
Financial Aid


Title IV Aid Eligibility Requirements

Student eligibility for financial aid is determined by a number of factors.  First, students must be admitted to the university and complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 

In order to be eligible for Title IV Aid, students must:

  • Have a complete and valid FAFSA on file with the University.
  • Be U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens. FAFSA data is checked against Department of Homeland Security records to verify eligible status.
  • Have a valid Social Security Number.
  • Not be in default on an educational loan or owe a refund to any financial aid program.
  • Be registered with Selective Service or be exempt from this requirement.
  • Must be enrolled in an eligible program for the declared purpose of obtaining a degree or certificate.  Students enrolled for the purpose of personal enhancement or skill enhancement are ineligible.  Transient students or students in conditional status are also ineligible.
  • Must have demonstrated the ability to benefit from the education they are about to receive.  This requirement is met by providing official evidence of obtaining a high school diploma or GED or completing secondary school in a homeschool setting to the TAMUK Admissions Office.
  • Must be making satisfactory academic progress toward the completion of a program of study.