Awards and Honors
- 2022 – Veronica Ancona, Senior Teaching Award. Dick and Mary Lewis Kleberg College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 91AV
- Humberto L. Perotto-Baldivieso. Outstanding Achievement Award. Society for Range Management.
- Miranda N De La Garza received the 1st place in the student poster sessions at the Water Smart Innovations Conference, Las Vegas, October 6-7, 2022.
- Miranda N De La Garza was selected as honorable mention of the Student Poster People’s Choice Award and the Official Student Poster Competition Graduate Award at the AWRA 2021 Virtual Annual Water Resources Conference.
- Michael Ramos, Joseph Saenz, Matthew L. Alexander, and Joseph A. Amaya, “Updating the Historical Records of the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer Groundwater Availability Model for Improved Model Predictions” presented at TAMU Pathways conference, College Station, TX March 2022. Received first place award in undergraduate engineering and computer science division, poster competition.
- Benjamin Turner: Junior Faculty Research Award, TAMUK College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
- Benjamin Turner: Best Early Career Research Award (Honorable Mention), International Society of Ecological Modelling.
- Kendall Cloud: 2021-2022 Outstanding Agribusiness Student.