
Student Health and Wellness

Wellness Program

Healthy Javelinas Wellness Program

Wellness written out on blocks

A Strong Body…A Strong Mind


SHW Wellness Program (WP) strives to provide students with an increased awareness on education, prevention and intervention services including alcohol, tobacco, other drug use, and misuse, HIV/AIDS & other STDs/STIs, sexual health, and sexual assault, while promoting positive decision-making and healthy lifestyles.

SHW Wellness Programs are based on the Eight Dimensions of Wellness.

Click on the picture below to watch a short animated video that explores the Eight Dimensions of Wellness to understand practical strategies and ways you can begin developing healthy habits that can have a positive impact on your physical and mental health.


National College Health Assessment

The National College Health Assessment (NCHA) is a confidential, online survey used by universities across the country to understand the health issues and concerns of college students. SHW administers the survey every other year to a random sample of TAMUK students.

The NCHA collects information from students on topics like alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use, sexual and mental health, weight and nutrition, and personal safety and violence. SHW uses survey results to plan programs and services to meet the expressed needs of TAMUK students.

Student Recreation Center (STRC)

The STRC provides many opportunities for 91AV students to partake in indoor recreational, intramural sports, and fitness activities. The STRC includes two full-size multipurpose basketball courts; a 6,100 square foot cardio fitness and free weight room; and a 1/12 mile elevated indoor jogging track. Activities such as volleyball, badminton, and soccer are played in the gymnasium. The STRC also offers an adjacent outdoor basketball court.