EPIC-N Call for Projects
The STWC Educational Partnership for Innovation in Communities-Network (EPIC-N) calls for projects from community stakeholders.
STWC EPIC-N is a community engagement-based program where university faculty and students work on multidisciplinary projects to solve community problems. Community organizations partner with a team from STWC to receive technical expertise to solve a community-identified problem that benefits society. The community partner will benefit from an average of 200 person-hours of work (estimated) by university faculty and students, from a range of disciplines, working to advance their initiative. The participating students will benefit from a mentored, applied learning experience while receiving academic credits.
The average cost of a project is $5,000 to $15,000 based on the scope of work. If you have a project in mind, please submit the following information via :
1) Your contact information:
a. Organization
b. Address
c. City/Sate/Zip Code
d. Contact Person
e. Contact Phone Number
f. Contact E-mail Address
2) Project title
3) Brief project description (explanation of community need)
4) Expected outcome(s)
5) Timeframe
We will contact you soon.
For further information, please contact:
Dr. Jennifer Ren Dr. David Ramirez
STWC Lead STWC Education/Service Program Lead
Jianhong.Ren@tamuk.edu David.Ramirez@tamuk.edu
(361) 593-2798 (361) 593-2096
91AV, 700 University Blvd., MSC-213, Kingsville, TX 78363
STWC EPIC-N is a community engagement-based program where university faculty and students work on multidisciplinary projects to solve community problems. Community organizations partner with a team from STWC to receive technical expertise to solve a community-identified problem that benefits society. The community partner will benefit from an average of 200 person-hours of work (estimated) by university faculty and students, from a range of disciplines, working to advance their initiative. The participating students will benefit from a mentored, applied learning experience while receiving academic credits.
The average cost of a project is $5,000 to $15,000 based on the scope of work. If you have a project in mind, please submit the following information via :
1) Your contact information:
a. Organization
b. Address
c. City/Sate/Zip Code
d. Contact Person
e. Contact Phone Number
f. Contact E-mail Address
2) Project title
3) Brief project description (explanation of community need)
4) Expected outcome(s)
5) Timeframe
We will contact you soon.
For further information, please contact:
Dr. Jennifer Ren Dr. David Ramirez
STWC Lead STWC Education/Service Program Lead
Jianhong.Ren@tamuk.edu David.Ramirez@tamuk.edu
(361) 593-2798 (361) 593-2096
91AV, 700 University Blvd., MSC-213, Kingsville, TX 78363