
McNair Symposium

2024 McNair Research Symposium

Celeste Liguez

Teacher Perspective: Ethnographic Study of Adolescent Math Education in South Texas

The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) math scores reveal stagnant achievement levels among middle school students (Texas Education Agency, 2024). This ethnographic case study examined math instructional practices and teacher perspectives at two South Texas middle schools within the same public school district. Focus group discussions with twenty-seven math teachers and twenty-four classroom observations were conducted to evaluate math instructional methods and identify challenges teaching math to adolescents. The study aimed to address two key questions: “What are teachers’ perceptions and experiences teaching math to middle school students?” and “How do middle school math teachers implement state standards in their classrooms?” Participants demonstrated a commitment to teaching state standards but encounter difficulties with rigorous curriculum and limited time to address student needs effectively. These challenges, compounded by pressures from state assessments and restricted instructional flexibility impeded the ability to meet individual student needs.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jeffrey Chernosky

Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling

Celeste Liguez' poster

Celeste Liguez