

Office of Performance Excellence & Strategy (PES)

Student Rating of Instruction FAQ

Yes, this evaluation is completely anonymous.  Your responses will be kept confidential.  Please feel free to contact our office if there are any further questions.

Professors do not have a way of seeing individual students' responses; they receive a weekly summary showing the percentage of students that have completed the SRI.  This is sent out in order for the professors to encourage participation from their students.  After the SRI period is closed, they will see the complete reports including comments, but no names or identifying information is included.

A summary report of SRIs, including comments, is provided to professors approximately 5 days after the end day of classes. Meanwhile, Instructors can access their SRI summaries through JNet. 

Yes. You'll be able to submit your course evaluations through Blue&Gold. Please download the Blue and Gold Instructions.

If you officially dropped, you should not receive the reminder. Please contact the Office of the Registrar at 361-593-2811 when you encounter this problem.

No. The SRI system is set to send reminder emails twice a week until the evaluation is completed.  Once completed, the emails should cease.

The notices are sent to both students' university emails and personal emails entered in Blue & Gold.  Please check Blue & Gold to see what email addresses are listed there.  You can also update and add additional email addresses in Blue & Gold.

First try opening the link using different browsers (Chrome, Firebox, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.).  Next, try opening the link on a mobile device (tablet or smart-phone), if available.  In addition to this, please test your internet connection, as the problem you are experiencing may be temporary.  If you are still having difficulties, please contact our office at 361-593-2244 or koir2000@tamuk.edu.

Unfortunately, the emails generated are automatically sent to the addresses provided to the university in Blue & Gold.

Please contact Office of Institutional Research and Assessment at 361.593.2244 or koir2000@tamuk.edu to discuss further details.

The course evaluation emails are generated automatically based on course registration records in Blue & Gold. If you believe you are asked to evaluate a wrong professor/course, please contact the Office of Registrar to verify your current registration record.
For Instructor

There are THREE ways to view your results.
Option 1:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click on the “FACULTY” tab
  3. Click on “STUDENT RATINGS OF INSTRUCTION (SR)” link under the “FACULTY TOOLS” channel
  4. You will be directed to INSTRUCTOR DASHBOARD of the course evaluation system, click "COURSE EVALUATION REPORTING"
  5. On the COURSE EVALUATION REPORTING site, choose the “TERM” you would like to see results for.
  6. Select “COURSE SUMMARY” from the Output drop-down menu
  7. Click the “SEARCH” button to display SRI summary on the browser; by checking the option of “EXCEL” and then “SEARCH”, the SRI summary will be exported to a excel file.
  8. Select which “COURSE” you want to view summary of by clicking on the ACTIVE BLUE LINK, EX: ABCD 124 001 or ABCD 5678 002
  9. Click the check box next to “SHOW COMPARATIVE AVERAGES” and/or “SHOW DETAIL COMPARATIVE STATS” if you would like to include comparative results such as college/department averages, then the “SEARCH” button.

JNET main page

Instructor Dashboard

SRI reporting

Option 2:

Submit an SRI Request (current faculty only)

  1. On our PES website, www.tamuk.edu/pes, from the drop-down menu on the right…
  2. Click on the Data Requests tab
  3. Click on “SRI Summary Request Form”
  4. Complete form and submit


Option 3:

Submit a Public Information Request (external requests, former employees)

For more information about public information requests or to access the online request form, please contact the Office of Compliance website, /finance/compliance/open_records.html.


Yes. You will receive a weekly e-mail from the course evaluation system with a list of the classes you teach and the response rate.

Normally, you will receive your survey results by e-mail 5 days after the semester (session) end. This summary is generated automatically by the SRI System. Meanwhile, SRI results are available in JNET (mentioned in Question 1) the next day after the course evaluation is closed.

The number of students responding, and response breakdowns are provided for each question on the survey, by class section and includes all student comments.

Beginning Fall 2012, the summaries from PES accommodate the grade distribution. Also, IR summaries have comparative results; such as course prefix mean, college means, and university means. Student comments are also included.

Different from system generated summaries, this question is reversed on IR summaries so that the question is not reflected in a negative response.

How long the course evaluation is open varies by the length of a semester or a session. For regular semesters such as Fall & Spring, students may complete SRIs within approximately “4 WEEKS”. A 8-week session will have a window of “2 weeks” prior to end dates.

Students will receive an e-mail containing a link to the survey at the beginning of the survey period, and “TWICE A WEEK” until they complete the survey or until the closing date, whichever occurs first.

Please contact PES at 361.593.2244 or koir2000@tamuk.edu to discuss further details.

The survey is anonymous, but students can print a confirmation receipt after they've completed the survey. This receipt remains available to them as long as they keep the e-mail link for the survey and the surveys are still open.

Please contact the iTech help desk at 361.593.HELP(4357).

All reporting on survey results is suspended while surveys are open. Department Deans/Chairs will receive the standard OIRA summaries via e-mail 3-4 weeks after the semester has ended.

The Instructor & Course Questions...

  1. The instructor is considerate of the students during class.
  2. The instructor presents the subject matter in a clear and organized manner.
  3. Tests and other requirements cover the course description in the syllabus.
  4. The instructor sets high academic standards.
  5. The instructor follows the grading system outlined in the syllabus.
  6. The instructor is available during office hours.
  7. Lectures, discussions, and/or demonstrations focus on the material outlined in the syllabus.
  8. The results and tests and assignments are returned in a reasonable amount of time.
  9. The textbook(s) and/or other required materials support the course objectives.
  10. The instructor takes time to answer questions.
  11. The instructor attempts to involve students in class discussions & activities.
  12. The instructor required high quality work.
  13. The instructor communicates the importance of the subject matter.
  14. The instructor cannot be reached during posted office hours.
  15. The instructor uses examples to help students understand.

Potential Answers: Strongly Disagree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Agree, or N/A

Additional Questions

  1. Compared to other college courses I have taken, the amount of effort required to succeed. Potential Answers: N/A, Higher, Same, or Lower
  2. The grade that I expected in this class is. Potential Answers: N/A, A, B, C, D, or F
  3. My reason for taking this course. Potential Answers: Required or Elective


Please give your views on the quality of the instruction in this course. In your comments, please include both strengths and weaknesses.

If you have other questions, please contact our department, Office of Institutional Research at 361.593.2244 or via e-mail at koir2000@tamuk.edu