
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Master of Science in Industrial Engineering

The graduate programs in Industrial Engineering are designed to instill fundamental concepts as well as practical knowledge of modern engineering and to prepare students for immediate engineering challenges as well as a lifetime of professional advancement. Research laboratories are available for work in robotics and automation, intelligent systems and controls, dextrous robotic hands, computer integrated engineering design and radiation effects on materials. Excellent computer facilities are available.

Listed #9 on Best College Reviews' Top 25 Online Master's Degrees in Engineering!

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Graduate Degree Plan

Master of Science

The Industrial Engineering Master of Science program now requires  two core courses for all degree plan options: IEEN 5335 and  IEEN 5321. There are three different general degree plan options

1)  Course-only

2) Research Project

3) Thesis.

The course-only option requires 12 regular courses and pass a written comprehensive exam. 

Research project option requires 11 regular courses and one  IEEN 5305-Research Project course. A student needs to choose an Industrial Engineering faculty as research project advisor,  complete a research project, write a  report, and pass an oral defense.

The thesis option requires 8  regular courses and at least two IEEN 5306-Thesis courses. A student needs to choose an Industrial Engineering faculty as thesis advisor, complete a  comprehensive research project, write a thesis proposal  (first IEEN 5306 course) and thesis report (last IEEN 5306  course), and pass an oral defense.

All three-degree options can be completed 100% online. We also have an approved engineering management certificate program and another manufacturing standards and standardization certificate program, which can be earned together with your degree and show in your official transcript after you complete the required certificate courses.