Committee can participate fully in cases involving tenure and promotion to ranks below professor. In consultation with the Dean, the Committee also develops recommendations to the Faculty concerning the minimum criteria for promotion and tenure.
SECTION 4. Ad-hoc Committees
Ad-hoc committees are required from time to time to carry out tasks that are limited in scope and are to be completed by a prescribed deadline. Ad-hoc committees are formed and appointed by the Dean, with the chair elected by the committee members. Appointments shall be made with a diversity of faculty representation as a goal along with the consideration of appropriate skills and interests pertinent to the committee’s assigned tasks.
SECTION 5. Subcommittees
Subcommittees may be added to any standing or ad-hoc committee as desired by the committee or by the Dean. Membership may be drawn from the parent committee or from outside the committee. The subcommittee elects its own chair and keeps its parent committee informed of its meetings and progress on assigned tasks.
SECTION 6. Removal of Committee Members
All committee members are expected to actively participate in all committee deliberations and tasks. A committee member is subject to removal for lack of participation by the recommendation of the committee chair to the College Council, which shall advise the Dean on potential removal from the committee.
SECTION 1. Nominations
The College shall nominate members to University-level committees according to the rules and procedures established for those committees by University administration or the University Faculty Senate. When an election by the Faculty is required, nominations will be sought for at least one week. The Dean oversees the nomination process.
SECTION 2. Election Procedure
Within one week after the close of nominations a two-day election by secret ballot shall be conducted. The Dean is responsible for carrying out the election procedure. Votes shall be counted by a committee consisting of the Dean and Associate Deans of the College.
SECTION 1. Policy Authority
The College shall be governed by these Bylaws and such other standing rules as the College sees fit to adopt, such as, but not limited to, a policy on academic integrity, collegiality guidelines, faculty evaluation guidelines, promotion and tenure policies and procedures, thesis and dissertation policies and procedures, and space usage policies.
SECTION 2. Parliamentary Authority
The parliamentary authority for the College, if needed, shall be the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order.
SECTION 1. Basis for Adoption of Amendments
Amendments to these bylaws are adopted with two-thirds of the votes cast, by written ballot, at a regular or special meeting of the Faculty. A quorum must be maintained during the meeting. Amendments must also have the approval of the Dean.
SECTION 2. Process for Proposing Amendments
Amendments to the bylaws may be proposed by any member of the Faculty. Proposed amendments are moved and seconded at a regular or special meeting of the Faculty, and, after fair and adequate discussion and possible revisions, are tabled for a vote at a subsequent meeting or further discussion. In all cases, a bylaw amendment must be on the floor at no less than two duly called meetings of the Faculty.
SECTION 3. Effective Date
Unless otherwise provided for, an amendment shall take effect immediately upon approval of the Faculty and concurrence of the Dean.
Undergraduate Advising Policy – Approved, January 15, 2015
Criteria and Guidelines for Promotion and Tenure – Approved, January 17, 2013
Criteria for Annual Evaluations and Merit – TBD
Affiliated Faculty – Approved, May 2, 2013
Log of Actions
CoE Bylaws approved by Faculty, 31 present (out of 55 faculty), 28 in favor, 3 opposed, 4/28/11
Approved by Dr. Stephen J. Nix, Dean, 4/28/11
Criteria and Guidelines for Promotion and Tenure, approved by the Faculty, 1/17/13
Affiliated Faculty, approved by Faculty, 5/2/13
Undergraduate Advising Policy, approved by Faculty, 1/15/15
Revised CoE Bylaws approved by Faculty, 80 present (out of 82 faculty), 80 in favor, 1/17/17
Approved by Dr. Mohammad S. Alam, Dean, 1/18/17