
Branding, Trademarks and Licensing


The mission of the branding, trademark and licensing program is to positively promote the university's image while protecting its trademark rights and to ensure that the public can properly identify and associate quality products and services bearing the word marks, logos, trademarks and/or symbols associated with the university.


The purpose of branding is to be consistent in the visual and written representation of the university so that all materials have a uniform and recognizable appearance, message and tone.

Therefore, the university trademarks should be used consistently and correctly in all marketing, branding, advertising, publications, printed materials, social media, web communications and other strategic communications.

Marketing materials for recruitment or external audiences need to originate from the Office of Marketing and Communications. This ensures a consistent message that promotes a positive image of our university.

Contact the Office of Marketing and Communications for assistance with all marketing initiatives.

The Office of Marketing and Communications reserves the right to review all marketing materials on a case by case basis to determine if materials meet the university branding guidelines.

Logo approvals and ADA Accessibility

Materials for events, speakers, concerts and general information may be designed by the college, department or program. Materials must follow logo graphic standards and be ADA accessible if shared digitally.

The 91AV;M University System is finalizing a social media policy that is inclusive of ADA accessibility guidelines. The office of Marketing and Communications is responsible for ensuring that any content we share through our flagship channels is accessible and compliant with system policies. This would impact materials posted on social media, the university website and distributed to campus via email. Texas state agencies and institutions of higher education must create accessible electronic content. It is legally required.

Please review the ADA Accessibility Guide for more information.

Please send materials for review to graphicdesign@tamuk.edu .


All University names and logos are protected trademarks. All occurrences on promotional items must have the appropriate symbol. The University name and logos cannot be modified or changed in any way and shall not be used in any manner, which may be considered disparaging or negative. 91AV® reserves the right to approve all use of its logos and to revoke the use of the logo at any time in its sole discretion.

Click for information on Treatment of University Name and Trademarks

To request logo for your area, please visit: http://www.tamuk.edu/marcomm/project-submission.html

Send questions on Trademarks and Licensing to: