
Student Engagement and Campus Life

Student Service Fees

Student Service Fee Advisory Board FAQ's

Each department that receives funding from the Student Service Fee makes an annual presentation to SSFAB, detailing any requests for additional funding. The members of SSFAB discuss each line item of each budget at length to decide if the requests will benefit students at a reasonable cost. After each request is thoroughly discussed, members vote in favor or against it; all requests receiving a majority vote are approved. Once this process is completed, the approved requests are totaled and the amount of the Student Service Fee increase, if any, is established.

The Student Service Fee funds services and programs that are separate and apart from regularly scheduled academic functions of the University and directly involve or benefit students. This includes various programs offered by departments both affiliated and not affiliated with the Division of Student Affairs. The departments that receive Student Service Fee monies are: the Memorial Student Center/University Center Complex, Student Activities, the Student Government Association, Choral Activities, Student Counseling Service, Band, Student Organization Finance Center, Center for Young Children, Services for Students with Disabilities, Athletic Scholarships. The Student Service Fee funds salaries and programs within each of these departments.

The current Student Service Fee is $16.94 per semester credit hour (SCH), not to exceed $250 total per semester.