

Honors College

Class Requirements

Class Requirements
  1. Complete a minimum of 18 hours as Honors before last two semesters.  Breakdown:  6 credits at 1000 or 2000 (lower-level) + 9 credits at 3000 or 4000 (upper-level) + 3 credits in a non-degree required course.
  2. Minimum GPA requirements:
    • Students with 1-30 institutional (TAMUK) credit hours must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA
    • Students with 31-44 institutional credit hours must maintain a 3.25 institutional GPA
    • Students with a minimum of 45 institutional hours must maintain a 3.40 institutional GPA
  3. All Honors courses must be passed with a grade of “C” or higher
  4. Complete an Honors Independent Project to be determined when student reaches 60 credits (junior year)
  5. If a student retakes a class previously done as an Honors class, it needs to redone as Honors to still count in the minimum number of Honors credit hours needed. The student can retake the class as an Honors section or an Honors contract.

There are two ways to earn Honors credit.

  1. Honors sections: These TAMUK courses are open only to officially accepted Honors students.  They are taught in ways that transcend the traditional lecture, allowing for more interaction between the individual student, faculty and fellow Honors students. 
  2. Honors credit by contract: Students may contract with a Professor to earn Honors credit for a non-Honors course.  The basis of the contract is a project on a topic that will not be covered otherwise in the class, therefore providing in-depth training.

In both cases, the Honors student would register officially for the Honors course section which will then be noted on their transcript.