
Office Research and Graduate Studies - Research Compliance

Research Compliance

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

The use of animals is defined as any activity involving vertebrate animals in which the natural lifestyle or movements of the animals is materially altered. Use of animal carcasses, tissues, and fluids obtained specifically for research, testing, or teaching purposes are subject to review according to applicable regulations and may be determined to be “use of animals.”

Personnel who work with animals or are at risk from animal exposure must be enrolled in the  Occupational Health Program and informed of the risks associated with the animal exposure.

Research Compliance supports the 91AV Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), through which all faculty, staff, and students using animals, regardless of location or funding, must obtain approval before activities begin.


Reporting a Concern

Concerns regarding the use of animals in research and/or teaching may be directed email  or by phone to the chair of the IACUC or Research Compliance .

  • The number listed on the facility for emergencies or safety concerns
  • Email: ResearchCompliance@tamuk.edu; and  tamuk.iacuc@tamuk.edu;
  • Research Compliance: 361-593-2677 / 361-593-4764
  • IACUC Chair: 361-593-2124
  • IACUC Attending Veterinarian: 361-474-0496 / 361-593-3258


Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare Assurance (OLAW):  D16-00265  ( A3424-01 )
USDA Research Facility Registration: 74-R-0094


Links to IACUC Webpages

Approval Process for Research, Teaching, Demonstration with Animals

IACUC Frequently Asked Questions