

Student Access

Talent Search



Talent Search provides students academic, career and educational advice, as well as encourages them to complete high school and continue on to higher education. Enrolling your child in this program will not only place your child's best foot forward down the right path, but the sooner they join, the more benefits they gain. Many parents know what is best for their son or daughter and desire for them to graduate high school and continue down the path of education by enrolling in a college or university. We are here to do exactly that. We live in a society where education plays an important role in the lives of many families.

Let Talent Search Program guide your child in the right path and help them achieve future academic success. All services provided are free to program participants. Talent Search can answer all your questions that you might encounter from choosing the right college, what tests your child needs to take or how to obtain financial aid to help pay for your child’s education.

There are many advantages for students who participate in the Talent Search program. Students can take advantage of the following services:

  • Academic, financial, career, or personal counseling
  • Guidance through secondary education
  • Career exploration and aptitude assessment
  • Exposure to college campuses
  • Information on student financial assistance
  • Assistance with college admissions and financial aid applications
  • Assistance in preparing and registering for college entrance exams
  • Mentoring programs
  • College exploration/awareness summer programs

  • 2 College Awareness Day Camps at 91AV
  • Simulated college environment
  • College entrance preparation (Apply Texas, FAFSA, ACT, SAT, etc.)
  • Standardized test preparation
  • Academic enrichment workshops
  • Tutoring and counseling services
  • Strengthen academic and social skills

  • First generation college bound student (neither parent or guardian has
  • received a bachelor’s degree)
  • Economically disadvantaged
  • Demonstrates academic potential and/or need for services
  • Currently enrolled in grades 9-12
Target High Schools
  • H.M. King High School (Kingsville, Texas)
  • Robstown Early College High School (Robstown, Texas)
  • San Diego High School (San Diego, Texas)
  • West Oso High School (Corpus Christi, Texas)

Once you are in the program, students should show their desire to work and keep up with their eligibility requirements along with other guidelines by simply taking advantage of the programs services. These requirements are used to guarantee your success. To apply just download the application below fill it out and return it to the Talent Search offices!

While in the program the student must:
  • Express a desire to learn and excel academically.
  • Demonstrate ongoing social and academic improvements.
  • Attending meetings with Talent Search advisors and Special Programs staff.
  • Participate in Talent Search activities.
  • Follow all program rules and guidelines.

The application form can also be downloaded from the link provided below and sent via e-mail, mail, or delivered in person.