Accounts Payable FAQ
- No. These are prohibited by state regulations, except for class instruction or research.
- No. The only advance payments allowed are for registrations memberships and subscriptions.
- No. These are prohibited by state regulations.
- No. These are prohibited by state regulations.
- Yes. Payment requires same information as other state payments and a sample of the material that was copied.
- The vendor must be notified within 21 days after receipt of the invoice. If the discrepancy can be resolved verbally, documented the date the dispute was resolved. This date will serve as the receiving date of the invoice. Prompt payment time will start with the receipt of the new invoice.
- If you receive an invoice that is not correct, you must notify the vendor and have them submit a new invoice. The discrepancy must be documented in writing per State regulations. If the discrepancy is not documented the vendor is owed interest.
- Not with State funds. On local funds tips can be paid but not to exceed 20% of the total amount of the expense.
- Not with state funds. On local funds sales tax can be reimbursed as an exception if a purchase was made in person, out of state. Example: An employee buys a book at an out of state conference and pays sales tax.
- Never on State fund. Local funds dependent if it is an allowable expense on the account to be used. Use the Expenditure Matrix to help determine if it is allowed. If an allowable expense use object code 6341.