
Environmental Engineering

Department of Environmental Engineering

Tushar Sinha

Associate Professor


  • Ph.D., Hydrology, Purdue University, 2008
  • M.S., Water Resources Engg., Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, 2002
  • B.S., Agricultural Engg., Maharana Pratap Univ. of Ag. & Tech., Udaipur, India, 2001

Research Interests
Hydrological modeling; climate change impacts on hydrology; water resources management; surface water - groundwater interactions; and GIS and Remote Sensing applications

Professional Experiences

  • Associate Professor, TAMUK (Environmental Engineering), 2020 - present
  • Assistant Professor, TAMUK (Environmental Engineering), 2014 - 2020
  • Research Assistant Professor, North Carolina State University, 2013-2014
  • Postdoctoral Research Scientist, North Carolina State University, 2010-2012
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Arizona State University, 2008-2010
  • Graduate Research Assistant, Purdue University, 2004-2008
  • Assistant Engineer, Consulting Engineering Services, New Delhi, India, 2003-2004

Research Grants/Projects Awarded

  • Co-PI (PI: Jianhing Ren), Flood Prone Areas Identification and Nature-based Solutions Application for Flood Mitigation in Lower Rio Grande Valley Counties, Texas, Texas Water Development Board (10/2024-09/2025)
  • Co-PI (PI: Jianhong Ren), NRT-HDR: Transdisciplinary Research and Education for Air and Water Resources Solutions in Coastal Communities (TREAWS), National Science Foundation (09/2023 - 08/2028)
  • Co-PI (PI: Mahesh Hosur), CREST Center for Sustainable Water Use (CREST-SWU), National Science Foundation (09/2019 - 08/2025)
  • Co-PI (PI: Hua Li), Minority-focused Multi-level Engagement through Research Integrated Team Projects Across Agriculture Disciplines (MERIT), USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (08/2022 - 07/2026)
  • Co-PI (PI: Jong-Won Choi), Monitoring and Analysis of Sediment and Nutrients and their Associated Pollutants Loads into Nueces/Corpus Christi Bay, Texas, Texas Coastal Management Program (CMP), 11/2023 - 03/2025
  • PI, CRISP Type 2: Design and control of coordinated green and gray water infrastructure to improve resiliency in chemical and agricultural sectors, National Science Foundation (09/2017 - 08/2022)
  • PI, Arroyo Colorado Watershed Protection Plan Implementation, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) (10/2018 – 08/2022)
  • Co-PI (PI: Jianhong Ren), Modeling Freshwater inflows, Nutrient Dynamics and their Relationships to Algal Blooms in Nueces Bay, Texas General Land Office (10/2018 – 03/2020)
  • Co-PI (PI: Jennifer Ren), A Decision Support Modeling System for Managing the Water Resources around the Region of Choke Canyon Reservoir of the Nueces River Basin, City of Corpus Christi, TX (06/2015 - 02/2018)
  • Co-PI (PI: Sankar Arumugam, NCSU), WSC- Category 3: Collaborative Research: Water Sustainability under Near -term Climate Change: A cross-regional analysis incorporating socio-ecological feedbacks and adaptations, National Science Foundation (08/2012 - 08/2017)
  • Co-PI , Integrated Drought Management and Assessment Portal for the State of North Carolina, North Carolina Water Resources Institute (04/2014 – 03/2016)

Honors and Awards

  • Nominated and Selected for the TAMUK President's Aspiring Leaders Program (09/2023 - 07/2024)
  • TAMUK College of Engineering Excellence in Research Award, 2018
  • Graduate students poster competition awards at Regional Storm Water Quality (STORMCON) Conference, South Padre Island, TX: 2023 (2nd prize - Danielle Maynard), 2019 (1st prize - Muhammed A Chowdhury), 2018 (2nd prize - Muhammed A Chowdhury), 2017 (1st prize - Mohamed Elansary) and 2016 (2nd prize - Didier Gonzalez)
  • M.S. Student (Chisara Anoruo, graduated in 2017) received Society of Women in Engineering National Scholarship ($2,500) during 2015-2016.
  • TAMUK University Research Award, 2015
  • NSF Travel Award, Minority Faculty Development Workshop, 2015
  • UCOWR-NIWR-CUAHSI Conference Travel Grant, 2014
  • American Geophysical Union Travel Grant, Chapman Conference, 2013
  • School of life Sciences Research and Training Initiative Grant Award, Arizona State University, 2009
  • Sponsored by the ABE Department for Krannert School of Management’s Applied Management Principles Program, Purdue University, 2006
  • Ministry of Human Resources and Development (MHRD) scholarship during M.S. at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, 2001-2002

Sample Publications (*student)

  1. Oghenerurie Wisdom*, T. Sinha and K. Jones (2024), Investing in Resilience: Environmental Economics and Infrastructure Planning for a Changing Climate: Economic Strategies for Socially Complex Problems, Book published by Eliva Press, ISBN-10: 9999320163, and ISBN-13: 978-9999320160.  
  2. Chowdhury A. Muhammed*, T. Sinha and V. Kumar (2024), Effects of Land Cover Change and Rainfall Variability on Streamflow in a Mixed-use Watershed in the Southeastern Texas, in Hydro-Environmental Impact Assessment of Climate and Land Use Change on Watersheds for Sustainable Development, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (CSP), UK, Eds. T. I. Eldho and M. K. Jha (. 
  3. Flores-Lopez, C., B. L. Turner, R. Hanagriff, A. Bhandari, and T. Sinha (2022), South Texas Water Resource Mental Models: A Systems Thinking, Multi-stakeholder Case Study, Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, 176(1), 15-35, .
  4. Sherris, A., H. Li, D. Ramirez, T. Sinha, F. Haces-Fernandez, C. Robbins, M. Pirozzolo, M. O. Azayzeh, A. A. Aguirre, D. Maynard*, Y. Green-Jordan, J. Ren, and M. Cruz-Mendoza, Piloting transdisciplinarity among faculty and students concerned with flood management on the South Texas Gulf Coast: A four-stage model for initial collaboration (2022), Proceedings of Annual Conference of American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), 2022.
  5. Bhawar R., S. S. Fadnavis, V. Kumar, P. R. C. Rahul, T. Sinha, and L. Simone (2021) Radiative impacts of aerosols during COVID-19 lockdown period over the Indian region, Frontiers in Environmental Science, section: Atmosphere and Climate, in press. [Impact Factor - IF: 4.24] 
  6. Kumar, V., K. Sunilkumar, T. Sinha (2021), Proportional Trends of Continuous Rainfall in Indian Summer Monsoon. Remote Sensing, 13 (398), 1-21. [IF: 4.509] 
  7. Pradhan, P.K., V. Kumar, S. K. Khadgarai, S. V. BhaskaraRao, T. Sinha, K. VijayaKumari, S. Pattnaik (2021), Demonstration of the Temporal Evolution of Tropical Cyclone “Phailin” Using Gray-Zone Simulations and Decadal Variability of Cyclones over the Bay of Bengal in a Warming Climate. Ocean, 2, 648-674. [IF: 2.864] 
  8. Ajedegba, J. O*., T. Sinha, K. D. Jones (2021), Coastal Dune Vulnerability Assessment: Integrating Adaptation Information into Dune Management System in South Padre Island. Journal for Environmental and Atmospheric Innovations, 2021.
  9. Kumar, V., D.K. Sahu, A. Simon, A. Thomas, T. Sinha, J. Bielli, T. N. Krishnamurti (2021), Buoyancy Streams and Cloud Flare-Ups Along Rainbands in the Eye Wall of Rapidly Intensifying Storms. Pure and Applied Geophysics 178, 223-243. [IF: 1.586] 
  10. Bhardwaj, A., V. Kumar, A. Sharma, T. Sinha, S. P. Singh (2021), Application of Multimodel Superensemble Technique on the TIGGE Suite of Operational Models. Geomatics, 1, 81-91. 
  11. Kumar, V., P. K. Pradhan, T. Sinha, S. V. B. Rao and Hao-Po Chang* (2020), Interaction of a Low-Pressure System, an Offshore Trough, and Mid-Tropospheric Dry Air Intrusion: The Kerala Flood of August 2018, Atmosphere, 2020, 11, 740, doi:10.3390/atmos11070740. [IF: 2.397]. 
  12. Book Chapter: Kumar, V., A. S. Gautam, T. Sinha, R. Pandey (2020), Climate Variability and Trends over Dehradun during winter and Spring Seasons: A Case of Comfortability, Published in the book “Recent Advancements in Sciences with Special Reference to Himalaya”, by Alok Sagar Gautam, Publisher: Ancient Publishing House Delhi – 110053, India, pp. 195-205. 
  13. Hamidreza G. D., D. Stampoulis, J. Sabo, R. Shah, L. Huang, Y. Wei, Y. Tsai, J. Srinivasan, T. Sinha, D. Boscovic, and G. Low (2020), A Bayesian Neural Network for an Accurate Representation and Transformation of Runoff Dynamics: A Case Study of the Brazos River Basin in Texas, Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering Technology, 2020, 8, 41-51. [IF: 1.681] 
  14. Pradhan, P. K., M. L. R. Liberato, V. Kumar, J. Ferreira, S. V. B. Rao, and T. Sinha (2019), Simulation of Mid-Latitude Winter Storms over North Atlantic Ocean: Impact of Boundary Layer Parameterization Schemes, Climate Dynamics, 53 (11), 6785-6814, . [IF: 4.048]. 
  15. Kominoski, J.S., A. Ruhi, M. M. Hagler, K. Petersen, J. L. Sabo, T. Sinha, A. Sankarasubramanian and J. D. Olden (2018), Patterns and drivers of fish extirpations in rivers of the American Southwest and Southeast, Glob. Change Biol., 2018, 24, 1175–1185, . [IF: 8.44]. 
  16. Ahiablame, L., T. Sinha, M. Paul, Ji, Jae-Hyung* and A. Rajib (2017), Streamflow response to potential land use and climate changes in the James River watershed, Upper Midwest United States, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 14, 150–166. [IF: 3.17]. 
  17. Sankarasubramanian, J. L. Sabo, K. L. Larson, S. B. Seo*, T. Sinha, R. Bhowmik*, A. Ruhi Vidal, K. Kunkel, G. Mahinthakumar, E. Z. Berglund and J. Kominoski (2017), Synthesis of Public Water Supply Use in the U.S.: Spatio-temporal Patterns and Socio-Economic Controls, Earth’s Future, DOI: 10.1002/2016EF000511. [IF: 5.6].
  18. Bhowmik, R*. D., A. Sankarasubramanian, T. Sinha, J. Patskoski, K. Mahinthakumar and K. Kunkel (2017), Multivariate Downscaling Approach Preserving Cross-Correlations across Climate Variables for Projecting Hydrologic Fluxes, Journal of Hydrometeorology, . [IF: 3.273] 
  19. Seo, S*., T. Sinha, G. Mahinthakumar, A. Sankarasubramanian, and M. Kumar (2016) Identification of Dominant Source of Errors in Developing Streamflow and Groundwater Projection under Near-term Climate Change, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121(13), 7652–7672. [IF: 3.174] 
  20. Ji, J-H.*and T. Sinha (2016), Effects of Climate Change on Hydrology of the Nueces River Basin in South Texas, Conference Proceedings Paper number  162462942,  2016 ASABE Annual International Meeting. (doi: 10.13031/aim.20162462942) @2016. 
  21. Mazrooei A*., T. Sinha, A. Sankarasubramanian, S. Kumar, and Christa Peters-Lidard (2015), Decomposition of sources of errors in seasonal streamflow forecasting over the U.S. Sunbelt, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120, 11,809–11,825, doi:10.1002/2015JD023687. [IF: 3.174] 
  22. Li, W*., A. Sankarasubramanian, R. S. Ranjithan, and T. Sinha (2015), Role of multimodel combination and data assimilation in improving the hydrological model prediction at multiple time scales, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, DOI: 10.1007/s00477-015-1158-6. [IF: 2.086] 
  23. Sinha, A. Sankarasubramanian, and A. Mazrooei* (2014), Decomposition of Sources of Errors in Monthly to Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts in a Rainfall-Runoff Regime, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 15, 2470–2483. [IF: 3.273].
  24. Oh, J*., T. Sinha, and A. Sankarasubramanian (2014), The role of retrospective weather forecasts in developing daily forecasts of nutrient loadings over the Southeast US, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 1-14, 2014, doi:10.5194/hess-18-1-2014 [IF: 3.587]. 
  25. Singh, H*., T. Sinha, and A. Sankarasubramanian (2014), Impacts of near-term climate change and population growth on within-year reservoir systems, J. Water Resour. Plann. Manage, 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000474, 04014078. [IF: 3.537] 
  26. Oludhe, C., A. Sankarasubramanian, T. Sinha, N. Devineni, and U. Lall (2013), Role of Multimodel Climate Forecasts in Improving Water and Energy Management, in press, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 52, 11, 2460-2475, doi: [IF: 2.02]. 
  27. Sinha, T., and A. Sankarasubramanian (2013), Role of initial soil moisture conditions and monthly updated climate forecasts in developing operational streamflow forecasts, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 17, 721-733, doi:10.5194/hess-17-721-2013 [IF: 3.587]. 
  28. Sabo, J.L., K. Bestgen, W. Graf, T. Sinha and E. Wohl (2012), Dams in the Cadillac Desert: Downstream effects in a geomorphic context, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol 1249, The Year in Ecology and Conservation Biology, 227-246, DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2011.06411.x. [IF: 4.364] 
  29. Sabo, J.L.,T. Sinha, L. Bowling, G. Schoups, K. Cherkauer, P. Fuller, W. Graf, J. Hopmans, J. Kominoski, S. Trimble, W. Wallender, R. Webb, E. Wohl (2010), Reclaiming sustainable watersheds in the Cadillac Desert, Proc. of National Acad. of Sci., 107, 50, 21263-21269. [IF: 9.74] 
  30. Sinha, T., and K. A. Cherkauer (2010), Impacts of future climate change on soil frost in the midwestern United States, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, D08105, 1-16, doi:10.1029/2009JD012188. [IF: 3.174] 
  31. Graf, W., E. Wohl, T. Sinha, and J. L. Sabo (2010), Sedimentation and sustainability of western American reservoirs, Water Resour. Res., 46, W12535, 13 pp., doi:10.1029/2009WR008836. [IF: 3.149] 
  32. Sinha, T., K. A. Cherkauer and V. Mishra (2010), Impacts of historic climate variability on seasonal soil frost in the Midwestern U.S., Journal of Hydrometeorology, 11, 229-251. [IF: 3.273] 
  33. Cherkauer, K. A., and T. Sinha (2010), Hydrologic impacts of projected future climate change in the Lake Michigan Region, Journal of Great Lakes Research, 36(2), 33-50. [IF: 2.309] 
  34. Sinha, T., and K. A. Cherkauer (2008), Time series analysis of soil freeze-thaw processes in Indiana, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 9(5), 936-950. [IF: 3.273] 


Tushar Sinha