
Financial Services

Account & Reporting

Property Accounting FAQ

No. Broken inventoried items can still be taken to Surplus. You only fill out the Deletion Notice to remove it from your inventory.

No. CIS will go out to surplus building and remove all the memory on all the computers before they get sent out. You will need to complete a Property Deletion Form to properly remove it from your inventory.

No. When your department completes a Property Transfer Form or Property Deletion Form and submits it to Property Accounting, we will complete a work order for the service crew to remove the items form your department.

Yes. You will not need to complete a Property Transfer form for this; therefore you will need to contact the service crew for any changes within a department. However, if the equipment has a tag on it, you will need to call Property Accounting Office to update the location of the item.

Yes. All transfers out of your department and into Surplus required a Property Deletion Form. Property Accounting will not complete a work order for the service crew if the Property Transfer Form is not completed. The service crew will not move any items without a work order requested by Property Accounting.

Yes. If at any point any equipment that is at Surplus needs to be brought back into service a Property Transfer Form will need to be completed

No. The state requires all our computers and computer equipment to be sent to the Texas Correctional Industries (TCI).