
Financial Services

Budget Services

Budget Procedures and Changes

Budget Procedures and Changes

Types of Account Groups

  • State Appropriated Funds
  • Account Range (100000-199999, 870000-879999)
  • Must show direct benefit to the University & follow strict state guidelines and laws
  • Longevity (1610) & Benefits (1900s)_are not pd in accts
  • Special Allocations:

Indirect Cost (142000-142999)-Bal brought fwd

Research Development Funds (1603xx)-Lose @ YE (?)

HEAF (1609xx, 87xxxx)-Bal brought fwd until grant ends

Other E&G accounts lose any budget available @ YE

  • Account Range (220000-248999)
  • All have Wage (1700) and Operating Budgets (4000) only. No budgeted salaries. They will all remain in the "1" account number
  • Beginning FY05, Operating Budget from E&G-State accounts were moved to E&G-Local accounts (137101 now 237101)
  • Beginning FY07, Wage Budget from E&G-State accounts were moved to E&G-Local accounts
  • Must show direct benefit to the University & Follow strict state guidelines and laws E&G-State acct

  • Accounts Range (200000-399999)
  • Guidelines of the University and 91AV;M System apply to all purchases with local funds
  • Budgeted Accts:

216540-216549 (Student ID Cards Fee)

216550-216559 (Group Hospital Fee)

216600-216609 (Applied Music Fee)

216700-216709 (Transcript Fee)

217000-217099 (Computer Use Fee)

218000-218499 (Designated Tuition)

218500-218599 (Library Access Fee)

310000-319999 (Std Service Fees)

315000-315999 (Athletic Fees)

317000-317009 (UPD)

332000-349999 (Dorms, Sub, Apts)

Self-Supporting Accts:

  • 200001-216000
  • 320000-329990

  • Account Range for Grants & Contracts - 400000-499999
  • Account Range for Scholarships - 650000-659999
  • Restricted by Outside Sponsor
  • Federal Grants begin with 40xxxx
  • All expenditures are reviewed and approved by Grants & Contracts Office (documents should be routed to their office before acct payable)
  • May have support accounts (5 more digits added to acct # -400123-00002)

  • Accounts range (800000-899999)
  • Purpose: To capture total costs of large projects usually under a contract (ex: renovations, new construction)

  • Endowments start with 074xxx or 075xxx
  • View accounts balances on Scr 18 instead of Scr 19: 1000 "Claim or Cash" provides current balance
  • Scr 4 provides the Endowment Earnings Distribution
  • Agency Accts start with 094xxx