
Office Of The Registrar

Academic Procedures

Withdrawal from the University

Definition of a Withdrawal: Students who drop ALL classes for which they are enrolled are considered to have withdrawn from the university for that semester.

If a student finds it necessary to withdraw from the university, the student must notify the Office of the Registrar in person and process a written withdrawal form. A student exempt from Senate Bill 1231 who is withdrawing from the university prior to the last day to drop/withdraw (see the 2023-2024 Academic Calendar for exact dates) of the semester/term will receive a grade of Q in each course being dropped at the time of withdrawal. In the case of a student subject to Senate Bill 1231, a grade of QE will be awarded in each course. Students may not withdraw from the university after the last day to drop/withdraw (set by the university academic calendar).

  • NOTE: A student wishing to withdraw will need to contact the Office of the Registrar directly to obtain the Request for Withdrawal Form. Staff members can assist you in making an informed decision; explain the difference between dropping a course and withdrawing; things to think about before withdrawing; implications academically or financially; institution's withdrawal policy; and steps to proceed with withdrawal process.
  • IMPORTANT: Drops or withdrawals are initiated by the student. Not attending class does not initiate a drop, withdrawal or refund and may result in failing grades.

Refund of Fees

When a student withdraws from the university, he/she is authorized a refund of tuition and fees based on the date of the withdrawal and the number of weeks of the enrolled semester/term/session. The refund policy is based on legislative law found under the Texas Education Code, Chapter 54, Article 54.006. The code outlines the following refund policy:

All Semesters/Terms/Sessions
Prior to the 1st Class Day, refund percentage -- 100%

Semesters/Terms of 10-weeks or Longer (i.e., Fall/Spring Semesters; 10-week Summer Term)
a. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th class day, refund percentage -- 80%
b. 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th class day, refund percentage -- 70%
c. 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th class day, refund percentage -- 50%
d. 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th class day, refund percentage -- 25%
e. after the 20th class day, refund percentage -- 0%

Terms/Sessions of More Than 5-weeks But Less Than 10-weeks (i.e., 8-week session during Fall/Spring Semesters)
a. 1st, 2nd and 3rd class day, refund percentage -- 80%
b. 4th, 5th and 6th class day, refund percentage -- 50%
c. after the 6th class day, refund percentage -- 0%

Terms/Sessions of 5-weeks or Less (i.e., Fall/Spring or Summer Intersessions; 5-week Summer Session)
a. 1st class day, refund percentage -- 80%
b. 2nd class day, refund percentage -- 50%
c. after 2nd class day, refund percentage -- 0%

The “first class day” is determined by the beginning of a semester, summer session or intercession. The “first class day” is not defined by individual courses. Please refer to the academic calendar for the first class day date.