
Enrollment Management

Military & Veteran Resource Center

Academic Policy

Veterans are expected to attend classes regularly.  Class attendance is checked by each instructor.  Although it is the responsibility of the student to drop a course, the instructor has the full authority to drop a veteran for "non-attendance" if the student has had an excessive number of absences.

Certain departments or programs may be governed by accrediting or certification standards that may require more stringent attendance policies.  Veterans should note these individual differences.

VA2.jpgNOTE:  It is the responsibility of the Veteran to officially withdraw from all courses or to drop from individual classes. ALL Drop Documentation must be turned into the Veterans Affairs Office

Failure to follow the drop or withdrawal procedure correctly will result in the Veteran receiving an "F" in the course/courses concerned.

A 100% refund of applicable tuition and fees collected will be made for courses from which students drop within the first 12 days of a semester or within the first four days of a summer term.  There will be no refunds for courses dropped after the first 12 days of a semester or after the first four days of a summer term.

Students officially withdrawing from all courses during a semester/term will receive a refund on service fees, tuition fees and laboratory fees based on the date of official withdrawal and the applicable percentage. See our refunds page.

To officially withdraw from all courses you must:

  1. Notify the Veterans Affairs Office.

  2. Complete an official withdrawal form at the Registrar's Office

  3. Complete an exit interview with the Financial Aid Office