
Enterprise Risk Management

Managing Safety for the University

Employee Safety Manual

A vital part of our mission is to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all employees. The Office of Environmental Health & Safety, under the Department of Risk Management, has been charged with the oversight of the university’s Environmental Health & Safety Programs. This office is also responsible for providing educational programs, technical assistance and on-site consultation services to the university‘s departments to ensure environmental and safety compliance.

This book is intended for all university employees; faculty, staff, full time, part time, student worker and all other TAMUK employment categories. It has been developed to provide you, the employee, with general safety information you should know about your workplace, answers to general questions you may have regarding your workplace and your rights and responsibilities pertaining to your work area.

There will always be some potential of a work related incident occurring in any position at the university, however, most work related incidences can be avoided through proper training, proper supervision, proper planning and proper work practices. It is very important that you and your supervisor discuss job-specific procedures and the training necessary to perform your specific job duties. Each employee is ultimately responsible for his or her own personal safety, but by working together to understand and practice appropriate safety procedures, 91AV;M-Kingsville will become a safer place to work.

A copy of the Employee Safety Manual can be found here.