
Chemical and Natural Gas Engineering

Faculty & Staff

Dr. Ali A. Pilehvari

Interim Chair and Professor


- Ph.D., Chemical and Natural Gas Engineering, Tulsa University, 1984
- M.S., Engineering Management, Tulsa University, 1980
- B.S., Chemical and Natural Gas Engineering, Tehran Polytechnique (Iran), 1972

Research Specialties

- Rheology of non-newtonian fluids including drilling fluids,cement slurries, solid-liquid, and gas-liquid.
- Drilling and completion of horizontal and directional wells.

Professional Experience

- 91AV, Kingsville, TX (1993 - Present)
   - Promoted to Associate Professor in 1997
   - Promoted to Professor in 2003
- Tulsa University, Tulsa, Oklahoma (1978-93)
   - Visiting Assistant Professor of Petroleum Engineering
   - Assistant Director of Tulsa University Drilling Research Projects, Research Assistant
- Petroleum Production Engineer, National Iranian Oil Company, Ahwaz, Iran (1975-78)
- Water and Sewage Treatment Engineer, Filter Company, Tehran, Iran (1973-75)

Consulting Experience

- Flint Hills (Koch) Refining, Corpus Christi, Texas
- Valero Refining, Corpus Christi, Texas
- Integrity Industries, Kingsville, Texas
- Reading & Bates Horizontal Drilling Company, Tulsa, Oklahoma
- Densimix Inc., Houston, Texas
- U.S. ORE Corporation, Dallas, Texas
- Chandler Engineering, Tulsa, Oklahoma

Publications in last five years

Refereed Publications

- Pilehvari, Ali and Robert Serth, "Generalized Hydraulic Calculation Method Using Rational Polynomial Model," is under review for publication in the Journal of Energy Resources Technology (submitted October 2002).

- Kumar, S. Saboo, S. Sheth, A. Pilehvari, and R. Serth, "Correlation of Rheometric Data and Hydraulic Calculations Using Rational Polynomial," Chemical and Natural Gas Engineering Communication, 2000, Vol. 183, pp. 99-117.

- Pilehvari, Ali, J.J. Azar, and Siamack A. Shirazi, “State-Of-The-Art Cuttings Transport in Horizontal Wellbores”, published in the SPE Drilling & Completion Journal (6 pages)(September 1999).

- Larsen, Thor, Ali A. Pilehvari, and J.J. Azar, "Development of a New Cuttings Transport Model for High-Angle Wellbores Including Horizontal Wells", published in the SPE Drilling & Completion Journal (7 pages)(June 1997).

Conference Proceedings / Presentations

- Pilehvari, Ali, Venkata, R. Nyshadham, "Effect of Material Type and Size Distribution on Performance of Loss/Seepage Control Material", SPE paper No. 73791, Presented at the SPE International Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control held in Lafayette, Louisiana, 20-21 (20-21 February 2002).

- Pilehvari, Ali, Robert Serth, and Vishal Lagad, "Generalized Hydraulic Calculation Method Using Rational Polynomial Model", SPE paper No. 71403, presented at the 2001 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in New Orleans, Louisiana, (30 September- 3 October 2001).

- Pilehvari, Ali and Robert Serth, ”How Would Engineering Students Teach Classes,” presented at the at the 1997 Annual Conference of American Society for Engineering Education Gulf Southwest Section at Houston, Texas (7 pages)( March 23-25, 1997).

- Pilehvari, Ali and William Heenan, and John Chisholm, ”Natural Gas Engineering with Emphasis on Environment,” presented at the at the 1997 Annual Conference of American Society for Engineering Education Gulf Southwest Section at Houston, Texas (5 pages) (March 23-25, 1997).

Honors and Awards

- Recipient of the Koch Industry Outstanding Educator of the Year Award (2000)
- Recipient of the TAMUK Alumni Distinguished Teaching Award (2000)
- Recipient and Director of the “Walter Sells Chemical and Natural Gas Engineering Research Endowed Fund”, 1997 ($225,000).

Professional Affiliations

- Member, American Institute of Chemical Engineers
- Member, Society of Petroleum Engineers
- Member, Society of Oklahoma Professional Engineers

Institutional and Professional Service

- Coordinator of the FE Exam review course for the Frank H. Dotterweich College of Engineering
- Graduate Council Executive Committee, Advisory Board Member of the TAMUK’s Center for Teaching Effectiveness
- University Library Committee
- University Undergraduate Curriculum Review Committee
- Faculty Senate Committee on Emirates Rank

Professional Development

- Chemical and Natural Gas Engineering Curriculum Revitalization Workshop
- ABET 2000 Workshop on Continuous Program Improvement
- Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineers
- local meetings of AIChE and SPE

Professional Registration

Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Oklahoma

Dr. Ali A. Pilehvari