ProQuest Submission Process
This institution utilizes ProQuest for Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) submissions.
Two new major changes in format for Thesis and Dissertation Final Documents are:
- 1” margins (top-bottom-left-right) and
- All page numbers should be placed on the bottom center of each page with a half inch margin.
Steps to Submit Final Thesis/Dissertation to ProQuest
Step 1: After completing the theses/dissertations final requirement steps, students will go to the following URL to register and create a personal account and follow the instructions to submit the full document. Students can upload from any computer with internet access.
**If you have questions regarding publishing options, embargo questions..etc., please call the ProQuest Publishing Department at 1-800-521-0600 ext. 77020
Step 2: Graduate Studies Review - the College of Graduate Studies will review the uploaded document. If any errors are found, the student will receive an email notification requesting minor revisions to be completed.
Step 3: Final Approval - If minor revisions have been completed, the student will receive an email notification that manuscript has been accepted.
A Diploma/Transcript Hold will be placed on the student's record until electronic submission is approved.
- The university will no longer bind these documents. If departments and/or students wish to have a bind copy of these documents, the departments and/or students will cover the binding expenses. In this case departments and/or students have the option to go to the following URL: or contact a publishing company.