
Institutes & Research


Project Summary


1) Project Title: Promote sustainable Agriculture Concepts in Education through multidisciplinary Research and Pedagogical Trainings (PACE).

2) Primary AFRI Farm Bill Priority Area: Bioenergy, natural resources, and environment.

3) Project Duration: 09/01/2023 to 08/31/2027, 48 months.

4) Project Director: Dr. Mohammad Motaher Hossain, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 91AV, mohammad.hossain@tamuk.edu, 361-593-3341.

5) Co-Project Director: Dr. Marsha Sowell, Dr. Benjamin Turner, Dr. Hua Li, and Dr. Kai Jin          

6) Number of Participants per Year: 16 Kindergarten to 8th Grade (K-8) Teachers per Year (8 teachers in each cohort and two cohorts per year).



The project’s overarching goal is to create a dynamic multidisciplinary environment and a Community of Practice where research, education, and outreach are integrated to provide elementary and middle school (K-8) teachers with opportunities to conduct cutting-edge research and develop innovative curricular modules to promote agriculture literacy in South Texas. The project focuses on AFRI priority areas 3, 4, and 6, and aligns with the USDA Strategic Goals 2, 4, 5, and 7. The specific objectives are to: 1) provide authentic and immersive research experiences on food and agricultural sciences to K-8 teachers, especially Hispanics, women, and/or teachers who were first generation college graduates; 2) increase the number of underrepresented students pursuing majors and careers in food and agricultural sciences through innovative curriculum development and implementation; and 3) build a sustainable bond among K-8 teachers, researchers, faculty, graduate students, and industries to accelerate agriculture literacy and workforce development in South Texas. Sixteen K-8 teachers will be trained every year in two cohorts in a collaborative group setting to complete research projects and develop a series of curricular modules to inspire students’ interests in food and agricultural sciences. Each cohort with 8 teachers will participate in a 2.5-week of summer program to tackle various research topics, interact with faculty and graduate student mentors, USDA REEU students, and industrial advisors, complete different professional development training, and develop curricular modules to be implemented in their classrooms. Academic year follow-up activities will be conducted to ensure successful implementation of the modules.