
Laboratory Based Robotics

Robotics Design Projects

2012 Robotics Design Projects

Design Projects
Team-1 The intention of this project is to design and build a robot to compete in the 2012 IEEE Region 5 Conference. The robot will be completely autonomous and will have to maneuver through a course containing three different simulated sources of renewal energy: light, hydroelectric, and wind. The goal is to obtain energy from two of the three sources to establish enough energy to raise the flag mechanism.
Team-2 The overall objective for this project is to build a fully autonomous robot to compete in the 2012 IEEE Region 5 Student Robotics Contest and to meet the requirements and restrictions of the competition. This project will require knowledge from subjects taught in the curriculum of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. The project will encompass knowledge of Control Systems, Microprocessor Interface, Electric Drives, Mechanics, Dynamics, and Product Design. By building a fully autonomous robot the knowledge attained from these subjects will be reinforced through the implementation and design stages of the project.
Team-3 The overall objective of our project is to compete in this year’s IEEE Regional Robotics Competition.  This competition was found to be one of the most challenging interdisciplinary contests in which to base our senior design project on.  This project will enable us to use skills learned throughout undergraduate course curriculums and apply concepts related to Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. An autonomous robot will be built according to the 2012 IEEE Robotics Conference Rules to compete on a predefined playing field and harvest energy from different simulated renewable sources.  Knowledge on certain topics such as electric drives and programming must be applied to complete the goal.
Team-4 The objective was to create a fully functional autonomous robot to navigate a field to harvest energy. The design required the application of knowledge gained from electrical and mechanical engineering course work to build a robot that maneuvered its way through a course in order to collect at least two types of renewable energy sources and then deliver the harvested energy to a flag.