
Campus Map


Building Codes and Addresses

Building Codes and Addresses
AGME Agriculture Mechanics Building 1210 W. Avenue B
ARTA Art Annex 914 W. Santa Gertrudis Ave.
ARMS Armstrong Station 1470 N. Armstrong St.
ATHO Athletic Offices 1455 N. Armstrong Ave.
BAIL Bailey Art Building 916 W. Santa Gertrudis Ave.
BESB Biology/Earth Science Hall 920 N. University Blvd.
BOOK University Bookstore 820 N. University Blvd.
BPSU Baptist Student Ministry 720 N. Armstrong St.
BUSA Business Administration Building 1115 N. University Blvd.
COLH College Hall 955 N. University Blvd.
COUH Cousins Hall 925 W Santa Gertrudis Ave.
CTYC Cisneros Center for Young Children 1113 W. Santa Gertrudis Ave.
DOTT Dotterweich Engineering Building 925 W. Avenue B
DRMA Drama/Art Building 853 N Armstrong St.
EKHL Eckhardt Hall 825 N University Blvd.
ENGC Javelina Engineering Complex 917 W. Avenue B
HAGL Howe Agriculture Lab Building 1125 W. Avenue B
HILL Hill Hall 924 W. Santa Gertrudis Ave.
HREC Health and Recreation Building 925 W. Engineering Ave.
HSBL Human Sciences Building 1155 W. Engineering Ave.
INDT Gross Industry & Technology Building 1005 N. Armstrong St.
JCMU John E. Conner Museum 905 W Santa Gertrudis Ave.
JSEC Javelina Student Engagement Center 1119 W Santa Gertrudis St
JHCC J.H. Clement Rehabilitation Center (CHRISTUS Spohn) 1405 N. Armstrong St.
JOAU Jones Auditorium 855 N. Armstrong St.
JVHO Javelina House 1010 W. Santa Gertrudis Ave.
KAGI Kleberg Agriculture Building 1150 W. Engineering Ave.
KLBH Kleberg Hall 975 W. Avenue B
KVMH Karr-Veterans Memorial Hall 860 W. Engineering Ave.
LEWH Lewis Hall 855 N. University Blvd.
LIBR Jernigan Library 1050 N. University Blvd.
LSWC Student Health and Wellness 1210 N. Retama St.
UNIV Lucio Hall 1015. N. Retama St.
LYNC Lynch Hall 1110 W. Santa Gertrudis Ave.
MANN Manning Hall 910 W. Santa Gertrudis Ave.
MART Martin Hall 1255 W. Engineering Ave.
MCCU McCulley Hall 1355 N. Armstrong St.
MCEL McNeil Engineering Building 920 W. Engineering Ave.
MSUB Memorial Student Union Building 1050 W. Santa Gertrudis Ave.
MUEB Music Education Building 775 N. Armstrong St.
MUSB Bellamah Music Building 905 W. Engineering Ave.
NIAN Nierman Annex 922 W. Santa Gertrudis Ave.
NIER Nierman Science Hall 920 W. Santa Gertrudis Ave.
PHRM Irma L. Rangel College of Pharmacy 1010 W. Avenue B
PHYP Physical Plant Building 1255 N. Retama St.
POTH Poteet Hall 1055 W. Santa Gertrudis Ave.
PRES President’s Home 905 N. Armstrong St.
RHOD Rhode Hall 1055 N. University Blvd.
SAMF Sam Fore Hall 915 W. Engineering Ave.
SPEC Steinke Physical Education Center 910 W. Avenue B
SPEE Speech Building 903 W. Engineering Ave.
SSBL Agriculture Annex/Support Services 1010 N. Retama St.
STAP St. Thomas Aquinas Parish 1115 W. Santa Gertrudis Ave.
TBHL Turner-Bishop Hall 1210 W. Santa Gertrudis Ave.
VETT Farm Animal Facility 1400 W. Sage Rd.