
Environmental Engineering



The Center for Research Excellence in Science and Technology - Research on Environmental Sustainability in Semi-Arid Coastal Areas (CREST-RESSACA) achieved its goals of building capacity at 91AV (TAMUK) and enhanced the diversity of the nation’s workforce by providing access and opportunities to minority groups, especially Hispanics in STEM disciplines. Our center graduated 8 Ph.D., 19 M.S. and 78 B.S. students. A total of 105 graduate and undergraduate students (71% Hispanics) and one postdoctoral research associate have been supported from our CREST-RESSACA. Four Ph.D. graduates became university faculty members. RESSACA researchers, together with collaborators, produced over 180 journal articles, book, book chapters, and conference presentations and filed for two invention disclosures.

Technology and knowledge transfer under RESSACA focused on three major areas: 1) Monitoring of pollutants in the environment, 2) Modeling pollutant transport, and 3) Sustainable pollution control technologies. RESSACA collaborated with regional, state, national and international academic institutions. RESSACA researchers secured almost $6 million in non-NSF research contracts. In 2009, a new B.S. program in EVEN was initiated partially for creating a pipeline to the EVEN M.S./Ph.D. programs, and 12 new EVEN courses were developed.

Our center welcomed the addition of two faculty members Dr. Lucy Camacho and Dr. Tushar Sinha in the Department of Environmental Engineering at TAMUK. Dr. Camacho brings extensive expertise and new ideas to our center on water desalination, membrane distillation, electrodialysis metathesis and other innovative technologies for water purification applications. Dr. Sinha is an expert on freshwater sustainability, surface water and groundwater interactions, land surface hydrology and geographic information systems applications. The expertise of both Dr. Camacho and Dr. Sinha is beneficial to integrating and bringing new insights to the research being conducted in the sub-project areas of CREST-RESSACA.

CREST-RESSACA leads in research on Environmental Engineering and sustainability and fosters sustainable development particularly along the South Texas-Mexico border region. We continue our success to increase access and completion of advanced Environmental Engineering degrees for our predominantly Hispanic student population of South Texas.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. HRD-0734850

  1. Akumiah, N., Martinez, A. (2012). “Modeling the Biofiltration of NOx in an Integrated Air Pollution Control Technology: A Focus on Key Biodegradation Parameters” In  Ozone and Ozone Depletion: Sources, Environmental Impact and Health. Book ID 722. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., in print.
  2. Camarena, C. (2011) “Exchange of DDE and DDE Associated Fine Suspended Sediments between Streams and Streambeds” PhD Dissertation, Texas A &M University-Kingsville, Kingsville, Texas. 
  3. Camarena, C.; Otero, D.; Ren, J. (2012) “Stream-Subsurface Exchange of p,p’-DDE in the Presence of Fine Particles: Experimental Study and Modeling”-Ready for submission to Hydrological Processes
  4. Camarena, C.; Ren, J. (2012) “Effects of pH and Ionic Strength and the Association with Dissolved Organic Matter on the Release of p,p'-DDE from Contaminated Streambed Sediments”- Ready for submission to Chemosphere
  5. Camarena, C.; Otero, D.; Ren, J. (2013) “Effects of Water Chemistry on the Upwelling of p,p’-DDE and p,p’-DDE Associated Fine Sediment from Contaminated Streambed under Base Flow Conditions: An Experimental Study and Model Application” – Ready for submission to Journal of Environmental Engineering
  6. Camarena, C.; Ren, J. (2013) “Release of DDE and DDE Associated Fine Sediments from Contaminated Streambeds under high flow conditions”- Ready for submission to Hydrological Processes
  7. Carter, E. M.; Katz, L. E.; Speitel, G. E.; Ramirez, D. (2011) “Gas-phase formaldehyde adsorption isotherm studies on activated carbon: correlations of adsorption capacity to surface functional group density” Environmental Science and Technology, 45, 6498-6503.
  8. Chitre, S.; Santos, S.;  Ramirez, D.; Jones, K. (2012) “Bench Scale Quantification of Water Vapor Adsorption Capacity of Biologically Active Soil”, poster presentation at the 105th Annual Conference & Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association, June 19-22, San Antonio, TX. (Second Place Award, M.S. Level).
  9. Chitre, S.; Santos, S.; Ramirez, D.; Jones, K. (2012) “Quantification of Water Adsorption Capacity of Biologically Active Soil and Woodchips”, 6th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, June 25-29, Houston, TX.Contreras, M.M., (2012) “Analysis of Metal Pollutants in San Martin Lake”, M.S. Thesis, 91AV, Kingsville, TX. 
  10. Chitre, S. A.; Santos, S.; Ramirez, D.; Jones, K. (2011) “In-Column Determination of Water Uptake by Biologically Active Soil” poster presentations at the Javelina Research Symposium, October 18, 91AV. (Provost’s Award, Master’s level)
  11. Chitre, S. A.; Santos, S.; Ramirez, D.; Jones, K. (2011) “In-Column Determination of Water Uptake by Biologically Active Soil” poster presentations at the 9th Annual Pathways Student Research Symposium, November 11, 91AV;M University, College Station, Texas.
  12. Facundo, N.; Ramirez, D. (2011) “Air Pollutant Adsorption on Nanomaterials: Can It Affect Human Health?” 104th Annual Conference & Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association, June 20-24, Orlando, Florida.
  13. Facundo, N. (2011) “Gas Phase Adsorption of Water and Methanol onto Engineered Nanomaterials: SiO2 Nanopowder, C60 Fullerene, Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes”, M.S. Thesis, 91AV.
  14. Facundo, N.; Ramirez, D. (2011) “Air Pollutant Adsorption on Nanomaterials: Can It Affect Human Health?” 104th Annual Conference & Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association, June 21-24, Orlando, Florida.
  15. Facundo, N.; Ramirez, D. (2011) “Can Atmospheric Pollutants Adsorb on Nanomaterials?” poster presentation at the 104th Annual Conference & Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association, June 21-24, Orlando, Florida. (Second Place, Master’s level)
  16. Facundo, I. A.; Salinas, R.; Ramirez, D. (2011) “Dynamic Adsorption of n-Hexane on Granular Activated Carbon at Low Surface Velocity” poster presentation at the 104th Annual Conference & Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association, June 21-24, Orlando, Florida. (Second Place, Undergraduate’s level)
  17. Facundo, I.; Salinas, R.; Ramirez, D. (2011) “Dynamic Adsorption of n-Hexane on Granular Activated Carbon at Low Surface Velocity” poster presentations at the 9th Annual Pathways Student Research Symposium, November 11, 91AV;M University, College Station, Texas.
  18. Gangupomu, R. H.; Kositkanawuth, K.; Ramirez, D.; Sattler, M.; Dennis, B.; MacDonnell, F.; Billo, R.; Priest, J. (2011) “Analysis and Comparison of Inertinite-Derived Adsorbent with Conventional Adsorbents” 104th Annual Conference & Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association, June 21-24, Orlando, Florida.
  19. Gangupomu, R. H.; Kositkanawuth, K.; Sattler, M. L.; Ramirez, D.; Dennis, B. H.; MacDonnell, F. M.; Billo, R.; Priest, J. W. (2012) “Analysis and Comparison of Inertinite-Derived Adsorbent with Conventional Adsorbents”, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 62(5), 489-499.
  20. Gor, P., Martinez, A., Reyna, R., Mejía, G., Santos, J., Guerrero, L. (2012). “Environmental Health Indicators for the Border Region between South Texas and Northeastern Mexico” In Environmental Sustainability: US-Mexico Border Region. Springer, in print.
  21. Guerrero, L., Gor, P., Reyna, R., Mejía, G., Santos, J., Martinez, A. (2012). “Pollution and Lifestyle Causes of Asthma and Allergies Among School Children of Tamaulipas, Mexico in the US-Mexico Border Region” In Environmental Sustainability: US-Mexico Border Region. Springer, in print.
  22. Heuston, D., Pana, P., Abdelrahman, M., and Clapp, L.  2011.  “Simulation studies comparing hydrogen and dithionite and reductants in uranium-contaminated groundwater.”  Presented at the 2012 ASEE Conference (San Antonio, TX, June 10-13).
  23. Hamilton, M., Abdelrahman, M. and Clapp, L. 2011.  “Validity of the methodology for establishing baseline water quality for uranium in-situ recovery mining.  Presented at the 2012 ASEE Conference (San Antonio, TX, June 10-13).
  24. Jones, K., Yadavalli, N., Karre, A., Paca, J.  (2011) Microbial monitoring and performance evaluation for H2S biological air emissions control at a wastewater lift station in South Texas, USA, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A (Accepted for publication).
  25. Jones, K.; Ramirez, D.; Chisholm, J.; Pilehvari, A.; Mohering, G.; Lee, L. (2011) “TAMUK-STEP: A Model of Student Success and Persistence” poster presentation at the STEP Grantees Meeting 2011, March 17-18, Washington, DC
  26. Karre, A., Jones, K., Boswell, J., Paca, J. (2012) Evaluation of VOC Emissions Control and Opacity Removal Using a Biological Sequential Treatment System for Forest Products Applications, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (Accepted for publication).
  27. Karre, A., Bairu, P., Jones, K., Paca, J.  (2011) Parameters Affecting H2S Emissions Removal and Re-circulating Water Quality in a Pilot Scale Sequential Biological Treatment System at a Waste Water Lift Station in Brownsville, Texas, USA, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A (Accepted for publication).
  28. Khan, T. R.; Alfaro, G.; Ramirez, D. (2011) “On Field Measurement of Particulate Matter and Ultrafine Particles during Grass Mowing” poster presentations at the Javelina Research Symposium, October 18, 91AV.
  29. Khan, T. R.; Alfaro, G.; Ramirez, D. (2011) “On Field Measurement of Particulate Matter and Ultrafine Particles during Grass Mowing” poster presentations at the 9th Annual Pathways Student Research Symposium, November 11, 91AV;M University, College Station, Texas.
  30. Nazarenko, Y.; Leslie, P.; Ramirez, D.; Facundo, N. (2011) “Nanoparticles as Emerging Air Pollutants” Panel session at the 104th Annual Conference Rivas, R., Jones, K., Mills, P. (2012) A citrus waste based biorefinery as a source of renewable energy: technical advances and analysis of engineering challenges, Applied Energy (Accepted for Publication).
  31. Paca, J., Halecky, M., Novak, V., Jones, K., Kozliak, E. (2011) Biofiltration of a styrene/acetone vapor mixture in two reactor types under conditions of acetone overloading, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (Accepted for publication).
  32. Pan, X., Jones, K. (2011)  Seasonal variation of fecal indicator bacteria in storm events within the U.S. stormwater database, Water Science and Technology (Accepted for publication).
  33. Ramirez, D.; Vidal, E. X.; Hemamipour, H.; Rood, M. J.; Hay, K. J. (2011) “Capture and Recovery of Methyl Ethyl Ketone with Electrothermal-Swing Adsorption Systems” Journal of Environmental Engineering, 137(9), 826-832.
  34. Ramirez, D. (2012) Invited speaker and panelist to “Academic Career Preparation Workshop”, 105th Annual Conference & Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association, June 19, San Antonio, TX.Ramos, C. A.; Ramirez, D.;  Jin, K.; Li, H.; (2012) “Factorial Analysis of Selected Factors Affecting the Electricity Production of Onshore Wind Farms” International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment, accepted for publication.
  35. Salinas, R.; Ramirez, D. (2011) “Thermal Desorption of p-Xylene from Granular Activated Carbon” poster presentation at the 104th Annual Conference & Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association, June 21-24, Orlando, Florida.
  36. Salinas, R.; Ramirez, D. (2011) “Thermal Desorption of p-Xylene from Granular Activated Carbon” 104th Annual Conference & Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association, June 21-24, Orlando, Florida.
  37. Sunkavalli, V. (2011) “Equilibrium Adsorption and Hysteresis Effect of Water Vapor onto a Series of Activated Carbon Adsorbents”, M.S. Thesis, 91AV.
  38. Ruiz, J., Ren, J. (2012) “Sediment Metal Availability in Manadas Creek, an Urban Tributary of the Rio Grande in Laredo, Texas”, Lower Rio Grande Valley Storm Water 14th Annual Stormwater Management Planning Conference, March 28 - 30, South Padre Island, TX. (First place, Outstanding Student Poster)
  39. Ruiz, J., Ren, J. (2012) “Sediment Metal Availability in Manadas Creek, an Urban Tributary of the Rio Grande in Laredo, Texas”, Frank H. Dotterweich College of Engineering Graduate Students’ Research Poster Competition, 91AV, April 24, Kingsville, TX.
  40. Ruiz, J., Ren, J. (2012) “Sediment Metal Availability in Manadas Creek, an Urban Tributary of the Rio Grande in Laredo, Texas”, CREST-RESSACA Environmental and Energy Sustainability Conference, April 25 - 27, Houston, TX.
  41. Uddameri, V. and Hernandez, E. A. (2011); Impacts of Climate Change on Stream Water Quality; Presented at the American Water Resources Association Annual Conference, Special Session on Climate Change Impacts on Hydrologic Cycle; Albuquerque NM, Nov 6-8
  42. Uddameri, V. (2011); A Simulation-Optimization model for modeling Managed Infiltration Facilities; Presented at the American Water Resources Association Annual Conference, Special Session on artificial Recharge; Albuquerque NM, Nov 6-8
  43. Uddameri, V. and Singh, V. P. (2012); The Competition between Environmental, Urban and Rural Groundwater Demands and the Impacts on Agriculture in the Edwards Aquifer Area, Texas; (In press) Advances in Agronomy; Special Issue on Climate Change and its Impacts on Agriculture and Food Security (Dr. Rattan Lal, Editor) – Invited Contribution.
  44. Uddameri, V. (2012); Semi-Analytical Solutions for Stream-Aquifer Interactions under Triangular Stream-Stage Variations and its Application to Study Urbanization Impacts in Ungaged Watersheds; Hydrological Processes;  (accepted, under revision)
  45. Uddameri, V. and Andruss, T. (2012) An Integrated Statistical GIS-based MCDM Framework for Groundwater Monitoring Network Design; AWRA GIS & Water Resources VII Specialty Conference; 6 pp
  46. Uddameri, V. and Honnungar, V. (2011); A Fuzzy Arithmetic Approach to Characterize Aquifer Vulnerability Considering Geologic Variability and Decision Maker’s Imprecision; Geoinformatics in Applied Geomorphology; S. Anbazhagan, S. K. Subramanian and X. Yang (editors); CRC Press Inc; pp 141-152 (Invited contribution)
  47. Uddameri, V. and Singaraju, S. (2012) A Multivariate Water Quality Assessment of Nutrient Behavior in Drainage Ditches of Cameron and Hidalgo Counties, TX; Report Submitted to Texas State Soil Water and Conservation Board; Blackland, TX.
  48. Uddameri, V. and Amaya, J. (2012); Game theoretic Approaches to Evaluate Strategic Interactions in Collaborative Groundwater Management; Presented at the National Ground Water Summit; May 5 - 8; Anaheim, CA
  49. Venkataraman, K. and Uddameri, V. (2011); A GIS-based Evaluation of Risks due to Trihalomethane Exposure during Showering in Coastal Texas; Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy;  DOI: 10.1007/s10098-011-0415-8
  50. Venkataraman, K. and Uddameri, V. (2012); Modeling Simultaneous Exceedance of Drinking-Water Standards of Arsenic and Nitrate in the Southern Ogallala Aquifer using Multinomial Logistic Regression; Journal of Hydrology; (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.06.028).
  51. Venkataraman, K. and Uddameri, V. (2012) Evaluation of the Potential for Wind-powered Desalination in Coastal South Texas using Geo-spatial Techniques; AWRA GIS & Water Resources VII Specialty Conference; 6 pp
  52. Venkataraman, K. and Uddameri, V. (2012) Delineating Simultaneous Arsenic and Nitrate Exceedances in the Southern Ogallala Aquifer, Texas; AWRA GIS & Water Resources VII Specialty Conference; 6 pp
  53. Venkataraman, K. and Uddameri, V. (2011); Impacts of Sea-Level Rise on Groundwater Resources in Coastal Texas; Presented at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Conference; San Francisco, CA, Dec 8-11
  54. Wu, D.; Ramirez, D. (2011) “Adsorption of Benzene and Toluene on Carbon-Based Nano and Macro-sized Engineered Materials” poster presentations at the Javelina Research Symposium, October 18, 91AV.
  55. Wu, D.; Ramirez, D. (2011) “Adsorption of Benzene and Toluene on Carbon-Based Nano and Macro-sized Engineered Materials” poster presentations at the 9th Annual Pathways Student Research Symposium, November 11, 91AV;M University, College Station, Texas.
  56. Yilmaz, M.; Garcia, C.A.; Ramirez, D.; Guillen, T.D. (2011) “A K-12 Advanced Research Camp for Engineering and Science Disciplines” 118th Annual Conference and Exhibition of the American Society for Engineering Education, June 26-29, Vancouver, Canada.
  57. Yuan, Y.; Khan, T.; Ramirez, D.; Ramos, C.; Li, H. (2011) “Air Pollutant Exposure Assessment In Texas Urban Areas With A Geographic Information System” The 12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, June 5-10, Austin, Texas.
  58. Zou, Y. and Ramirez D. (2012) “The Effect of Filtration Time and Surface Velocity on the Removal of Silica Nanoparticles Using Pleated Filters” 105th Annual Conference & Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association, June 19-22, San Antonio, TX.
  59. Zou, Y. and Ramirez D. (2012) “Filtration of Silicon Dioxide Nanopowder on Residential Pleated Filter”, poster presentation at the 105th Annual Conference & Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association, June 19-22, San Antonio, TX.
  60. Zou, Y.; Ramirez, D. (2011) “Filtration of Silicon Dioxide Nanopowder on Residential Pleated Filter” poster presentations at the Javelina Research Symposium, October 18, 91AV.
  61. Zou, Y.; Ramirez, D. (2011) “Filtration of Silicon Dioxide Nanopowder on Residential Pleated Filter” poster presentations at the 9th Annual Pathways Student Research Symposium, November 11, 91AV;M University, College Station, Texas.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. HRD-0734850