


Change of Address

Official notification of change of address is necessary for accurate mailing of important correspondence from the University, such as grades, statements, financial aid awards, and notices about special events. It is the student's responsibility to keep the Office of the Registrar informed of any changes. If you move during the semester, please stop by the Office of the Registrar at Blue and Gold Central in MSUB, to update your address information. You may also fax a change of address to (361)593-2195. Updates to addresses will be done immediately upon receipt.

Ways to Change Address:

Note: There are three different types of addresses that are used for mailings at various times during the year. When submitting an address change form, please specify what type of address you are updating. 

The three types of addresses are listed below.

Financial aid award letters and financial aid missing information are also sent to this address prior to the semester beginning (after the semester begins, financial aid information is sent to the local address if the student has one listed, if not the information will continue to be sent to the permanent address).

Refund checks and tuition bills are sent to this address (if the student has not listed a billing address, this information will be sent to the permanent address). 

Financial aid award letters and financial aid missing information letters are sent to this address (if the student does not have a local address, this information will be sent to the permanent address).