
Student Success

Academic Recovery Program

ACE-Academic Collegiate Enhancement

The Center for Student Success is committed to the successful transition and graduation of every student at 91AV.  The Academic Collegiate Enhancement incorporates the combined efforts of administration, staff, professors, and students to enhance student success. Student interaction is vital for a timely graduation, and the Academic Collegiate Enhancement Program is designed to assist students in reaching their ultimate goal of earning their undergraduate degree.

Components of the Academic Collegiate Enhancement:

Students participating in the Academic Collegiate Enhancement Program are required to attend coaching meetings with their academic recovery coach. Academic Collegiate Enhancement sessions are intended to improve academic skill development. The focus will be on prioritizing, time management, balancing schedules, and/or identifying personal situations that could be affecting academic performance, as well as academic skills such as studying, note taking, and test taking. Coaches can direct students to additional resources on campus as needed.

Students participating in the Academic Collegiate Enhancement Program are required to attend at least one 1-hour tutoring or SI session per week. Tutoring can be scheduled within the JAVA Lab, The Writing Center, Student Access or the Javelina Engineering Success Center.

These sessions are important to help students be successful in historically difficult courses or in courses they may be retaking. Research has shown that students who attend tutoring at least 1-hour are more successful than those who do not.

Students participating in the Academic Collegiate Enhancement Program are required to attend the U-TURN/POWER program with the Student Health in Wellness Center in which they will attend sessions which will cover the following topics: time management, study skills, test taking strategies, self-esteem, and motivation. These sessions will discuss how to prioritize, how to create a schedule, how to help yourself get organized, how to study best for your specific learning style, how to deal with test anxiety, and strategies for taking a variety of types of tests.

Students participating in the Academic Collegiate Enhancement Program are required to have at least one interaction with TAMUK’s Career Center to help them develop and clarify how their educational goals are related to and can help them achieve their career and life goals. Typical interactions include attending the Career Center Informational Workshop and/or scheduling a one-on-one appointment with a Career Advisor.
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