Student Rating of Instruction FAQ
There are THREE ways to view your results.
Option 1:
- Log in to
- Click on the “FACULTY” tab
- Click on “STUDENT RATINGS OF INSTRUCTION (SR)” link under the “FACULTY TOOLS” channel
- You will be directed to INSTRUCTOR DASHBOARD of the course evaluation system, click "COURSE EVALUATION REPORTING"
- On the COURSE EVALUATION REPORTING site, choose the “TERM” you would like to see results for.
- Select “COURSE SUMMARY” from the Output drop-down menu
- Click the “SEARCH” button to display SRI summary on the browser; by checking the option of “EXCEL” and then “SEARCH”, the SRI summary will be exported to a excel file.
- Select which “COURSE” you want to view summary of by clicking on the ACTIVE BLUE LINK, EX: ABCD 124 001 or ABCD 5678 002
- Click the check box next to “SHOW COMPARATIVE AVERAGES” and/or “SHOW DETAIL COMPARATIVE STATS” if you would like to include comparative results such as college/department averages, then the “SEARCH” button.
Option 2:
Submit an SRI Request (current faculty only)
- On our PES website,, from the drop-down menu on the right…
- Click on the Data Requests tab
- Click on “SRI Summary Request Form”
- Complete form and submit
Option 3:
Submit a Public Information Request (external requests, former employees)
For more information about public information requests or to access the online request form, please contact the Office of Compliance website, /finance/compliance/open_records.html.
Yes. You will receive a weekly e-mail from the course evaluation system with a list of the classes you teach and the response rate.
The Instructor & Course Questions...
- The instructor is considerate of the students during class.
- The instructor presents the subject matter in a clear and organized manner.
- Tests and other requirements cover the course description in the syllabus.
- The instructor sets high academic standards.
- The instructor follows the grading system outlined in the syllabus.
- The instructor is available during office hours.
- Lectures, discussions, and/or demonstrations focus on the material outlined in the syllabus.
- The results and tests and assignments are returned in a reasonable amount of time.
- The textbook(s) and/or other required materials support the course objectives.
- The instructor takes time to answer questions.
- The instructor attempts to involve students in class discussions & activities.
- The instructor required high quality work.
- The instructor communicates the importance of the subject matter.
- The instructor cannot be reached during posted office hours.
- The instructor uses examples to help students understand.
Potential Answers: Strongly Disagree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Agree, or N/A
Additional Questions …
- Compared to other college courses I have taken, the amount of effort required to succeed. Potential Answers: N/A, Higher, Same, or Lower
- The grade that I expected in this class is. Potential Answers: N/A, A, B, C, D, or F
- My reason for taking this course. Potential Answers: Required or Elective
Please give your views on the quality of the instruction in this course. In your comments, please include both strengths and weaknesses.